Platforme API enables any e-commerce website to support digital customisation, personalisation, dynamic pricing, product visualisation and production order managing.
Before start using Platforme API, there are some important concepts to be conscious of. If you are not familiarized, you recommend you to read the Dev Portal's Concepts section.
The API returns standard HTTP success or error status codes. For errors, the response includes extra information about what went wrong encoded in the response as JSON.
Status Code | |
200 | The request was successful. |
400 | Bad request - Due to an apparent client error (ie: malformed request syntax, invalid input, etc) |
401 | Unauthorized - Similar to 403 Forbidden, but specifically for use when authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided. |
403 | Forbidden - The user might not have the necessary permissions for a resource. |
404 | Not Found - The requested resource could not be found. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
Platforme API supports cross-origin HTTP requests (aka CORS), meaning that one can call API resources using Javascript from any browser. A note of caution: it’s important to remember that one should never publicly expose API keys or credentials - CORS is mainly useful with unauthenticated endpoints, and there're an handful of endpoints intended for server-to-server scenarios.
There are two ways to include authentication in our API requests:
- RIPE Session ID (recommended)
- RIPE Key
RIPE Session ID
RIPE Session ID will allow authenticated RIPE requests but to get a session id we need a Platforme token.
Obtaining a Platforme token
Getting a Platforme token can be done using the browser.
When using the browser, login into Platforme ID and click the tokens button and then "generate" at the top, a new page will load and display your generated Platforme token.
Redeeming a Platforme token (optional)
Optionally we can redeem the token with Platforme ID API to verify that the token is valid and obtain information about the token's account.
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"acl": {
"type": 3,
"acl": [
"tokens": [
"account": {
"username": "",
"email": "",
"meta": {
"ripe-core-prod": {
"brand_t": [
"justification": "We need a dummy account for documentation purposes",
"name": "Dummy",
"requester": "",
"list": true,
"label": "Viewer (Sandbox)"
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
token | yes | text | null |
The Platforme ID API token. |
Now that we have our Platforme ID Token, we will be using it to obtain a RIPE session id.
Obtaining a RIPE Session ID
In order to obtain our session id we simply need to make a request to RIPE API.
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"sid": "99e43a2cac0345e068854f9a7d3e4989491eaf2456dc3fd51736ece02b41ba66",
"session_id": "99e43a2cac0345e068854f9a7d3e4989491eaf2456dc3fd51736ece02b41ba66",
"username": "",
"name": "",
"email": "",
"tokens": []
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
token | yes | text | null |
The Platforme ID API token. |
After obtaining the RIPE session_id
, it should be included as a parameter, provided as the value of "sid" parameter.
The RIPE Key is only internally provided as an access key. It should not be used by everyone, thus, if you don't have one, please authenticate by RIPE Session ID.
The RIPE Key should be included in the request headers, provided as the value of X-Secret-Key
Render Endpoints
Example Request
curl " \
brand=swear& \
model=vyner& \
frame=0& \
p=lining:calf_lining:white& \
p=front:nappa:grey& \
p=side:nappa:navy& \
p=sole:rubber:yellow& \
p=laces:nylon:burnt_orange& \
p=logo:metal:gold& \
p=hardware:metal:gold& \
p=shadow:default:default& \
format=png& \
Example Response
Example Request
curl " \
brand=swear& \
model=vyner& \
frame=top& \
p=lining:calf_lining:white& \
p=front:nappa:grey& \
p=side:nappa:navy& \
p=sole:rubber:yellow& \
p=laces:nylon:burnt_orange& \
p=logo:metal:gold& \
p=hardware:metal:gold& \
initials_profile=gold& \
Example Response
This endpoint is used to render a frame of a given customization.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The brand's model. |
model | no | text | null |
The model to compose. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model . |
product_id | no | numeric | null |
The product's unique identification (ID). |
p | no | text | null |
The configuration of the model, set this parameter for each triplet (part:material:color ). If it is not defined then the default parts are used. |
frame | no | text | 0 |
The frame of the model to be presented. |
cache | no | boolean | true |
If a cached version of the frame should be used if available. |
format | no | text | png |
The format of the image. Many formats are supported, like png , jpeg , webp , or webpl . |
size | no | numeric | 1000 |
The size of the image in pixels. This value applies to both its width and height. |
width | no | numeric | 1000 |
The width of the image in pixels, overrides the size value. |
height | no | numeric | 1000 |
The height of the image in pixels, overrides the size value . |
rotation | no | numeric | null |
The angle in degrees of the rotation to apply on the model. |
crop | no | boolean | false |
If true then the outer blank parts of the image will be removed. This operation changes the size of the image. |
bounding_box | no | numeric list | null |
Two comma separated values for width and height to apply a resize operation on the image. |
algorithm | no | text | source_over |
The blending algorithm to be used. Supports source_over , multiplicative , disjoint_over and disjoint_under . |
background | no | text | #000000 |
The hex value of the background color to be used. If the format is png , webp or sgi then the default background is transparent. |
initials_profile | no | list | null |
The name of the profile to be used. A profile what what defines a premade configuration in a specific product. The configuration can set the values such as the font type, color and size, the initials position and rotation. This supports the use of namespacing. |
initials_x | no | number | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's position on the x axis. |
initials_y | no | number | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's position on the y axis. |
initials_width | no | number | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's width. |
initials_height | no | number | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's height. |
initials_viewport | no | list | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's viewport. Viewport is a window (specified by [x, y, width, height] ) that defines a region to be shown with a zoom. It is used to showcase the initials. |
initials_color | no | text | 000000 |
Overrides the initials_profile 's color to be applied to the initials. |
initials_opacity | no | number | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's opacity to be applied to the initials. This value ranges from 0 to 1. |
initials_align | no | text | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's orientation of the initials to be applied. This field can be left , right or center . |
initials_vertical | no | text | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's vertical alignment on the initials. This field can be top , bottom or middle . |
initials_embossing | no | text | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's embossing type of the initials. The available options vary with each model. |
initials_rotation | no | number | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's rotation angle, in degrees, to be applied to the initials. |
initials_pattern | no | text | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's initials pattern, that defines a regular expression to validate the initials. |
initials_exclusion | no | text | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's initials exclusion. This is a list that defines which parts are excluded from the custumization. |
initials_image_rotation | no | number | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's rotation angle, in degrees, to be applied to image. |
font_family | no | text | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's font to be applied on the initials. |
font_weight | no | text | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's font weight to be applied on the initials. |
font_size | no | text | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's font size to be applied on the initials. |
font_spacing | no | text | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's spacing between each letter. |
font_trim | no | boolean | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's font trim, which defines wether the extra spaces are ignored or not. |
shadow | no | boolean | true |
Overrides the initials_profile 's shadow, which defines if the initials have a shadow. |
shadow_color | no | text | ffffff |
Overrides the initials_profile 's color of the shadow to be used. |
shadow_offset | no | text | null |
Overrides the initials_profile 's offset to be applied on the shadow. |
options | no | text | null |
The composition options, set this parameter for each tuplet (option:value ). Supports quality , dpi , locale and country . |
Example Request
curl " \
brand=swear& \
model=vyner& \
p=lining:calf_lining:white& \
p=front:nappa:grey& \
p=side:nappa:navy& \
p=sole:rubber:yellow& \
p=laces:nylon:burnt_orange& \
p=logo:metal:gold& \
p=hardware:metal:gold& \
Example Response
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The brand's model. |
model | no | text | null |
The model to compose. |
version | no | numeric | null |
The version of the specified model . |
p | no | text | null |
The configuration of the model, set this parameter for each triplet (part:material:color ). |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the video of the model. |
Video Thumbnail
Example Request
curl " \
brand=swear& \
model=vyner& \
p=lining:calf_lining:white& \
p=front:nappa:grey& \
p=side:nappa:navy& \
p=sole:rubber:yellow& \
p=laces:nylon:burnt_orange& \
p=logo:metal:gold& \
p=hardware:metal:gold& \
Example Response
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The brand's model. |
model | no | text | null |
The model to compose. |
version | no | numeric | null |
The version of the specified model . |
p | no | text | null |
The configuration of the model, set this parameter for each triplet (part:material:color ). |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the video of the model. |
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
This endpoint returns a masked version of the model, where the parts have a black overlay. It can be used to highlight a specific part.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
model | yes | text | The model to compose. | |
brand | no | text | null |
The brand's model. |
part | no | text | null |
The part to be masked. If not defined then all masks are shown. |
frame | no | text | 0 |
The frame of the model to be presented. |
format | no | text | png |
The format of the image, one of png , jpeg , or webp . |
size | no | numeric | model size | The size of the image in pixels. This value applies to both its width and height. Defaults to the model size in its specification. |
curl ""
This endpoint gets the swatch of a material on a particular color.
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name that the material belongs to. | |
material | yes | text | The desired material to render the swatch. | |
color | yes | text | The color of the material to render the swatch. |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
model | no | text | null |
The model's name that the material belongs to. |
version | no | number | latest | The model's build's version. |
part | no | text | null |
The part the material belongs to. |
retina | no | boolean | false |
If true, will render the swatch on retina resolution (2x the source resolution). |
variant | no | text | null |
The model's variant. |
Config Endpoints
The Info endpoint returns the customization information for the queryable context.
Using this API one can resolve a customization by:
within adomain
- the base customization of a
's variant
Example Request
curl "\
Example Response
"brand": "swear",
"model": "vyner",
"version": "186",
"product_id": null,
"variant": null,
"parts": {
"lining": {
"material": "calf_lining",
"color": "white"
"front": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "grey"
"side": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "navy"
"sole": {
"material": "rubber",
"color": "yellow"
"laces": {
"material": "nylon",
"color": "burnt_orange"
"logo": {
"material": "metal",
"color": "gold"
"hardware": {
"material": "metal",
"color": "gold"
"shadow": {
"material": "default",
"color": "default"
"hash": "520683e3be7c71fbe71fba7116610b39",
"dku": "swear.vyner.186.3:5.0:1.0:3.0:3.4:6.0:6.4:0:1.5:0:0",
"query": "brand=swear&model=vyner&version=186&p=front:nappa:grey&p=hardware:metal:gold&p=laces:nylon:burnt_orange&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=logo:metal:gold&p=shadow:default:default&p=side:nappa:navy&p=sole:rubber:yellow"
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
model | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
version | no | numeric | latest | The version for the specified model. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
initials | no | text | null |
The initials value used to personalize the model. |
engraving | no | text | null |
The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2 . |
initials_extra | no | dictionary | null |
An object representing personalization (initials and engraving) for each personalization group. |
p | no | list of text | null |
The configuration of the model, described as a set of triplets in the form of part:material:color . |
size | no | numeric | null |
The model's size. |
gender | no | text | null |
The model's gender. |
meta | no | text | null |
The model's metadata. |
product_id | no | numeric | null |
The product's unique identification (ID) assigned to a particular configuration. |
sku | no | text | null |
The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) assigned to a particular configuration. |
dku | no | text | null |
The Dynamic Keeping Unit (DKU) that represents a particular configuration. |
domain | no | text | brand | The SKU domain (falls back to brand value). |
guess | no | boolean | null |
A flag normally used to guess the brand and version if those parameters are not provided. |
params | no | boolean | null |
The extra meta information associated with the model. |
Example Request
curl "\
Example Response
"components": {
"side": {
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "EUR",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [
"Nappa Leather"
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR",
"cites": false
"hardware": {
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "EUR",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [],
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR",
"cites": false
"total": {
"price_final": 358.01,
"price_taxes": 331.67,
"vat": 0.0,
"ddp": 26.34,
"ddp_percent": 7.9426272,
"vat_rate": 0.0,
"price": 331.67,
"currency": "EUR",
"country": "US",
"hs_codes": [
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"shipping": 0.0,
"notes": [
"Nappa Leather"
"diag": {
"no_round": {
"price_final": 358.01,
"price_taxes": 331.67,
"price": 331.67,
"vat": 0.0,
"ddp": 26.34
"patch": true,
"round_value": true,
"is_vat": false,
"is_ddp": true,
"is_european": false,
"is_rounded": false,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR"
"cites": false
The price information of a customized model according to all provided parameters, such as the presence of initials, each part material or even the client's country code. Besides the total product price, each component's price is also calculated.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
model | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
version | no | numeric | latest | The version for the specified model. |
cites | no | boolean | null |
The flag that specifies if the price should have the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) |
product_id | no | numeric | null |
The product's unique identification (ID). |
currency | no | text | EUR |
The ISO 4217 currency code in which the price shall be calculated with. |
country | no | text | US |
The ISO 3166-2 code of the country to which the product is going to be purchased. |
initials | no | text | null |
The initials value used to personalize the model. |
letters | no | text | null |
The initials value used to personalize the model. Similar to the initials parameter. |
engraving | no | text | null |
The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2 . |
embossing | no | text | null |
The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2 . Similar to the engraving parameter. |
p | no | list of text | null |
The configuration of the model, described as a set of triplets in the form of part:material:color . |
Example Request
curl "\
Example Response
"components": {
"side": {
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "EUR",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [
"Nappa Leather"
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR",
"cites": false
"engraving": {
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "EUR",
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR"
"total": {
"price_final": 358.01,
"price_taxes": 331.67,
"vat": 0.0,
"ddp": 26.34,
"ddp_percent": 7.9426272,
"vat_rate": 0.0,
"price": 331.67,
"currency": "EUR",
"country": "US",
"hs_codes": [
"hs_code_priority": -1,
"shipping": 0.0,
"notes": [
"Nappa Leather"
"diag": {
"no_round": {
"price_final": 358.01,
"price_taxes": 331.67,
"price": 331.67,
"vat": 0.0,
"ddp": 26.34
"patch": true,
"round_value": true,
"is_vat": false,
"is_ddp": true,
"is_european": false,
"is_rounded": false,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR"
"cites": false
"components": {
"hardware": {
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "EUR",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [],
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR",
"cites": false
"total": {
"price_final": 169.17,
"price_taxes": 165.83,
"vat": 0.0,
"ddp": 3.34,
"ddp_percent": 2.0128,
"vat_rate": 0.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "EUR",
"country": "US",
"hs_codes": [
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"shipping": 0.0,
"notes": [],
"diag": {
"no_round": {
"price_final": 169.17,
"price_taxes": 165.83,
"price": 165.83,
"vat": 0.0,
"ddp": 3.34
"patch": true,
"round_value": true,
"is_vat": false,
"is_ddp": true,
"is_european": false,
"is_rounded": false,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR"
"cites": false
The price information for each part of a customized model according to all provided parameters, such as the presence of initials, each part material or even the client's country code. The total product price is returned for each part of the model, instead of the total price of the product, as in the endpoint Price.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
model | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
version | no | numeric | latest | The version for the specified model. |
cites | no | boolean | null |
The flag that specifies if the price should have the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) |
product_id | no | numeric | null |
The product's unique identification (ID). |
currency | no | text | EUR |
The ISO 4217 currency code in which the price shall be calculated with. |
country | no | text | US |
The ISO 3166-2 code of the country to which the product is going to be purchased. |
initials |
no | text | null |
The initials value used to personalize the model. There can be several initials parameters, each parameter must have an index, for example initials0 , which will match with the respective engraving and p with the same index. |
letters |
no | text | null |
The initials value used to personalize the model. Similar to the initials parameter. |
engraving |
no | text | null |
The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2 . There can be several engraving parameters, each parameter must have an index, for example engraving0 , which will match with the respective initials and p with the same index. |
embossing |
no | text | null |
The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2 . Similar to the engraving parameter. |
p |
no | list of text | null |
The configuration of the model, described as a set of triplets in the form of part:material:color . There can be several p parameters, each parameter must have an index, for example p0 , which will match with the respective initials and engraving with the same index. |
Example Request
curl "\
Example Response
"components": {
"front": {
"delivery": 12,
"quantity": 1,
"rule_id": 27166,
"rule_count": 5,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "EUR",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [
"Nappa Leather"
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR",
"cites": false
"side": {
"delivery": 12,
"quantity": 1,
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "EUR",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [
"Nappa Leather"
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR",
"cites": false
"hardware": {
"delivery": 12,
"quantity": 1,
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "EUR",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [],
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR",
"cites": false
"laces": {
"delivery": 12,
"quantity": 1,
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "EUR",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [],
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR",
"cites": false
"lining": {
"delivery": 12,
"quantity": 1,
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "EUR",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [],
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR",
"cites": false
"sole": {
"delivery": 12,
"quantity": 1,
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "EUR",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR",
"cites": false
"shadow": {
"delivery": 12,
"quantity": 1,
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "EUR",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [],
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR",
"cites": false
"total": {
"delivery": 12,
"quantity": 1,
"price_final": 1377.36,
"price_taxes": 1160.83,
"vat": 0.0,
"ddp": 216.53,
"ddp_percent": 18.6528544,
"vat_rate": 0.0,
"price": 1160.83,
"currency": "EUR",
"country": "US",
"hs_codes": [
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"shipping": 0.0,
"notes": [
"Nappa Leather",
"diag": {
"no_round": {
"price_final": 1377.36,
"price_taxes": 1160.83,
"price": 1160.83,
"vat": 0.0,
"ddp": 216.53
"patch": true,
"round_value": true,
"is_vat": false,
"is_ddp": true,
"is_european": false,
"is_rounded": false,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": "EU-EUR"
"cites": false
"info": {
"brand": "swear",
"model": "vyner",
"product_id": 12212972,
"parts": {
"front": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"side": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"hardware": {
"material": "metal",
"color": "silver"
"laces": {
"material": "nylon",
"color": "white"
"lining": {
"material": "calf_lining",
"color": "white"
"sole": {
"material": "rubber",
"color": "white"
"shadow": {
"material": "default",
"color": "default"
"hash": "63477738dec39f87397f18b65df2f58f"
Get the stock availability of a given model according to its configuration and availability rules. For instance, check if a customized model is available for a given country/flag.
Meaning if a country/flag is specified the availability will be calculated accordingly: for example, some exotic materials might not be allowed under a country's law or when the flag is set to an arbitrary value, ie vegan
The response also list the availability of each component passed as parameter, since there might be cases where some of them are not available.
The pricing
parameter should be set to false whether it is not desirable to get any pricing information on the response.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
model | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
version | no | numeric | latest | The version for the specified model. |
product_id | no | numeric | null |
The product's unique identification (ID). |
country | no | text | US |
The ISO 3166-2 code of the country to which the product is going to be purchased. |
flag | no | text | null |
The flag value, which is used to identify arbitrary contexts (ie: seasonal promo, special event, among others) |
initials | no | text | null |
The initials value used to personalize the model. |
letters | no | text | null |
The initials value used to personalize the model. Similar to the initials parameter. |
engraving | no | text | null |
The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2 . |
embossing | no | text | null |
The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2 . Similar to the engraving parameter. |
pricing | no | boolean | true |
Defines if the pricing information appears on the response. |
validate | no | boolean | false |
If the product configuration is to be validated. |
p | no | list of text | null |
The configuration of the model, described as a set of triplets in the form of part:material:color . |
A SKU (Stock Keeping Unity) is a code assigned to a product to identify the price, product options and the manufacturer.
This endpoint resolves a customization defined by its query part to a mapped SKU string.
The mapping rules that define this mapping process are defined at the Platforme's back-end.
Example Request
curl "\
Example Response
"brand": "swear",
"model": "vyner",
"product_id": null,
"variant": null,
"parts": {
"front": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"hardware": {
"material": "metal",
"color": "silver"
"laces": {
"material": "nylon",
"color": "white"
"lining": {
"material": "calf_lining",
"color": "white"
"logo": {
"material": "metal",
"color": "silver"
"shadow": {
"material": "default",
"color": "default"
"side": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"sole": {
"material": "rubber",
"color": "white"
"initials": null,
"engraving": null,
"initials_extra": null,
"size": null,
"gender": null,
"sku": "teste2"
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
model | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
initials | no | text | null |
The initials value used to personalize the model. |
engraving | no | text | null |
The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2 . |
initials_extra | no | text | null |
The initials and properties of the personalization, with the format group_name1:initials_1:property_type1.group_name2:initials_2:property_type2 . |
product_id | no | numeric | null |
The product's unique identification (ID). |
size | no | numeric | null |
The product's size. |
gender | no | text | null |
The model's gender. |
domain | no | text | brand | The SKU domain (falls back to brand value). |
p | no | list of text | null |
The configuration of the model, described as a set of triplets in the form of part:material:color . |
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"brand": "swear",
"model": "vyner",
"variant": null,
"description": "SWEAR Vyner",
"observations": null,
"gender": "male",
"product_id": 271828,
"parts": null,
"extras_m": {},
"meta": {}
Get the configuration of a product identified by its unique product ID.
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
product_id | yes | numeric | The product's unique identification (ID). |
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"model": "vyner",
"parts": {
"lining": {
"material": "calf_lining",
"color": "white",
"face": "top"
"front": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"face": "side"
"side": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"face": "side",
"frame": 0
"sole": {
"material": "rubber",
"color": "white",
"face": "side"
"laces": {
"material": "nylon",
"color": "white",
"face": "top"
"patch": {
"hidden": true,
"optional": true
"eyelets": {
"material": "metal",
"color": "silver",
"face": "side",
"frame": 0
"metal_toe_cap": {
"optional": true,
"face": "top"
"shadow": {
"hidden": true,
"material": "default",
"color": "default"
Get the default parts for the model give.
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
model | yes | text | The model's name. |
Field | Type | Description |
brand | text | Product's brand. |
name | text | Product's name. |
variant | text | Product's variant. |
parts | dictionary | Specific customization (part, material, color). |
hash | text | Config's hash. |
Field | Type | Description |
total | dictionary | Total pricing information (see Price Total). |
components | dictionary | Pricing information per customization component (see Price Component). |
Price Total
Field | Type | Description |
price | number | Base price result. |
price_final | number | Base price + VAT + DDP. |
price_taxes | number | Base price + VAT. |
vat | number | VAT value. |
vat_rate | number | VAT rate. |
ddp | number | DDP value. |
ddp_percent | number | DDP percentage. |
currency | text | Currency used for pricing calculation (ISO 4217 ). |
country | text | Country used for pricing calculation (ISO 3166-2 ). |
shipping | number | Shipping value. |
hs_codes | list of numbers | Complete set of HS codes. |
hs_code_priority | number | The HS code priority. |
diag | dictionary | Complementary diagnosis information. |
notes | dictionary | Complementary information. |
Price Component
Field | Type | Description |
price | number | Price value (could be rounded). |
price_original | number | Base price. |
price_taxes | number | Base price + vat. |
fixed_price | boolean | Is fixed price. |
vat_included | boolean | Is vat included. |
vat | number | VAT value. |
vat_rate | number | VAT rate. |
ddp_included | boolean | Is ddp included. |
hs_code | number | HS code value. |
hs_code_priority | number | HS code priority. |
round_price | boolean | Is the price rounded. |
currency | text | Currency used for pricing calculation (ISO 4217 ). |
exchanged | boolean | Is the price exchanged. |
notes | dictionary | Complementary information. |
Field | Type | Description |
brand | text | Product's brand. |
name | text | Product's name. |
variant | text | Product's variant. |
product_id | number | Product's id. |
parts | dictionary | Specific customization (part, material, color). |
hash | text | Customization's hash. |
total | dictionary | Total pricing information (see Availability Total). |
components | dictionary | Pricing information per customization component (see Availability Component). |
Availability Total
Field | Type | Description |
price | number | Base price result. |
price_final | number | Base price + vat + ddp. |
price_taxes | number | Base price + vat. |
vat | number | VAT value. |
vat_rate | number | VAT rate. |
ddp | number | DDP value. |
ddp_percent | number | DDP percentage. |
currency | text | Currency used for pricing calculation (ISO 4217 ). |
country | text | Country used for pricing calculation (ISO 3166-2 ). |
shipping | number | Shipping value. |
hs_codes | list of numbers | Complete set of HS codes. |
hs_code_priority | number | The HS code priority. |
diag | dictionary | Complementary diagnosis information. |
notes | dictionary | Complementary information. |
Availability Component
Field | Type | Description |
price | number | Price value (could be rounded). |
price_original | number | Base price. |
price_taxes | number | Base price + VAT. |
fixed_price | boolean | Is fixed price. |
vat_included | boolean | Is vat included. |
vat | number | VAT value. |
vat_rate | number | VAT rate. |
ddp_included | boolean | Is DDP included. |
hs_code | number | HS code value. |
hs_code_priority | number | HS code priority. |
round_price | boolean | Is the price rounded. |
currency | text | Currency used for pricing calculation (ISO 4217 ). |
exchanged | boolean | Is the price exchanged. |
notes | dictionary | Complementary information. |
quantity | number | Number of raw material in stock. |
Field | Type | Description |
brand | text | Product's brand. |
name | text | Product's name. |
variant | text | Product's variant. |
product_id | number | Product's id. |
parts | dictionary | Specific customization (part, material, color). |
sku | text | SKU value. |
SKU Endpoints
The list endpoint returns the existing SKUs according to the given parameters. If no parameters are given, a maximum of 10 SKUs will be returned.
Query support can be consulted here.
Example Request
curl "[]=domain:eq:dummy" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "5e84bcfc85d32604ca51a363",
"id": 153976,
"identifier": "6d1a5bab-acc3-4f8c-a7c8-03cdb7ce152a",
"domain": "dummy",
"spec": {
"brand": "dummy",
"model": "dummy",
"parts": {
"piping": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"side": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"top0_bottom": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"shadow": {
"material": "default",
"color": "default"
"enabled": false,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
"created": 1585757436,
"modified": 1630670807
"_id": "5dfcad058727f6df6545228f",
"id": 114894,
"identifier": "fd458150-2804-4a02-9840-26c9c1ba65b7",
"domain": "dummy",
"spec": {
"brand": "dummy",
"model": "dummy",
"parts": {
"piping": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"side": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"top0_bottom": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"shadow": {
"material": "default",
"color": "default"
"enabled": false,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
"created": 1576840453,
"modified": 1630670807
"_id": "5dfba8783d01d2a1e545215f",
"id": 114837,
"identifier": "7529c424-2276-46dd-90a5-fb74efbe7554",
"domain": "dummy",
"spec": {
"brand": "dummy",
"model": "dummy",
"parts": {
"piping": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"side": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"top0_bottom": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"shadow": {
"material": "default",
"color": "default"
"enabled": false,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
"created": 1576773752,
"modified": 1630670807
"_id": "5dfba88547a0976b21452398",
"id": 114838,
"identifier": "c030f298-69fa-4db2-abce-a51619e6240d",
"domain": "dummy",
"spec": {
"brand": "dummy",
"model": "dummy",
"parts": {
"piping": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"side": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"top0_bottom": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"shadow": {
"material": "default",
"color": "default"
"enabled": false,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
"created": 1576773765,
"modified": 1630670807
"_id": "5dfca84a4e8056fcc1452446",
"id": 114888,
"identifier": "c968aaff-8505-437f-b290-2413e08ac528",
"domain": "dummy",
"spec": {
"brand": "dummy",
"model": "dummy",
"parts": {
"piping": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"side": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"top0_bottom": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"shadow": {
"material": "default",
"color": "default"
"enabled": false,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
"created": 1576839242,
"modified": 1630670807
"_id": "5e84bcdb821e60837751a65c",
"id": 153973,
"identifier": "87d2e034-7a32-44cf-b8f6-0d6403c82d06",
"domain": "dummy",
"spec": {
"brand": "dummy",
"model": "dummy",
"parts": {
"piping": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"side": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"top0_bottom": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"shadow": {
"material": "default",
"color": "default"
"enabled": false,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
"created": 1585757403,
"modified": 1630670807
"_id": "5dfbabc88727f6df654521fd",
"id": 114842,
"identifier": "e1c51305-439d-4395-b531-5e87c83d42ba",
"domain": "dummy",
"spec": {
"brand": "dummy",
"model": "dummy",
"parts": {
"piping": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"side": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"top0_bottom": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"shadow": {
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"color": "default"
"enabled": false,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
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"hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
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"id": 153983,
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"domain": "dummy",
"spec": {
"brand": "dummy",
"model": "dummy",
"parts": {
"piping": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"side": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"top0_bottom": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"shadow": {
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"color": "default"
"enabled": false,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
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"hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
"created": 1585757699,
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"_id": "5e84be12821e60837751a674",
"id": 153984,
"identifier": "4879d988-b114-4a5f-995a-3a223b1af08b",
"domain": "dummy",
"spec": {
"brand": "dummy",
"model": "dummy",
"parts": {
"piping": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"side": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"top0_bottom": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"shadow": {
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"color": "default"
"enabled": false,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
"created": 1585757714,
"modified": 1630670807
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"id": 114834,
"identifier": "625ae7d7-94f9-46d7-83d7-7d625b34cd67",
"domain": "dummy",
"spec": {
"brand": "dummy",
"model": "dummy",
"parts": {
"piping": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"side": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"top0_bottom": {
"material": "leather_dmy",
"color": "black"
"shadow": {
"material": "default",
"color": "default"
"enabled": false,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
"created": 1576773737,
"modified": 1630670807
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
This request receives 2 parameters: filter_operator
and filters
. If filters
is defined but not filter_operator
, its default value will be $and
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
filter_operator | no | text | $and |
The logic operator that unites all the options given in filters . |
filters | no | text | null |
The filters that will be applied to the SKUs query. Must have the structure <parameter>:<operator>:<value> . More than one filter can be given to the query, and their application together is based on the filter_operator given. |
sid | no | text | The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request. |
Filter Operator Values
Value | Description |
$and | The results given must comply with all the filters. |
$or | The results given must comply with at least on of the filters. |
Filters Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
identifier | no | text | null |
The SKU string that identifies an unique specification inside a certain domain. |
hash | no | text | null |
The hash value that is used to reverse resolve the SKU value. |
domain | no | text | null |
The string value used to separate resolution of SKUs so that no collisions occur between identifiers from different domains. |
Creates a mapping between SKU within a domain to a customization.
This API functions on an upsert basis, meaning that either creates or on the basis of preceding existance updates.
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"domain": "swear",
"identifier": "1dd7ebfa-1262-4ad6-87c6-1f19df50e6ad",
"spec": {
"brand": "swear",
"model": "vyner",
"parts": {
"lining": {
"color": "white",
"material": "calf_lining"
"sole": {
"color": "red",
"material": "rubber"
"hardware": {
"color": "silver",
"material": "metal"
"laces": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nylon"
"front": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nappa"
"logo": {
"color": "silver",
"material": "metal"
"shadow": {
"color": "default",
"material": "default"
"side": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nappa"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7f66c38a8501031ce125",
"id": 273551,
"domain": "swear",
"identifier": "1dd7ebfa-1262-4ad6-87c6-1f19df50e6ad",
"spec": {
"brand": "swear",
"model": "vyner",
"parts": {
"lining": {
"color": "white",
"material": "calf_lining"
"sole": {
"color": "red",
"material": "rubber"
"hardware": {
"color": "silver",
"material": "metal"
"laces": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nylon"
"front": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nappa"
"logo": {
"color": "silver",
"material": "metal"
"shadow": {
"color": "default",
"material": "default"
"side": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nappa"
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"hash": "1251eade274c0d89e4410a7082d2766f",
"created": 1737129830,
"modified": 1737129830
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
sid | no | text | The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
identifier | yes | text | The model's brand. | |
domain | yes | text | The model's name. | |
spec | yes | text | The object describing the product. See Specification. |
Returns the SKU with the given ID. If the SKU does not exist, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7f6638163071fb1ce964",
"id": 273552,
"domain": "dummy",
"identifier": "1dd7ebfa-1262-4ad6-87c6-1f19df50e6ad",
"spec": {
"brand": "dummy",
"model": "cube",
"parts": {
"lining": {
"color": "white",
"material": "calf_lining"
"sole": {
"color": "red",
"material": "rubber"
"hardware": {
"color": "silver",
"material": "metal"
"laces": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nylon"
"front": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nappa"
"logo": {
"color": "silver",
"material": "metal"
"shadow": {
"color": "default",
"material": "default"
"side": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nappa"
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"hash": "fd066f9810ad2817df83d0989ac817b6",
"created": 1737129830,
"modified": 1737129830
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The SKU's ID. | |
sid | no | text | The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request. |
Updates the SKU with the given ID. If the SKU does not exist, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"domain": "dummy",
"identifier": "1dd7ebfa-1262-4ad6-87c6-1f19df50e6ad_2",
"spec": {
"brand": "dummy",
"model": "cube",
"parts": {
"lining": {
"color": "white",
"material": "calf_lining"
"sole": {
"color": "red",
"material": "rubber"
"hardware": {
"color": "silver",
"material": "metal"
"laces": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nylon"
"front": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nappa"
"logo": {
"color": "silver",
"material": "metal"
"shadow": {
"color": "default",
"material": "default"
"side": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nappa"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7f67b9cdc821521ce02c",
"id": 273553,
"domain": "dummy",
"identifier": "1dd7ebfa-1262-4ad6-87c6-1f19df50e6ad_2",
"spec": {
"brand": "dummy",
"model": "dummy",
"parts": {}
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"hash": "e7590f921a2e22dfc049a8b0201d181b",
"created": 1737129831,
"modified": 1737129831
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The SKU's ID. | |
sid | no | text | The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
identifier | yes | text | The model's brand. | |
domain | yes | text | The model's name. | |
spec | yes | text | The object describing the product (brand, model, variant, parts, initials, engraving, etc.) |
Deletes the SKU with the given ID. If the SKU does not exist, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X DELETE "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"result": "success"
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The SKU's ID. | |
sid | no | text | The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request. |
Field | Type | Description |
identifier | text | The SKU string that should identify an unique specification inside a certain domain. |
domain | text | The string value used to separate resolution of SKUs so that no collisions occur between identifiers. |
spec | dictionary | The object describing the product (brand, model, variant, parts, initials, engraving, etc.). |
Locale Endpoints
This endpoint is used to get the corresponding text of one value defined on a locale.
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"value": "calf_hair",
"value_l": "calf_hair",
"locale": "es_es"
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
value | yes | text | The value which one wants to get the locale of. | |
locale | no | text | en-us |
The locale which one wants to get the value from. |
context | no | text | null |
The context at which the locale is bounded to. |
Locale Values
This endpoint is used to get the corresponding text of one or more values defined on a locale.
Example Request
curl " \ \
Example Response
"values": [
"values_l": [
"locale": "it_it"
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
values | yes | list of text | The values which one wants to get the locale of. | |
locale | no | text | en-us |
The locale which one wants to get the value from. |
context | no | text | null |
The locale's context scope. |
Locale Bundle
This endpoint is used to get the complete locale bundle of a specific context.
Example Request
curl " \
context=sandbox& \
Example Response
"customise": "customize",
"body": "Body",
"lining": "Lining",
"veau_epsom_hrm": "Veau Epsom",
"veau_swift_hrm": "Veau Swift",
"abricot": "Abricot",
"bleu_indigo": "Bleu Indigo",
"bleu_electrique": "Bleu Electrique",
"rouge_grenat": "Rouge Grenat"
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
context | no | text | null |
The context at which the locale is bounded to. |
locale | no | text | en-us |
The locale which one wants to get the bundle from. |
Field | Type | Description |
locale | text | The locale identifier following the format language-country , respectively in ISO 639-1 and ISO 3166-2 formats. |
value | text | The value requested to get the locale of. |
value_l | text | The localized value. |
Locale values
Field | Type | Description |
locale | text | The locale identifier following the format language-country , respectively in ISO 639-1 and ISO 3166-2 formats. |
values | text | The list of values requested to get the locale of. |
values_l | text | The list of localized values. |
Brand Endpoints
A brand normally identifies the vendor of a given model. One brand may have many models associated with it. Platforme API allows access to the information of the already existing brands, such as their logo and models. The models information originates from their respective builds.
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
This endpoint gets the brand's logo.
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The respective brand's name. | |
format | yes | text | The format of the image, (e.g. png , jpg , svg , etc.) |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | number | latest | Brand's version. |
size | no | text | medium | Logo's size, one of small , medium or large . |
variant | no | text | medium | Logo's variant, can be a size or something else (e.g. small , large , blue , etc.) |
Example Request
curl ""\
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
curl ""\
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
The above command returns a font file.
This endpoint returns the font file with the requested or default format.
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
vendor | yes | text | The vendor's name. | |
font | yes | text | The font's name (must only contain letters and numbers). | |
format | no | text | font's format | The font's format (fnt , ttf ). |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | text | latest | Build's version. |
weight | no | text | null |
Font's weight (Regular , Bold ). |
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
The above command returns a image file
This endpoint returns the texture image file with the requested or default format.
HTTP Request
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name. | |
map | yes | text | The map type, (e.g. pattern , displacement , metallic , normal , roughness ) |
name | yes | text | The texture's name. | |
format | yes | text | png |
The format of the image, (e.g. png , jpg , etc.) |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | number | latest | Build's version. |
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
The above command returns a mesh file
This endpoint returns the model's mesh.
HTTP Request
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name. | |
model | yes | text | The models's name. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | number | latest | Build's version. |
variant | no | text | medium | Logo's variant, one of small , medium or large . |
Config and Spec
Example Request
curl ""
curl ""
Example Response
"name": "vyner",
"brand": "swear",
"version": "186",
"parts": [
"name": "front",
"materials": [
"name": "nappa",
"colors": [
"name": "suede",
"colors": [
"name": "hairy_calf",
"colors": [
"name": "python",
"colors": [
"name": "crocodile",
"colors": [
"name": "grain_metallic",
"colors": [
"name": "side",
"materials": [
"name": "nappa",
"colors": [
"name": "suede",
"colors": [
"name": "metallic",
"colors": [
"name": "hairy_calf",
"colors": [
"name": "python",
"colors": [
"name": "crocodile",
"colors": [
"name": "grain_metallic",
"colors": [
"name": "lining",
"materials": [
"name": "calf_lining",
"colors": [
"name": "laces",
"materials": [
"name": "nylon",
"colors": [
"name": "sole",
"materials": [
"name": "rubber",
"colors": [
"name": "hardware",
"materials": [
"name": "metal",
"colors": [
"name": "logo",
"materials": [
"name": "metal",
"colors": [
"name": "shadow",
"materials": [
"name": "default",
"colors": [
"description": "vyner",
"title": "lace up round toe",
"style": "low",
"scale": {
"male": "it",
"female": "it",
"other": "it",
"all": "it"
"gender": "both",
"observations": "A contemporary take on the classic lace-up sneaker, the fully-customisable Vyner is all about comfort with its cushioned piping and padded collar. The low-top comes complete with a round toe and rubber sole, in addition to flat laces.",
"toe": "round",
"type": "very-large",
"size": [
"tags": [
"sizes": {
"it:female": [
"it:male": [
"frames": 24,
"faces": [
"faces_m": {
"side": {
"frames": 24,
"thumbnail": true
"top": {
"frames": 1,
"thumbnail": true
"thumbnails": [
"name": "side-0",
"face": "side",
"frame": 0
"name": "top-0",
"face": "top",
"frame": 0
"hidden": [
"blacklist": {
"rules": [
"materials": {
"front": [
"sync": {
"hardware": [
"defaults": {
"lining": {
"material": "calf_lining",
"color": "white",
"face": "top"
"front": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"face": "side"
"side": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"face": "side",
"frame": 0
"sole": {
"material": "rubber",
"color": "white",
"face": "side"
"laces": {
"material": "nylon",
"color": "white",
"face": "top"
"logo": {
"hidden": true,
"material": "metal",
"color": "silver"
"hardware": {
"material": "metal",
"color": "silver",
"face": "side",
"frame": 0
"shadow": {
"hidden": true,
"material": "default",
"color": "default"
"initials": {
"profile": "base",
"z_index": 4,
"properties": [
"name": "metal_copper",
"type": "font"
"name": "metal_gold",
"type": "font"
"name": "metal_silver",
"type": "font"
"$profiles": {
"base": {
"frame": "top",
"align": "center",
"image_rotation": 270,
"font_family": "SwearGold",
"font_weight": "Regular",
"font_spacing": -10,
"exclusion": [
"position": [
"rotation": 0
"style::metal_copper": {
"font_family": "SwearCopper"
"style::metal_gold": {
"font_family": "SwearGold"
"style::metal_silver": {
"font_family": "SwearSilver"
"viewport::large": {
"viewport": [
"viewport::medium": {
"viewport": [
"viewport::small": {
"viewport": [
"metal_copper": {
"font_family": "SwearCopper"
"metal_gold": {
"font_family": "SwearGold"
"metal_silver": {
"font_family": "SwearSilver"
"large": {
"viewport": [
"medium": {
"viewport": [
"small": {
"viewport": [
"$alias": {
"report": [
"step::personalization": [
"step::size": [
"initials_frame": {
"default": "top"
"z_index": {
"shadow": 1,
"lining": 2,
"front": 3,
"side": 5,
"sole": 6,
"laces": 7,
"logo": 8,
"hardware": 9,
"overlay": 30000
"version_s": "186",
"version_i": 186,
"branch": "master",
"compatibility": 1,
"order": {
"models": [
"parts": [
"materials": {
"front": [
"side": [
"inside": [
"inside_panel": [
"front_panel": [
"outside": [
"ankle_side": [
"back_stay": [
"stay": [
"eye_stay": [
"heel": [
"elastic": [
"hardware": [
"fringe_hardware": [
"fringe": [
"straps": [
"strap_tip": [
"strap_tips": [
"laces": [
"metal_caps": [
"toe_cap": [
"lining": [
"sole": [
"metal_toe_cap": [
"collar": [
"logo": [
"tongue": [
"upper": [
"upper1": [
"upper2": [
"heel_puller": [
"swear_tape": [
"outsole": [
"rubber_strap": [
"zip_puller": [
"zip": [
"body": [
"trimmings": [
"ugly_tape": [
"accents": [
"eyestay0_side": [
"heel0_trimmings": [
"heel_tab": [
"lace0_eyelet": [
"mudguard": [
"side0_tongue_detail": [
"toe0_tongue": [
"tongue_detail": [
"tag_left": [
"tag_right": [
"colors": {
"nappa": [
"nappa10_corso_como": [
"grain_nappa": [
"suede": [
"metallic": [
"hairy_calf": [
"ostrich": [
"gel_mesh": [
"python": [
"crocodile": [
"elastic": [
"elastic10_corso_como": [
"metal": [
"nylon": [
"nylon_tape": [
"rubber": [
"rubber_wedge": [
"calf_lining": [
"calf_lining10_corso_como": [
"novelty": [
"leather": [
"airtech_mesh": [
"patent_leather": [
"reflective0_grossgrain": [
"veg_tan": [
"photo": [
"nori_metal": [
"nori_reflective_textile": [
"nori_nylon": [
"nori_rubber": [
"nori_nylon_upper": [
"nori_rubber_upper": [
"reflective": [
"stretch_knit": [
"polyester": [
"reflective_textile": [
"rubber_strap": [
"rubber_heel": [
"stretch_nappa": [
"mesh": [
"rubberHeel": [
"web_mesh": [
"wax_nubuck": [
"wicker_nylon": [
"nylon0_plastic": [
"hex_rubber": [
"nappa_tag": [
"grain_metallic": [
"initials_patch": {
"suede": {
"white": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"black": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black"
"navy": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "navy"
"cobalt": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "cobalt"
"red": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "red"
"fuchsia": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "fuchsia"
"chocolate": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "chocolate"
"terracotta": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "terracotta"
"beige": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "beige"
"forest_green": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "forest_green"
"hairy_calf": {
"white": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"black": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black"
"navy": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "navy"
"cobalt": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "cobalt"
"red": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "red"
"fuchsia": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "fuchsia"
"terracotta": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "terracotta"
"tan": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "beige"
"mustard": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "mustard"
"burnt_orange": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "burnt_orange"
"leopard": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "beige"
"camouflage": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "forest_green"
"ostrich": {
"white": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"black": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black"
"tan": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "terracotta"
"neon_yellow": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "neon_yellow"
"grey": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "grey"
"python": {
"white": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"black": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black"
"natural": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "off_white"
"silver": {
"material": "metallic",
"color": "silver"
"gold": {
"material": "metallic",
"color": "gold"
"neon_white": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "off_white"
"crocodile": {
"white": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"black": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black"
"navy": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "navy"
"red": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "red"
"tan": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "terracotta"
"nude": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "beige"
"silver": {
"material": "metallic",
"color": "silver"
"antique_gold": {
"material": "metallic",
"color": "gold"
"initials_patch_materials": [
"initials_dot_materials": [
"initials_pivot_part": "front",
"always_patch": false,
"alias": {},
"restrictions": [],
"meta": {},
"locales": [
Both endpoints return a configuration based on a specific brand and model. If a country/flag is specified then only the materials available to that country will be provided. For example, some exotic materials might not be allowed under a country's law or when the flag is set to an arbitrary value, ie vegan
HTTP Request
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name. | |
model | yes | text | The model's name. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | number | latest | The build's version. |
country | no | text | null |
The ISO 3166-2 code of the country. |
flag | no | text | null |
The flag value. |
safe | no | text | true |
If the safe (sanitized) version of the model configuration should be retrieved (shows no confidential information). |
logic | no | text | true |
If the custom build logic should be run to manipulate the resulting model config according to specific domain rules. |
filter | no | text | true |
If the configuration should be filtered by the country and/or flag. |
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"model": "vyner",
"parts": {
"lining": {
"material": "calf_lining",
"color": "white",
"face": "top"
"front": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"face": "side"
"side": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"face": "side",
"frame": 0
"sole": {
"material": "rubber",
"color": "white",
"face": "side"
"laces": {
"material": "nylon",
"color": "white",
"face": "top"
"logo": {
"hidden": true,
"material": "metal",
"color": "silver"
"hardware": {
"material": "metal",
"color": "silver",
"face": "side",
"frame": 0
"shadow": {
"hidden": true,
"material": "default",
"color": "default"
This endpoint gets a the default customization of a specific brand and model. The default customization is the suggested customization to be used on the base product.
HTTP Request
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name. | |
model | yes | text | The model's name. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | number | latest | The build's version. |
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"brand": "swear",
"model": "vyner",
"combinations": [
This endpoint returns all the possible combinations of material and color for each part of a specific brand and model. The combinations returned can take into account the availability rules for the specific model.
HTTP Request
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name. | |
model | yes | text | The model's name. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | number | latest | The build's version. |
resolve | no | boolean | true |
Resolves the alias mapping. |
sort | no | boolean | true |
Sorts the combinations. |
use_name | no | boolean | true |
Adds the model's name to each combination tuple. |
filter | no | boolean | true |
If the combinations should be filtered by the country and/or flag. |
country | no | text | null |
The availability rules country. |
flag | no | text | null |
The availability rules flag. |
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"brand": "swear",
"model": "vyner",
"factory": "flaj",
"production_time": 7
Gets the factory information where a specific model is made, specifically its name and the estimated production time in days.
HTTP Request
GET /api/brands/<text:brand>/models/<text:model>/factory
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name. | |
model | yes | text | The model's name. |
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"valid": false,
"issues": [
"Mandatory part 'lining' not defined",
"Mandatory part 'front' not defined",
"Mandatory part 'side' not defined",
"Mandatory part 'sole' not defined",
"Mandatory part 'logo' not defined",
"Mandatory part 'hardware' not defined",
"Mandatory part 'shadow' not defined"
This endpoint verifies a configuration based on a specific brand and model and returns a JSON with a key valid
set as true
. If a required part is missing or if the part:material:color
combination has invalid values, the request will return a JSON with the key valid
as false
and an array of issues
specifying what is wrong.
HTTP Request
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name. | |
model | yes | text | The model's name. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | number | latest | The build's version. |
variant | no | text | null |
The model's variant. |
p | no | text | null |
The configuration of the model, described as a sequence of triplets in the form of part:material:color . |
initials | no | text | null |
The personalization initials text. |
engraving | no | text | null |
The personalization engraving properties. |
initials_extra | no | dictionary | null |
The personalization initials object, containing the initials text and engraving for each group. |
gender | no | text | null |
The gender of the customization, used to resolve the scale. |
size | no | number | null |
The size of the customization. |
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
<Logic module for (dummy, cube) version unknown>
This endpoint returns the logic script of a specific brand and model. If a method name and its arguments are provided as parameters, the result of the method calling will be returned.
HTTP Request
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name. | |
model | yes | text | The model's name. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | number | latest | The build's version. |
format | no | text | py |
The script extension, either py or js . |
method | no | text | null |
The name of the method present in the logic script. |
Logic Method
Example Request
curl -s -X POST ""
Example Response
This endpoint returns the result of executing the method provided from the logic script. The arguments for the method can be passed through parameters or through the request body.
HTTP Request
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name. | |
model | yes | text | The model's name. |
POST Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | number | latest | The build's version. |
On Config
Example Request
curl -s -X POST \
"" \
-d '{
"ctx": {
"parts": {}
Example Response
"parts": {},
"messages": [],
"initials": {
"main": {
"initials": "",
"engraving": null
This endpoint returns the result of executing the method on_config
from the logic script. The arguments for the method are passed through the request body.
HTTP Request
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name. | |
model | yes | text | The model's name. |
POST Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | number | latest | The build's version. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
ctx | no | dictionary | null |
The context of the request. |
brand | no | text | null |
The brand value used as the method argument. |
model | no | text | null |
The model value used as the method argument. |
On Part
Example Request
curl -s -X POST \
"" \
-d '{
"ctx": {
"parts": {
"top0_bottom": {
"material": "leather_cbe",
"color": "black"
"side": {
"material": "leather_cbe",
"color": "black"
"value": {
"material": "leather_cbe",
"color": "black"
Example Response
"parts": {
"top0_bottom": {
"material": "leather_cbe",
"color": "black"
"side": {
"material": "leather_cbe",
"color": "black"
"initials": {
"main": {
"initials": "",
"engraving": null
"messages": [
"top0_bottom - material forced to `leather_cbe`"
"choices": {}
This endpoint returns the result of executing the method on_part
from the logic script. The arguments for the method are passed through the request body.
HTTP Request
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name. | |
model | yes | text | The model's name. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | number | latest | The build's version. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
ctx | no | dictionary | null |
The context of the request. |
name | no | text | null |
The part's name. |
value | no | dictionary | null |
The part's value (material and color). |
On Initials
Example Request
curl -s -X POST \
"" \
-d '{
"ctx": {
"initials": {
"main": {
"initials": "DOG",
"engraving": "grey:style"
"initials": "DOG",
"engraving": "grey:style"
Example Response
"initials": {
"main": {
"initials": "",
"engraving": null
"messages": [
"Blacklisted word detected"
"choices": {}
This endpoint returns the result of executing the method on_initials
from the logic script. The arguments for the method are passed through the request body.
HTTP Request
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name. | |
model | yes | text | The model's name. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | number | latest | The build's version. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
ctx | no | dictionary | null |
The context of the request. |
group | no | text | null |
The initials' group. |
initials | no | text | null |
The initials' text. |
engraving | no | text | null |
The initials' engraving. |
Field | Type | Description |
brand | text | Build's brand. |
name | text | Model's name. |
description | text | Model description text. |
title | text | Model marketing name. |
style | text | Style (as an open string) of the model. |
scale | text | Scale available for the product. |
gender | text | The gender of the product, it can be "male", "female" or "both". |
observations | text | Complementary description text. |
tags | list | List of tags that define certain behaviors for the model. |
sizes | dictionary | The start, end, and step for each scale of each available gender. |
frames | number | The number of side frames, all other views are considered to have only one frame. |
faces | list of text | The available perspective of the model. |
faces_m | dictionary | The number of frames of each face and a boolean to define if there is a thumbnail or not. |
parts | dictionary | Describes all customization models part and correspondent materials and colors. |
defaults | dictionary | Default material and color for every part. |
hidden | list of text | The parts that can't be customized by the end user. |
order | dictionary | Defines the order in which the original parts, materials and colors should be presented in the layout. |
alias | dictionary | Defines visual alias for part, materials or colors, note that a fully qualified name may be used to reduce ambiguity. |
blacklist | dictionary | Prevent combinations of appearing. |
restrictions | list of dictionary | Prevents parts or pairs of material-color from appearing together, meaning that when one is present on the customization, the other won't appear in the UI for selection, special cases exist for a single element item where that combination is always excluded from the UI (hard restriction). |
sync | dictionary | The parts that must have the same material and color, when one is changed the others should also change to the same combination. |
z_index | list of text | Defines the part's priorities for drawing, this should ensure proper layering of the model (no hidden parts). |
Field | Type | Description |
model | text | Build's name. |
parts | dictionary | Default material and color for every part. |
Product Endpoints
Example Request
curl -s -X POST \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"price_eur": 10.0,
"price_usd": 11.0,
"price_gbp": 12.0
Example Response
"_id": "678a7f6dc38a8501031ce130",
"id": 272118,
"brand": "swear",
"name": "vyner",
"gender": "Male",
"price_eur": 10.0,
"price_usd": 11.0,
"price_gbp": 12.0,
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"variant": null,
"observations": null,
"default_scale": null,
"ff_id": null,
"created": 1737129837,
"modified": 1737129837
This endpoint returns the created Product.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand associated with the product. | |
name | yes | text | The product's identifier. | |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the product that serves to specialize the type of the product. |
observations | no | text | null |
Description of the product. |
gender | yes | text | The gender of the product (one of Male , Female , Kids and Unknown ). |
price_eur | no | float | null |
The product's price, in euros EUR . |
price_usd | no | float | null |
The product's price, in dollars USD . |
price_gbp | no | float | null |
The product's price, in british pound GBP . |
default_scale | no | text | null |
The default scale to be used when processing the product's size. |
ff_id | no | number | null |
Identifier of the product. |
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"name": "vyner",
"brand": "swear",
"version": "186",
"path": "/data/builds/swear/models/vyner",
"parts": [
"name": "front",
"materials": [
"name": "nappa",
"colors": [
"name": "suede",
"colors": [
"name": "veg_tan",
"colors": [
"name": "hairy_calf",
"colors": [
"name": "ostrich",
"colors": [
"name": "python",
"colors": [
"name": "crocodile",
"colors": [
"name": "grain_metallic",
"colors": [
"name": "side",
"materials": [
"name": "nappa",
"colors": [
"name": "suede",
"colors": [
"name": "metallic",
"colors": [
"name": "veg_tan",
"colors": [
"name": "hairy_calf",
"colors": [
"name": "ostrich",
"colors": [
"name": "python",
"colors": [
"name": "crocodile",
"colors": [
"name": "grain_metallic",
"colors": [
"name": "lining",
"materials": [
"name": "calf_lining",
"colors": [
"name": "laces",
"materials": [
"name": "nylon",
"colors": [
"name": "sole",
"materials": [
"name": "rubber",
"colors": [
"name": "hardware",
"materials": [
"name": "metal",
"colors": [
"name": "logo",
"materials": [
"name": "metal",
"colors": [
"name": "shadow",
"materials": [
"name": "default",
"colors": [
"description": "vyner",
"title": "lace up round toe",
"style": "low",
"scale": {
"male": "it",
"female": "it",
"other": "it",
"all": "it"
"gender": "both",
"observations": "A contemporary take on the classic lace-up sneaker, the fully-customisable Vyner is all about comfort with its cushioned piping and padded collar. The low-top comes complete with a round toe and rubber sole, in addition to flat laces.",
"toe": "round",
"type": "very-large",
"size": [
"tags": [
"sizes": {
"it:female": [
"it:male": [
"frames": 24,
"faces": [
"faces_m": {
"side": {
"frames": 24,
"thumbnail": true
"top": {
"frames": 1,
"thumbnail": true
"thumbnails": [
"name": "side-0",
"face": "side",
"frame": 0
"name": "top-0",
"face": "top",
"frame": 0
"hidden": [
"blacklist": null,
"sync": null,
"defaults": null,
"initials": {
"profile": "base",
"z_index": 4,
"properties": [
"name": "metal_copper",
"type": "font"
"name": "metal_gold",
"type": "font"
"name": "metal_silver",
"type": "font"
"$profiles": {
"base": {
"frame": "top",
"align": "center",
"image_rotation": 270,
"font_family": "SwearGold",
"font_weight": "Regular",
"font_spacing": -10,
"exclusion": [
"position": [
"rotation": 0
"style::metal_copper": {
"font_family": "SwearCopper"
"style::metal_gold": {
"font_family": "SwearGold"
"style::metal_silver": {
"font_family": "SwearSilver"
"viewport::large": {
"viewport": [
"viewport::medium": {
"viewport": [
"viewport::small": {
"viewport": [
"metal_copper": {
"font_family": "SwearCopper"
"metal_gold": {
"font_family": "SwearGold"
"metal_silver": {
"font_family": "SwearSilver"
"large": {
"viewport": [
"medium": {
"viewport": [
"small": {
"viewport": [
"$alias": {
"report": [
"step::personalization": [
"step::size": [
"initials_frame": null,
"z_index": {
"shadow": 1,
"lining": 2,
"front": 3,
"side": 5,
"sole": 6,
"laces": 7,
"logo": 8,
"hardware": 9,
"overlay": 30000
"$info": {
"branch": "master",
"build": 186,
"build_fqn": "186",
"build_s": "186",
"config": {
"blend_shadow": {
"maltby": {
"fringe_shadow": "fringe"
"no_alpha_composite": [
"opacity_shadow": {
"default": {
"alpha_divisor": 1,
"blur_radius": 1
"fringe_shadow": {
"alpha_divisor": 2,
"blur_radius": 3.5
"priorities": {
"accents": 3,
"collar": 8,
"elastic": 6,
"eyestay0_side": 9,
"fringe": 10000,
"fringe_hardware": 10001,
"front": 3,
"hardware": 7,
"heel0_trimmings": 5,
"heel_tab": 10,
"lace0_eyelet": 11,
"laces": 6,
"metal_caps": 10000,
"metal_toe_cap": 10000,
"mudguard": 7,
"outsole": 10002,
"overlay": 30000,
"rubber_strap": 10000,
"shadow": 1,
"side": 4,
"side0_tongue_detail": 4,
"sole": 12,
"strap_tip": 10000,
"strap_tips": 10000,
"tag_left": 13,
"tag_right": 13,
"toe0_tongue": 6,
"toe_cap": 20000,
"trimmings": 4,
"upper": 2,
"upper1": 2,
"upper2": 3,
"zip": 3
"repositions": {
"air_rev_nitro": "auto",
"air_rev_trigger": "auto",
"air_rev_xtra": "auto",
"air_revive": "auto",
"bond": 164,
"carnaby": 78,
"crosby": "auto",
"crosby_p": "auto",
"crosby_v2": "auto",
"element_black": "auto",
"element_blue_grey": "auto",
"element_blue_reflective": "auto",
"element_green": "auto",
"element_grey_reflective": "auto",
"element_neon_pink": "auto",
"element_red": "auto",
"element_yellow_pink": "auto",
"gypsy_denim": "auto",
"gypsy_multi": "auto",
"maltby": 78,
"redchurch": 78,
"regent": 140
"shadows": [
"skip_colorize": [
"skip_repositions": [
"skip_verify_defaults": [
"specific_colorize": {
"air_rev_nitro": {
"collar": "nappa",
"eyestay0_side": "nappa",
"heel0_trimmings": "nappa",
"heel_tab": "nappa",
"mudguard": "nappa",
"side0_tongue_detail": "nappa",
"toe0_tongue": "nappa"
"bond": {
"front": "nappa",
"heel": "nappa",
"side": "nappa",
"straps": "nappa"
"conduit": {
"front": "nappa",
"side": "nappa"
"dean2": {
"collar": "nappa",
"front": "nappa",
"side": "nappa"
"dean54": {
"front": "nappa",
"piping": "nappa",
"side": "nappa",
"toe_cap": "nappa"
"hoxton": {
"back_stay": "nappa",
"front": "nappa",
"side": "nappa"
"kingsland": {
"collar": "nappa",
"front": "nappa",
"side": "nappa"
"maddox": {
"front": "nappa",
"side": "nappa"
"maltby": {
"fringe": "nappa",
"front": "nappa",
"side": "nappa"
"marshall": {
"eye_stay": "nappa",
"front": "nappa",
"front_panel": "nappa",
"inside": "nappa",
"inside_panel": "nappa",
"outside": "nappa",
"tongue": "nappa"
"redchurch": {
"front": "nappa"
"regent": {
"ankle_side": "nappa",
"front": "nappa",
"heel": "nappa",
"side": "nappa",
"stay": "nappa"
"vyner": {
"front": "nappa",
"side": "nappa"
"static_dirs": [
"vendor": "swear"
"description": "Adding monogram beige and block parts in all colors",
"details": {
"aliyun_bucket": "",
"alpha_composite": true,
"collect": true,
"colorize": true,
"compress": true,
"description": "Adding monogram beige and block parts in all colors",
"dropbox_folder": "/deploy",
"models": [
"publish": true,
"reposition": true,
"resave": true,
"source_commit": "53cbd06780a53ea8623dd5d00a200797c0a7867b",
"source_url": "",
"start_time": 1659606810.297122,
"strict": true,
"uid": "a1fbc3673666fc24a4f6b192b2da1be1dfcee001",
"upload": true,
"upload_branch": "master",
"upload_branch_n": "master",
"user": "da",
"user_email": "",
"user_full": "da <>"
"duration": 1721.8983755111694,
"extension": "zip",
"file_id": "id:P-yUG8Qxd2AAAAAAAAAX3g",
"file_name": "",
"file_size": 6455908544,
"file_url": "",
"files": [
"installed": 1670411958,
"packager": 2,
"sources": [
"tags": [
"timestamp": 1659608532,
"user": "da <>",
"vendor": "swear"
"$mtime": 1670411912.7246819,
"version_s": "186",
"version_i": 186,
"branch": "master",
"compatibility": 1,
"order": null,
"initials_patch": {
"suede": {
"white": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"black": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black"
"navy": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "navy"
"cobalt": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "cobalt"
"red": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "red"
"fuchsia": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "fuchsia"
"chocolate": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "chocolate"
"terracotta": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "terracotta"
"beige": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "beige"
"forest_green": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "forest_green"
"hairy_calf": {
"white": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"black": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black"
"navy": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "navy"
"cobalt": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "cobalt"
"red": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "red"
"fuchsia": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "fuchsia"
"terracotta": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "terracotta"
"tan": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "beige"
"mustard": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "mustard"
"burnt_orange": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "burnt_orange"
"leopard": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "beige"
"camouflage": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "forest_green"
"ostrich": {
"white": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"black": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black"
"tan": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "terracotta"
"neon_yellow": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "neon_yellow"
"grey": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "grey"
"python": {
"white": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"black": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black"
"natural": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "off_white"
"silver": {
"material": "metallic",
"color": "silver"
"gold": {
"material": "metallic",
"color": "gold"
"neon_white": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "off_white"
"crocodile": {
"white": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"black": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black"
"navy": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "navy"
"red": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "red"
"tan": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "terracotta"
"nude": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "beige"
"silver": {
"material": "metallic",
"color": "silver"
"antique_gold": {
"material": "metallic",
"color": "gold"
"initials_patch_materials": [
"initials_dot_materials": [
"initials_pivot_part": "front",
"always_patch": false,
"alias": null,
"restrictions": [],
"meta": {},
"locales": [
"variant": null
This endpoint returns the configuration of a product with the given brand, model and variant.
HTTP Request
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | Brand's name. | |
model | yes | text | Model's name. |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
variant | no | number | null |
The product's variant. |
Field | Type | Description |
brand | text | Build's brand. |
name | text | Build's name. |
description | text | Product description text. |
title | text | Product marketing name. |
style | text | Style (as an open string) of the model. |
scale | text | Scale available for the product. |
gender | text | The gender of the product, it can be "male", "female" or "both". |
observations | text | Complementary description text. |
tags | list | List of tags that define certain behaviours for the product. |
sizes | dictionary | The start, end, and step for each scale of each available gender. |
frames | number | The number of side frames, all other views are considered to have only one frame. |
faces | list of text | The available perspective of the product. |
faces_m | dictionary | The number of frames of each face and a boolean to define if there is a thumbnail or not. |
parts | dictionary | Describes all customization products part and correspondent materials and colors. |
defaults | dictionary | Default material and color for every part. |
hidden | list of text | The parts that can't be customized by the end user. |
order | dictionary | Defines the order in which the original parts, materials and colors should be presented in the layout. |
alias | dictionary | Defines visual alias for part, materials or colors, note that a fully qualified name may be used to reduce ambiguity. |
blacklist | dictionary | Prevent combinations of appearing. |
restrictions | list of dictionary | Prevents parts or pairs of material-color from appearing together, meaning that when one is present on the customization, the other won't appear in the UI for selection, special cases exist for a single element item where that combination is always excluded from the UI (hard restriction). |
sync | dictionary | the parts that must have the same material and color, when one is changed the others should also change to the same combination. |
z_index | list of text | Defines the part's priorities for drawing, this should ensure proper layering of the model (no hidden parts). |
Order Endpoints
An order includes general information about a product's transaction entry and processing. Platforme API allows access to that information from the already existing orders but also to import new orders to the system. Furthermore, production order reports may be generated.
The list endpoint returns the existing orders according to the given parameters. If no parameters are given, it will 10 orders the user has permissions to access. A user only has permission to access and modify data related to him, meaning that he can only access data from the brands he is responsible for.
Query support can be consulted here
Example Request
curl "[]=shoe:eq:vyner" \
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Example Response
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is defined but not filter_operator
, its default value will be $and
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
filter_operator | no | text | $and |
The logic operator that unites all the options given in filters . |
filters | no | text | null |
The filters that will be applied to the availability rules query. Must have the structure <parameter>:<operator>:<value> . More than one filter can be given to the query, and their application together is based on the filter_operator given. |
number_records | no | numeric | 10 |
The number of results that will be returned in the response. |
start_record | no | numeric | 0 |
The offset index from which the results will be start when returned. |
Filter Operator Values
Value | Description |
$and | The results given must comply with all the filters. |
$or | The results given must comply with at least on of the filters. |
Filters Parameters
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | no | numeric | null |
Order production identifier. |
key | no | numeric | null |
Order production key identifier. |
number | no | numeric | null |
Order production number. |
number_s | no | text | null |
Order production number in text format. |
ff_order_id | no | text | null |
Order production's related order sales identifier. |
retail_id | no | text | null |
Order production's related order sales identifier (preferred over ff_order_id ). |
item_id | no | text | null |
Order production's unique item identifier. |
shoe | no | text | null |
Model name. |
ff_id | no | text | null |
The concrete identifier of the model that represents the entry point for a specific customization of a product (customization alias). |
ff_shoe_id | no | text | null |
The model identifier of the base shoe that is used for the order production. |
production | no | text | null |
Kind of production strategy (one of "produce", "prototype", "reference"). |
store | no | text | null |
The store from which this order was generated, this is only populated in case the a store is defined for the source of the order. |
status | no | text | null |
Order production's status (one of pending, created, production, ready, sent, received, returned, canceled). |
account | no | text | null |
System account responsible for the handling of the production order. |
ambassador | no | text | null |
In case it's set, defines the ambassador to which this production order belongs. |
customer | no | text | null |
Reference to the account of the customer (or an employee representing him) to which this order belongs. |
gender | no | text | null |
Order production's model gender. |
country | no | text | null |
Order production's product country destination. |
currency | no | text | null |
Currency used to calculate the price. |
price | no | numeric | null |
Order's production customization cost price. |
tracking_number | no | text | null |
Shipping tracking number. |
created | no | date time | null |
Date when the order production was initially created. |
modified | no | date time | null |
The date and time of the latest modification operation. |
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
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"description": "VYNER",
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"type": "build",
"gender": "male",
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"currency": "USD",
"country": "US",
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"shoe_url": "/config/customization?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
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"measurements": [],
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"invoicing_info": null,
"invoice": {
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"invoice_details": {
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"return_tracking_url": null,
"pickup_number": null,
"proof_of_delivery_url": null,
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"size_scaled": 40.0,
"details": {
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"variant": null,
"parts_m": {
"front": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"hardware": {
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"color": "silver"
"laces": {
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"color": "white"
"lining": {
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"color": "white"
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"color": "white"
"sole": {
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"color": "white"
"logo": {
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"shadow": {
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"color": "default"
"size": 25,
"gender": "male",
"parts": [
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"name": "front",
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"name": "side",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
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"color": "white",
"name": "lining",
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"color": "silver",
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"name": "logo",
"hidden": true,
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"color": "default",
"name": "shadow",
"hidden": true,
"optional": false
"query": "model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"url": "/config/customization?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"image": "/compose?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"extras": 0
Get details of a specific order, given its order number. Includes data from the product's composition, price, order tracking and production status.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
sid | no | text | The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request. |
Import Simple
Example Request
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{ "brand": "swear", "model": "vyner", "ensure": "true" }'
Example Response
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"id": 320963,
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"status": "created",
"status_index": 1,
"production_status": "unset",
"production": "produce",
"priority": null,
"type": "build",
"gender": "male",
"scale_s": null,
"currency": null,
"country": null,
"price": 1574.13,
"prices": {
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"extras": 0
Import an order to the system with a minimal set of required parameters using appropriate defaults for the remaining ones. If the current email from session exists, it will be retrieved so that it may be used as the owner of the order (ambassador).
Admin authentication is required.
HTTP Request
Besides the order's import, the following generates the respective production order report as a PDF file format.
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
sid | no | text | The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name. | |
model | yes | text | The model's name. | |
ff_order_id | no | text | null |
The e-commerce order identifier (soft-deprecated legacy id, use retail_id instead). |
retail_id | no | text | null |
Order production's related order sales identifier (preferred over ff_order_id ). |
item_id | no | text | null |
Order production's unique item (physical product identifier). |
ensure | no | boolean | false |
If true, the model config appropriate defauls are used (like parts' colors and materials). |
parts | no | dictionary | Specific customization (part, material, color). | |
size | no | number | The size of the model (native value). | |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
engraving | no | text | null |
The personalization engraving properties. |
initials | no | text | null |
The personalization initials text. |
initials_extra | no | dictionary | null |
The personalization initials object, containing the initials text and engraving for each group. |
price | no | number | null |
The model's price. |
product_id | no | numeric | null |
The product's unique identification (ID) assigned to a particular configuration. |
factory | no | text | null |
The name of the factory that is going to be used for the production of this order. |
transport | no | text | null |
The transport information that is going to be used for the shipping of this order (if any). |
version | no | number | latest | The build's version. |
gender | no | text | null |
Order production's model gender. |
scale | no | text | null |
The scale associated with the model in the current order. |
delivery_time | no | numeric | null |
Number of expected days that the delivery of this order will take. |
domain | no | text | null |
The domain of this order which will be used for multiple operations such as SKU resolution. |
sku | no | text | null |
SKU representation of all the information about the order customization. |
dku | no | text | null |
DKU representation of all the information about the order customization. |
currency | no | text | EUR |
The ISO 4217 currency code, used for price calculation. |
country | no | text | US |
The ISO 3166-2 country code, used for price calculation. |
meta | no | text | null |
Complementary information to be added, key:value comma separated format (ie: key1:value1,key2:value2). |
notify | no | boolean | false |
Mark order to trigger notification after creation. |
pending | no | boolean | false |
Sets the order's initial status as "Pending" so it has to be confirmed. |
safe | no | boolean | true |
If true, does not allow to override an existing order with the same ff_order_id . |
production | no | text | produce |
The production strategy that categorizes the order (produce , prototype , reference or undefined ). |
notes | no | list of text | [] |
A list of notes that will be added to the order. |
type | no | text | build |
The type of order, build or buildless . A build type has a 3DB build related to it, with possibly logic related to parts, pricing and others. A buildless order has no logic related to a 3DB and is only a static import of information. |
measurements | no | list | null |
A list of model/customer measurements for the order. Each list element is an object with name (a string, the name of the measurement), value (numeric) and unit (either cm or in ). An optional side field can also be sent (string). Example: [{"name": "arm", "value": 50, "unit": "cm", "side": "left"}, {"name": "hem", "value": 2, "unit": "in"}] |
Example Request
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d "ff_order_id=4a26a797-ffb6-4aa1-8fe0-de71052d6987" \
-d "retail_id=f12f05d2-3e61-454a-b73c-045363969a20" \
-d "item_id=af267c5c-5553-4cb8-b13b-4f0ee4d80965" \
-d 'contents={
"brand": "swear",
"model": "vyner",
"variant": "",
"parts": {
"lining": {
"color": "white",
"material": "calf_lining"
"sole": {
"color": "white",
"material": "rubber"
"hardware": {
"color": "silver",
"material": "metal"
"laces": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nylon"
"front": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nappa"
"logo": {
"color": "silver",
"material": "metal"
"shadow": {
"color": "default",
"material": "default"
"side": {
"color": "white",
"material": "nappa"
"engraving": "metal_silver:style",
"initials": "aa",
"size": 25,
"product_id": 11221602
' \
-d "meta=sku:{sku_here}" \
-d "notify=1" \
-d "country=US" \
-d "currency=USD"
Example Request
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d "ff_order_id={ff_order_id_here}" \
-d "retail_id={retail_id_here}" \
-d "item_id={item_id_here}" \
-d "dku=swear.vyner.-1.3%3A10.0%3A2.0%3A18.0%3A3.4%3A10.0%3A5.4%3A0%3A2.5%3A0%3A0.%24s%3A25" \
-d "notify=1" \
-d "country=US" \
-d "currency=USD"
Example Response
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"optional": false
"color": "white",
"material": "nylon",
"name": "laces",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"color": "white",
"material": "rubber",
"name": "sole",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"color": "silver",
"material": "metal",
"name": "hardware",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"color": "silver",
"material": "metal",
"name": "logo",
"hidden": true,
"optional": false
"color": "default",
"material": "default",
"name": "shadow",
"hidden": true,
"optional": false
"query": "model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"url": "/config/customization?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"image": "/compose?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"extras": 0,
"initials_extra": {
"main": {
"initials": "AB",
"engraving": "metal_gold:font"
Import an order to the system with a set of parameters used for the creation of that order. If the current email from session exists, it will be retrieved so that it may be used as the owner of the order (ambassador).
Admin authentication is required.
HTTP Request
Besides the order's import, the following generates the respective production order report as a PDF file format.
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
sid | no | text | The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
ff_order_id | yes | text | The e-commerce order identifier. | |
retail_id | no | text | ff_order_id | Order production's related order sales identifier. |
item_id | no | text | null |
Order production's unique item (physical product identifier). |
contents | no | text | null |
JSON encoded string values with all the information about the order structure. |
dku | no | text | null |
DKU representation of all the information about the order customization. |
currency | no | text | EUR |
The ISO 4217 currency code, used for price calculation. |
country | no | text | US |
The ISO 3166-2 country code, used for price calculation. |
meta | no | text | null |
Complementary information to be added, key:value comma separated format (ie: key1:value1,key2:value2). |
notify | no | boolean | false |
Mark order to trigger notification after creation. |
pending | no | boolean | false |
Sets the order's initial status as "Pending" so it has to be confirmed. |
safe | no | boolean | true |
If true, does not allow to override an existing order with the same ff_order_id . |
production | no | text | produce |
The production strategy that categorizes the order (produce , prototype , reference or undefined ). |
notes | no | list of text | [] |
A list of notes that will be added to the order. |
type | no | text | build |
The type of order, build or buildless . A build type has a 3DB build related to it, with possibly logic related to parts, pricing and others. A buildless order has no logic related to a 3DB and is only a static import of information. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name | |
model | yes | text | The model's name | |
parts | yes | dictionary | Specific customization (part, material, color). | |
size | yes | number | The size of the model (native value). | |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
engraving | no | text | null |
The personalization engraving properties. |
initials | no | text | null |
The personalization initials text. |
initials_extra | no | dictionary | null |
The personalization initials object, containing the initials text and engraving for each group. |
price | no | number | null |
The model's price |
product_id | no | numeric | null |
The product's unique identification (ID) assigned to a particular configuration. |
factory | no | text | null |
The name of the factory that is going to be used for the production of this order. |
transport | no | text | null |
The transport information that is going to be used for the shipping of this order (if any). |
version | no | number | latest | The build's version. |
gender | no | text | null |
Order production's model gender. |
scale | no | text | null |
The scale associated with the model in the current order. |
delivery_time | no | numeric | null |
Number of expected days that the delivery of this order will take. |
meta | no | dictionary | null |
Complementary order data. |
Example Request
curl " \
> report_order_5650.pdf
The above command returns a PDF file
Example Request
curl " \
> report_order_5650.png
The above command returns an image with the PNG file extension
Get a production order report, regarding the given order number, in PDF or PNG file formats. This report is mainly issued to the production factory, summarizing multiple aspects of the ordered product's composition, customization and personalization. It also provides a barcode and a QR (Quick Response) code to be scanned.
HTTP Request
HTTP Request
PATH Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
key | yes | text | The order's unique secret key value used for private information access. |
Add Attachment
Example Request
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "Accept: application/json"\
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-F "meta={};type=application/json" \
-F "name=invoice" \
-F "file=@/User/user/invoice"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7f7320e13d4f111ce0d1",
"id": 4992,
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"created": 1737129843,
"modified": 1737129843,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": "invoice",
"key": "401ae705fed9d121d51061abb53aaaa29ec9c91a",
"kind": "s3",
"owner_": "",
"content_type": "text/plain",
"url": ""
Add an attachment file to a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
file | yes | file | The file to attach to the order. | |
name | no | text | The name of the file attachment. If not provided, it will use the name of the file. | |
meta | no | dictionary | null |
An object containing meta information about the file. |
List Attachments
Example Request
curl -X GET \
"" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7f7538163071fb1ce9a0",
"id": 4993,
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"created": 1737129845,
"modified": 1737129845,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": "invoice",
"key": "18048ea7e4d57837df44c678c4ce746034584f1c",
"kind": "s3",
"owner_": "",
"content_type": "text/plain",
"url": ""
List all attachments of a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Show Attachment
Example Request
curl -X GET \
"" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
Return the attachment file of an order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. | |
id | yes | numeric | The attachments' id. |
Count Attachments
Example Request
curl -X GET \
"" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"count": 1
Return the number of attachments an order has. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Add Note
Example Request
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d text="note"
Example Response
Add a note to a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
text | yes | text | The note text to add to the order. |
Add Issue
Example Request
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d issue=issue \
-d description=description \
-d severity=9 \
-d log=error
Example Response
Add an issue to a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
issue | yes | text | The issue name to add to the order. | |
description | no | text | A detailed issue description. | |
severity | no | numeric | The severity level of this issue (unbounded). | |
log | no | text | The error log associated (e.g. the stack trace). |
Create Waybill
Example Request
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"result": "success"
Trigger the creation of a waybill for a specific order order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Create Return Waybill
Example Request
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"result": "success"
Trigger the creation of a return waybill for a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Refresh Shipping
Example Request
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"result": "success"
Refresh the shipping information of a specific order, including the status of the shipment (if already shipped). Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7f8238163071fb1cea38",
"id": 332161,
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"created": 1737129858,
"modified": 1737129858,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": "created",
"justification": "Order import",
"timestamp": 1737129858,
"email": "",
"account": {
"_id": "5c7e68794ce4e7006b5c71c8",
"id": 30,
"enabled": true,
"description": "",
"created": 1551788153,
"modified": 1705062617,
"meta": {},
"username": "docs",
"email": "",
"facebook_id": "",
"github_login": "",
"google_id": "",
"live_id": "",
"twitter_username": "",
"type": 1,
"last_login": 1705062617,
"roles": [],
"fido2_enabled": false,
"otp_enabled": false,
"credentials": [],
"avatar_url": ""
"chat": null,
"attachments": []
Return the logs related to each status updates of a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7f83c38a8501031ce155",
"id": 332163,
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"created": 1737129859,
"modified": 1737129859,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": "created",
"justification": "Order import",
"timestamp": 1737129859,
"email": "",
"account": {
"_id": "5c7e68794ce4e7006b5c71c8",
"id": 30,
"enabled": true,
"description": "",
"created": 1551788153,
"modified": 1705062617,
"meta": {},
"username": "docs",
"email": "",
"facebook_id": "",
"github_login": "",
"google_id": "",
"live_id": "",
"twitter_username": "",
"type": 1,
"last_login": 1705062617,
"roles": [],
"fido2_enabled": false,
"otp_enabled": false,
"credentials": [],
"avatar_url": ""
"chat": null,
"attachments": []
Return state information for a specific state of a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. | |
state_id | yes | numeric | Order's state identifier. |
Add State Attachments
Example Request
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Accept: application/json"\
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-F "meta={};type=application/json" \
-F "name=invoice" \
-F "file=@/User/user/invoice"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7f8638163071fb1cea5e",
"id": 4996,
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"created": 1737129862,
"modified": 1737129862,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": "invoice",
"key": "812b6583af417ea836d227cb294075f308cd9ad9",
"kind": "s3",
"owner_": "",
"content_type": "text/plain",
"url": ""
Adds an attachment for a specific state of a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. | |
state_id | yes | numeric | Order's state identifier. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
file | yes | file | The file to attach to the order. | |
name | no | text | The name of the file attachment. If not provided, it will use the name of the file. | |
meta | no | dictionary | null |
An object containing meta information about the file. |
State Attachments
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7f8838163071fb1cea7c",
"id": 4997,
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"created": 1737129864,
"modified": 1737129864,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": "invoice",
"key": "b94182f1dc56f637860f2a508758b3be646fbe61",
"kind": "s3",
"owner_": "",
"content_type": "text/plain",
"url": ""
Returns all attachments for a specific state of a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. | |
state_id | yes | numeric | Order's state identifier. |
State Attachments Count
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"count": 1
Returns the number of attachments for a specific state of a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. | |
state_id | yes | numeric | Order's state identifier. |
State Attachment
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
Returns attachment file for a specific state of a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. | |
state_id | yes | numeric | Order's state identifier. | |
id | yes | numeric | The attachments' id. |
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"number": 320997,
"factory": "flaj"
Get the factory name of a specific order, given its order number.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. | |
sid | no | text | The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request. |
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"value": 1574.13,
"currency": "USD"
Get the price value of a specific order, given its order number.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
currency | no | text | USD |
The ISO 4217 code for the currency in which the current price should be converted. |
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"number": 321000,
"transport": {
"courier": "ups",
"package": "envelope",
"weight": 1.5,
"weight_units": "kilograms",
"documents": [
"shipping_details": {
"service": "express",
"description": "sneakers",
"shipper": {
"name": "Coolstuffz Porto",
"phone": "222333444",
"address": {
"line": "Rua de Santa Catarina 4",
"city": "Porto",
"postal_code": "4000542",
"country_code": "PT"
Get the transport value of a specific order, given its order number.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Create (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7f92662f8dbb321ce43b",
"id": 321002,
"number": 321002,
"enabled": true,
"description": "VYNER",
"created": 1737129874,
"modified": 1737129875,
"meta": {
"sku": "590f9b11-0eb7-46e7-9332-e47f291ace67"
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": "flaj",
"quantity": 1,
"key": "a488446c577df04454a2794d65914d646fa4e85f",
"status": "created",
"status_index": 1,
"production_status": "unset",
"production": "produce",
"priority": null,
"type": "build",
"gender": "male",
"scale_s": null,
"currency": "USD",
"country": "US",
"price": 1574.13,
"prices": {
"components": {
"front": {
"rule_id": 27166,
"rule_count": 5,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "USD",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [
"Nappa Leather"
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": null,
"cites": false
"hardware": {
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "USD",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [],
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": null,
"cites": false
"laces": {
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "USD",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [],
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": null,
"cites": false
"lining": {
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "USD",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [],
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": null,
"cites": false
"side": {
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "USD",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [
"Nappa Leather"
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": null,
"cites": false
"sole": {
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "USD",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": null,
"cites": false
"logo": {
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "USD",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [],
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": null,
"cites": false
"shadow": {
"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
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Set the status of a specific order to 'created'. Returns the updated order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
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X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Produce (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
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Set the status of a specific order to 'production'. Returns the updated order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Quality Assure (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
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Set the status of a specific order to 'quality assurance'. Returns the updated order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Reject (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
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Set the status of a specific order to 'rejected'. Returns the updated order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Ready (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
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Set the status of a specific order to 'ready'. Returns the updated order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Send (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
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Set the status of a specific order to 'sent'. Returns the updated order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Block (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
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Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Receive (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
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Set the status of a specific order to 'received'. Returns the updated order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Return (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
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Set the status of a specific order to 'returned'. Returns the updated order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Cancel (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
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Set the status of a specific order to 'canceled'. Returns the updated order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Show Order Subscription
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"subscribed": false
Checks if the logged in user (in session) is subscribed to events of a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Subscribe to Order
Example Request
curl -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"subscribed": true
Subscribes the logged in user (in session) to events of a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Remove Order Subscription
Example Request
curl -X DELETE "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"subscribed": false
Removes the subscription to events of a specific order for the logged in user (in session). Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Set Meta
Example Request
curl -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
Example Response
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Adds a meta field key-value pairs to a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
key | yes | text | The key of the meta field data. | |
value | yes | text | The value of the meta field data. |
Set Production Status
Example Request
curl -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
Example Response
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Updates the production status of a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
status | no | text | null |
The production status of an order. Can be one of (unset , waiting , cutting , sewing , assembling , produced and canceled ). |
production_status | no | text | null |
The production status of an order. The same as status . |
Set Priority
Example Request
curl -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
Example Response
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Sets the priority of a specific order. A higher value means it should be produced before items with a lower value. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
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X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
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GET Parameters
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The level of prioritization to be applied to this order during production, where a higher value means it should be produced before items with a lower value. |
Set Tracking
Example Request
curl -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
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"hidden": false,
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"url": "/config/customization?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"image": "/compose?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"extras": 0
Sets the tracking number and URL used to track the transport operation of a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
tracking_number | no | text | null |
The tracking number that can be used to track the transport operation associated with the order. |
tracking_url | no | text | null |
The tracking URL that can be used to view the transport operation information associated with the order. |
Set Return Tracking
Example Request
curl -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d return_tracking_number="1" \
-d return_tracking_url=""
Example Response
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"extras": 0
Sets the return tracking number and URL used to track the transport operation associated with the return of a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
return_tracking_number | no | text | null |
The return tracking number that can be used to track the return transport operation associated with the order. |
return_tracking_url | no | text | null |
The return tracking URL that can be used to view the return transport operation information associated with the order. |
Set Proof of Delivery
Example Request
curl -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d proof_of_delivery_url=""
Example Response
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Sets the URL for the proof of delivery document of a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
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X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
GET Parameters
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proof_of_delivery_url | no | text | null |
The URL for the proof of delivery associated with the order. |
Update Tag
Example Request
curl -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
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-d type="un1qnx" \
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"name": "front",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"name": "side",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"material": "calf_lining",
"color": "white",
"name": "lining",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"material": "nylon",
"color": "white",
"name": "laces",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"material": "rubber",
"color": "white",
"name": "sole",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"material": "metal",
"color": "silver",
"name": "hardware",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"material": "metal",
"color": "silver",
"name": "logo",
"hidden": true,
"optional": false
"material": "default",
"color": "default",
"name": "shadow",
"hidden": true,
"optional": false
"query": "model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"url": "/config/customization?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"image": "/compose?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"extras": 0
Assigns a tag to a specific order and possibly activates it. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
identifier | yes | text | The tag identifier associated with the order. | |
type | yes | text | The type of tag, which can indicate the vendor of the tag. | |
activate | no | boolean | true |
If true, the activation of tag will be made on the vendor side, if necessary. |
Activate Tag
Example Request
curl -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fb638163071fb1cebb2",
"id": 321027,
"number": 321027,
"enabled": true,
"description": "VYNER",
"created": 1737129909,
"modified": 1737129910,
"meta": {
"sku": "aea4918c-1b6b-4ff3-98f1-25a8dbe26207"
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": "flaj",
"quantity": 1,
"key": "53903f480dcf35be2713f89bb6126735aa1913e0",
"status": "created",
"status_index": 1,
"production_status": "unset",
"production": "produce",
"priority": null,
"type": "build",
"gender": "male",
"scale_s": null,
"currency": "USD",
"country": "US",
"price": 1574.13,
"prices": {
"components": {
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"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
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"currency": "USD",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [
"Nappa Leather"
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
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"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": null,
"cites": false
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"rule_count": 1,
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"vat_rate": 20.0,
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"currency": "USD",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
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"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": null,
"cites": false
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"rule_count": 1,
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"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "USD",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [],
"hs_code_priority": 1,
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"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": null,
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"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
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"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [],
"hs_code_priority": 1,
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"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
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"rule_count": 1,
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"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
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"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [
"Nappa Leather"
"hs_code_priority": 1,
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"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": null,
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"rule_count": 1,
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"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
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"currency": "USD",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [
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"base_currency": "EUR",
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"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "USD",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [],
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"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": null,
"cites": false
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"rule_id": 27168,
"rule_count": 1,
"price_taxes": 199.0,
"vat": 33.17,
"vat_rate": 20.0,
"price": 165.83,
"currency": "USD",
"hs_code": 6403999065,
"notes": [],
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"price_original": 199.0,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": null,
"cites": false
"total": {
"price_final": 1574.13,
"price_taxes": 1326.67,
"vat": 0.0,
"ddp": 247.46,
"ddp_percent": 18.6528544,
"vat_rate": 0.0,
"price": 1326.67,
"currency": "USD",
"country": "US",
"hs_codes": [
"hs_code_priority": 1,
"shipping": 0.0,
"notes": [
"Nappa Leather",
"diag": {
"no_round": {
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"price_taxes": 1326.67,
"price": 1326.67,
"vat": 0.0,
"ddp": 247.46
"patch": true,
"round_value": true,
"is_vat": false,
"is_ddp": true,
"is_european": false,
"is_rounded": false,
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
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"base_country": "EU",
"base_currency": "EUR",
"exchanged": null
"cites": false
"brand": "swear",
"factory": "flaj",
"domain": null,
"sku": "teste2",
"shoe": "vyner",
"variant": null,
"shoe_query": "model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"shoe_url": "/config/customization?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"image_url": "/compose?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"minify_hash": "Mzk4NjU",
"image_hash": "Mzk4NjY",
"image_o_hash": "Mzk4Njc",
"top_hash": "Mzk4Njg",
"top_o_hash": "NDU0NTc",
"bottom_hash": "Mzk4NzA",
"bottom_o_hash": "NDU0NTg",
"back_hash": "Mzk4NzI",
"side_hash": "Mzk4NzM",
"structure": "{\"brand\": \"swear\", \"model\": \"vyner\", \"variant\": null, \"parts_m\": {\"front\": {\"material\": \"nappa\", \"color\": \"white\"}, \"hardware\": {\"material\": \"metal\", \"color\": \"silver\"}, \"laces\": {\"material\": \"nylon\", \"color\": \"white\"}, \"lining\": {\"material\": \"calf_lining\", \"color\": \"white\"}, \"side\": {\"material\": \"nappa\", \"color\": \"white\"}, \"sole\": {\"material\": \"rubber\", \"color\": \"white\"}, \"logo\": {\"material\": \"metal\", \"color\": \"silver\"}, \"shadow\": {\"material\": \"default\", \"color\": \"default\"}}, \"size\": 25, \"gender\": \"male\", \"parts\": [{\"material\": \"nappa\", \"color\": \"white\", \"name\": \"front\", \"hidden\": false, \"optional\": false}, {\"material\": \"nappa\", \"color\": \"white\", \"name\": \"side\", \"hidden\": false, \"optional\": false}, {\"material\": \"calf_lining\", \"color\": \"white\", \"name\": \"lining\", \"hidden\": false, \"optional\": false}, {\"material\": \"nylon\", \"color\": \"white\", \"name\": \"laces\", \"hidden\": false, \"optional\": false}, {\"material\": \"rubber\", \"color\": \"white\", \"name\": \"sole\", \"hidden\": false, \"optional\": false}, {\"material\": \"metal\", \"color\": \"silver\", \"name\": \"hardware\", \"hidden\": false, \"optional\": false}, {\"material\": \"metal\", \"color\": \"silver\", \"name\": \"logo\", \"hidden\": true, \"optional\": false}, {\"material\": \"default\", \"color\": \"default\", \"name\": \"shadow\", \"hidden\": true, \"optional\": false}], \"query\": \"model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default\", \"url\": \"/config/customization?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default\", \"image\": \"/compose?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default\", \"extras\": 0}",
"measurements": [],
"ff_id": null,
"ff_shoe_id": 12212972,
"ff_order_id": "24c2b234-3d57-4d9d-8e62-120a69e7897c",
"retail_id": "e035ca64-6b7a-483e-b59f-26ef3f2d7423",
"item_id": "d5390ba5-5c2d-4fa8-942c-f44853fc1200",
"delivery_time": 7,
"shipping_info": null,
"invoicing_info": null,
"invoice": {
"invoicer": "invoice_express",
"invoice_details": {
"finalize": false,
"series": "InMSE23",
"tax_exemption": "M16"
"transport": {
"courier": "ups",
"package": "envelope",
"weight": 1.5,
"weight_units": "kilograms",
"documents": [
"shipping_details": {
"service": "express",
"description": "sneakers",
"shipper": {
"name": "Coolstuffz Porto",
"phone": "222333444",
"address": {
"line": "Rua de Santa Catarina 4",
"city": "Porto",
"postal_code": "4000542",
"country_code": "PT"
"transport_ready": false,
"tracking_number": null,
"tracking_url": null,
"return_tracking_number": null,
"return_tracking_url": null,
"pickup_number": null,
"proof_of_delivery_url": null,
"report_url_e": null,
"last_updated": 1737129910,
"last_update_touches": [],
"last_state_change": 1737129910,
"tag": null,
"states_names": [
"notes": [],
"issues": [],
"states": [
"_id": "678a7fb638163071fb1cebb6",
"id": 332245,
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"created": 1737129910,
"modified": 1737129910,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": "created",
"justification": "Order import",
"timestamp": 1737129910,
"email": "",
"account": {
"_id": "5c7e68794ce4e7006b5c71c8",
"id": 30,
"enabled": true,
"description": "",
"created": 1551788153,
"modified": 1705062617,
"meta": {},
"username": "docs",
"email": "",
"facebook_id": "",
"github_login": "",
"google_id": "",
"live_id": "",
"twitter_username": "",
"type": 1,
"last_login": 1705062617,
"roles": [],
"fido2_enabled": false,
"otp_enabled": false,
"credentials": [],
"avatar_url": ""
"chat": null,
"attachments": []
"attachments": [],
"account": "",
"customer": null,
"ambassador": null,
"store": null,
"chat": null,
"number_s": "#321027",
"channel": "digital",
"delivery_d": 1737734709.0,
"scale": "it",
"size_scaled": 40.0,
"details": {
"brand": "swear",
"model": "vyner",
"variant": null,
"parts_m": {
"front": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"hardware": {
"material": "metal",
"color": "silver"
"laces": {
"material": "nylon",
"color": "white"
"lining": {
"material": "calf_lining",
"color": "white"
"side": {
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white"
"sole": {
"material": "rubber",
"color": "white"
"logo": {
"material": "metal",
"color": "silver"
"shadow": {
"material": "default",
"color": "default"
"size": 25,
"gender": "male",
"parts": [
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"name": "front",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"name": "side",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"material": "calf_lining",
"color": "white",
"name": "lining",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"material": "nylon",
"color": "white",
"name": "laces",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"material": "rubber",
"color": "white",
"name": "sole",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"material": "metal",
"color": "silver",
"name": "hardware",
"hidden": false,
"optional": false
"material": "metal",
"color": "silver",
"name": "logo",
"hidden": true,
"optional": false
"material": "default",
"color": "default",
"name": "shadow",
"hidden": true,
"optional": false
"query": "model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"url": "/config/customization?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"image": "/compose?model=vyner&brand=swear&p=front:nappa:white&p=side:nappa:white&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=laces:nylon:white&p=sole:rubber:white&p=hardware:metal:silver&p=logo:metal:silver&p=shadow:default:default",
"extras": 0
Activates a tag linked to a specific order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Order's production number. |
Field | Type | Description |
id | number | Order production identifier. |
key | number | Order production key identifier. |
number | number | Order production number. |
number_s | text | Order production number in text format. |
ff_order_id | number | Order production's related order sales identifier. |
shoe_url | text | Canonical customization URL. |
states | list of states | List of states that the order production has gone through. |
shoe | text | Model name. |
ff_id | text | The concrete identifier of the model that represents the entry point for a specific customization of a product (customization alias). |
ff_shoe_id | text | The model identifier of the base shoe that is used for the order production. |
image_url | text | URL to a rendered order's model image. |
image_hash | text | Minified URL to a rendered order's model image. |
image_o_hash | text | Minified URL to a rendered overlayed order's model image. |
side_hash | text | Minified URL to a rendered order's model side view image. |
back_hash | text | Minified URL to a rendered order's model back view image. |
top_hash | text | Minified URL to a rendered order's model top view image. |
top_o_hash | text | Minified URL to a rendered overlayed order's model top view image. |
bottom_hash | text | Minified URL to a rendered order's model bottom view image. |
bottom_o_hash | text | Minified URL to a rendered overlayed order's model bottom view image. |
minify_hash | text | Minified version of the canonical customization URL. |
production | text | Kind of production strategy (one of "produce", "prototype", "reference"). |
store | text | The store from which this order was generated, this is only populated in case the a store is defined for the source of the order. |
status | text | Order production's status (one of pending, created, production, ready, sent, received, returned, canceled). |
account | text | System account responsible for the handling of the production order. |
ambassador | text | In case it's set, defines the ambassador to which this production order belongs. |
customer | text | Reference to the account of the customer (or an employee representing him) to which this order belongs. |
gender | text | Order production's model gender. |
country | text | Order production's product country destination. |
currency | text | Currency used to calculate the price. |
meta | dictionary | Complementary order production data. |
price | number | Order's production customization cost price. |
prices | dictionary | Order's production structured price information (see Price Component). |
shoe_query | text | Canonical customization query. |
tracking_number | text | Shipping tracking number. |
tracking_url | text | URL to the Postal Service shipping information page. |
structure | text | Structured information about the order's production (JSON encoded data.). |
details | dictionary | Structured information about the order's production (contents of structure parsed). |
created | date time | Date when the order production was initially created. |
modified | date time | The date and time of the latest modification operation. |
The meta
field of an Order can be unstructured, but it can contain some structure information, which is documented in the table below.
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
item_price | no | text | null |
Price of the order's item, with taxes. If the order has quantity > 1, this price is of only one item. |
item_discount | no | text | null |
The discount amount applied to the order's item price. |
item_tax | no | text | null |
The tax amount present in the order's item price. There can be several instances of the item_tax_* fields (i.e. item_tax_1 ), one for each tax applied to the item. |
item_tax_name | no | text | null |
The tax name applied to the order's item price. There can be several instances of the item_tax_name_* fields (i.e. item_tax_name_1 ), one for each tax applied to the item. |
item_rax_rate | no | text | null |
The tax percentage applied to the order's item price. There can be several instances of the item_tax_rate_* fields (i.e. item_tax_rate_1 ), one for each tax applied to the item. |
sale_shipping | no | text | null |
The price of the shipping of the sales order, can include taxes if taxes_included is truthy. |
sale_shipping_taxes | no | text | null |
The price of the shipping of the sales order with taxes included. Can be the same as the sale_shipping , if taxes_included is truthy. |
sale_shipping_tax_rate | no | text | null |
The tax percentage applied to the shipping price of the sales order. |
sale_price | no | text | null |
Total price of the sales order that contains this order. This amount can contain the price of not only the item of the order but also from other orders that belong to the same sales order. |
sale_price_taxes | no | text | null |
Total price of the sales order that contains this order, with taxes included. |
sale_discount | no | text | null |
The discount amount applied to the sales order. |
sale_tax | no | text | null |
The tax amount present in the sales order. There can be several instances of the sale_tax_* fields (i.e. sale_tax_1 ), one for each tax applied to the sales order. |
sale_tax_name | no | text | null |
The tax name applied to the sales order. There can be several instances of the sale_tax_name_* fields (i.e. sale_tax_name_1 ), one for each tax applied to the sales order. |
sale_tax_rate | no | text | null |
The tax percentage applied to the sales order. There can be several instances of the sale_tax_rate_* fields (i.e. sale_tax_rate_1 ), one for each tax applied to the sales order. |
taxes_included | no | text | null |
If the prices mentioned include taxes. Values can be 1 or 0 (in text). |
Bulk Order Endpoints
The list endpoint returns the existing bulk orders according to the given parameters. If no parameters are given, it will be returned 10 bulk orders the user has permissions to access. A user only has permission to access and modify data related to him, meaning that he can only access data from the brands he is responsible for.
Query support can be consulted here.
Example Request
curl "[]=shoe:eq:vyner" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
HTTP Request
This request receives 2 parameters: filter_operator
and filters
. If filters
is defined but not filter_operator
, its default value will be $and
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
filter_operator | no | text | $and |
The logic operator that unites all the options given in filters . |
filters | no | text | null |
The filters that will be applied to the invoice rules query. Must have the structure <parameter>:<operator>:<value> . More than one filter can be given to the query, and their application together is based on the filter_operator given. |
Filter Operator Values
Value | Description |
$and | The results given must comply with all the filters. |
$or | The results given must comply with at least on of the filters. |
Filters Parameters
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | no | numeric | null |
Bulk order production identifier. |
number | no | numeric | null |
Bulk order production number. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the bulk order, should describe the bulk order using natural language. |
brand | no | text | null |
The brand that better represents the contents of this bulk order. |
status | no | text | null |
Bulk order production's status (one of pending, created, production, ready, sent, received, returned, canceled). |
status_index | no | numeric | null |
The index of the current status of the bulk order on the order processing process. |
orders | no | array | null |
The sequence of orders that are associated with the bulk of orders. |
delivery_date | no | date time | null |
The date until which the bulk order must be delivered. |
created | no | date time | null |
Date when the bulk order production was initially created. |
modified | no | date time | null |
The date and time of the latest modification operation. |
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Creates a bulk order for the given list of orders. If the provided orders do not exist, an error is returned.
Example Request
curl -s -X POST \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"brand": "swear",
"orders": [1]
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fb838163071fb1cebc4",
"id": 2197,
"number": 2197,
"name": "bulk_order_swear",
"brand": "swear",
"orders": [
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"factory": null,
"status": "created",
"status_index": 1,
"created": 1737129912,
"modified": 1737129912,
"delivery_date": 1737734711
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
name | yes | text | The name of the bulk order, should describe the bulk order using natural language. | |
brand | no | text | null |
The brand that better represents the contents of this bulk order. |
orders | yes | array | The sequence of orders that are associated with the bulk of orders. |
Returns the invoice with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fb9662f8dbb321ce49b",
"id": 2198,
"number": 2198,
"name": "bulk_order_swear",
"brand": "swear",
"orders": [
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"factory": null,
"status": "created",
"status_index": 1,
"created": 1737129913,
"modified": 1737129913,
"delivery_date": 1737734713
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | The bulk order's number. |
Updates the bulk order with the given number.
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"name": "bulk_order_revised"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fbb662f8dbb321ce4a1",
"id": 2199,
"number": 2199,
"name": "bulk_order_revised",
"brand": "swear",
"orders": [
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"factory": null,
"status": "created",
"status_index": 1,
"created": 1737129915,
"modified": 1737129915,
"delivery_date": 1737734714
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | The bulk order's number. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the bulk order, should describe the bulk order using natural language. |
brand | no | text | null |
The brand that better represents the contents of this bulk order. |
status | no | text | null |
The bulk order production's status (one of pending, created, production, ready, sent, received, returned, canceled).. |
orders | no | array | null |
The sequence of orders that are associated with the bulk of orders. |
Deletes the bulk order with the given number.
Example Request
curl -s -X DELETE "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"result": "success"
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | The bulk order's number. |
Create (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fbe662f8dbb321ce4ad",
"id": 2201,
"number": 2201,
"name": "bulk_order_swear",
"brand": "swear",
"orders": [
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"factory": null,
"status": "created",
"status_index": 1,
"created": 1737129918,
"modified": 1737129918,
"delivery_date": 1737734718
Set the status of a specific bulk order to 'created'. Returns the updated bulk order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Bulk order's production number. |
Produce (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fc038163071fb1cebd6",
"id": 2202,
"number": 2202,
"name": "bulk_order_swear",
"brand": "swear",
"orders": [
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"factory": null,
"status": "production",
"status_index": 2,
"created": 1737129920,
"modified": 1737129921,
"delivery_date": 1737734719
Set the status of a specific bulk order to 'production'. Returns the updated bulk order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Bulk order's production number. |
Quality Assure (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fc2c38a8501031ce17e",
"id": 2203,
"number": 2203,
"name": "bulk_order_swear",
"brand": "swear",
"orders": [
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"factory": null,
"status": "quality_assurance",
"status_index": 2,
"created": 1737129922,
"modified": 1737129923,
"delivery_date": 1737734721
Set the status of a specific bulk order to 'quality assurance'. Returns the updated bulk order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Bulk order's production number. |
Reject (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fc4c38a8501031ce18d",
"id": 2204,
"number": 2204,
"name": "bulk_order_swear",
"brand": "swear",
"orders": [
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"factory": null,
"status": "rejected",
"status_index": 2,
"created": 1737129924,
"modified": 1737129925,
"delivery_date": 1737734723
Set the status of a specific bulk order to 'rejected'. Returns the updated bulk order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Bulk order's production number. |
Ready (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fc6662f8dbb321ce4bc",
"id": 2205,
"number": 2205,
"name": "bulk_order_swear",
"brand": "swear",
"orders": [
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"factory": null,
"status": "ready",
"status_index": 3,
"created": 1737129926,
"modified": 1737129927,
"delivery_date": 1737734725
Set the status of a specific bulk order to 'ready'. Returns the updated bulk order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Bulk order's production number. |
Send (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fc8b9cdc821521ce04d",
"id": 2206,
"number": 2206,
"name": "bulk_order_swear",
"brand": "swear",
"orders": [
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"factory": null,
"status": "sent",
"status_index": 4,
"created": 1737129928,
"modified": 1737129929,
"delivery_date": 1737734728
Set the status of a specific bulk order to 'sent'. Returns the updated bulk order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Bulk order's production number. |
Block (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fcbc38a8501031ce1ba",
"id": 2207,
"number": 2207,
"name": "bulk_order_swear",
"brand": "swear",
"orders": [
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"factory": null,
"status": "blocked",
"status_index": 4,
"created": 1737129931,
"modified": 1737129932,
"delivery_date": 1737734730
Set the status of a specific bulk order to 'blocked'. Returns the updated bulk order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Bulk order's production number. |
Receive (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fcd38163071fb1cec12",
"id": 2208,
"number": 2208,
"name": "bulk_order_swear",
"brand": "swear",
"orders": [
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"factory": null,
"status": "received",
"status_index": 5,
"created": 1737129933,
"modified": 1737129934,
"delivery_date": 1737734732
Set the status of a specific bulk order to 'received'. Returns the updated bulk order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Bulk order's production number. |
Return (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fcf38163071fb1cec18",
"id": 2209,
"number": 2209,
"name": "bulk_order_swear",
"brand": "swear",
"orders": [
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"factory": null,
"status": "returned",
"status_index": 5,
"created": 1737129935,
"modified": 1737129936,
"delivery_date": 1737734734
Set the status of a specific bulk order to 'returned'. Returns the updated bulk order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Bulk order's production number. |
Cancel (status)
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fd1662f8dbb321ce4c2",
"id": 2210,
"number": 2210,
"name": "bulk_order_swear",
"brand": "swear",
"orders": [
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"factory": null,
"status": "canceled",
"status_index": 5,
"created": 1737129937,
"modified": 1737129938,
"delivery_date": 1737734737
Set the status of a specific bulk order to 'canceled'. Returns the updated bulk order.
Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Bulk order's production number. |
Add Attachment
Example Request
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "Accept: application/json"\
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-F "files=@/User/user/invoice"
Example Response
Add an attachment file to a specific bulk order, which will be added to the respective order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Bulk order's production number. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
files | yes | file | The list of files to attach to the orders of the bulk order. The name of the file must match with a given order, like <order number>-<file name>.<extension> . |
List Attachments
Example Request
curl -X GET \
"" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"321043": [
"_id": "678a7fd6662f8dbb321ce4d7",
"id": 5003,
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"created": 1737129942,
"modified": 1737129942,
"meta": {
"type": "invoice"
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": "321043-invoice.txt",
"key": "46f8c5c11edadb6a26a0175fbe09c9d30ae0e5fb",
"kind": "s3",
"owner_": "",
"content_type": "text/plain",
"url": ""
List all attachments of a specific bulk order. Authentication credentials required.
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
number | yes | numeric | Bulk order's production number. |
Sizes Endpoints
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"it": [
"it_kirkwood": [
"it_n21": [
"eu": [
"fr": [
"uk": [
"uk_cariuma": [
"us": [
"us_cariuma": [
"ch": [
"jp": [
"bag": [
"one_size": [
"identity": [
"us:clothing": [
"std:clothing": [
"std_paula:clothing": [
"std_salsa:jeans": [
"it:clothing": [
"fr:clothing": [
"au:clothing": [
"fr:belt": [
"uk_diverge": [
"us_diverge": [
This endpoint provides a list of the available size scales. It is used to find out which scales can be used in the convertions from and to the specified scale.
HTTP Request
Native To Size
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"value": 48.0
This endpoint converts a native size value to corresponding value in the specified scale.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
scale | yes | text | The scale which one wants to convert to. | |
value | yes | numeric | The value which one wants to convert. | |
gender | yes | text | The gender of the scale and value to be converted. The available genders are listed using the sizes api. |
Size To Native
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"scale": "it",
"value": 41,
"native": 41
This endpoint converts a size value in the specified scale to the corresponding native size.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
scale | yes | text | The scale which one wants to convert from. | |
value | yes | numeric | The value which one wants to convert. | |
gender | yes | text | The gender of the scale and value to be converted. The available genders are listed using the sizes api. |
Locale Size To Native
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"scale": "std:clothing",
"value": "XXL",
"gender": "female",
"native": 24.0
This endpoint converts a locale size value in the specified scale to the corresponding native size.
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
scale | yes | text | The scale which one wants to convert from. | |
value | yes | text | The value which one wants to convert. | |
gender | yes | text | The gender of the scale and value to be converted. The available genders are listed using the sizes api. |
Build Endpoints
curl ""
This endpoint gets the vendor's logo.
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
vendor | yes | text | The vendor's name | |
format | yes | text | The format of the image, (eg: png , jpg , svg , etc.). |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
size | no | text | null |
Logo's size, (eg: small , medium , large , etc.). |
Example Request
curl ""\
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"result": "error",
"name": "ValueError",
"message": "not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)",
"code": 500,
"traceback": [
"Traceback (most recent call last):",
" File \"/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/appier/\", line 1568, in application_l",
" result = self.handle()",
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^",
" File \"/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/appier/\", line 1769, in handle",
" result = self.route()",
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^",
" File \"/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/appier/\", line 2062, in route",
" return_v = method_i(*args, **kwargs)",
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^",
" File \"/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/appier/\", line 2109, in interceptor",
" return function(self, *args, **kwargs)",
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^",
" File \"/src/ripe_core/controllers/api/\", line 151, in fonts",
" fonts = self.compose_interface.fonts(name, version=version)",
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^",
" File \"/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ripe_compose/util/\", line 956, in fonts",
" return configurator.Configurator.fonts(brand, version=version)",
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^",
" File \"/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ripe_compose/util/\", line 2840, in fonts",
" name, weight = font.split(\"-\", 1)",
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^",
"ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)"
"uid": "0109685e-b9fb-42ec-aebb-28e4328f3cd7",
"meta": null,
"session": "106491c02c79c5495470e6040a276f66a71cbde74c329bab6236f707e0a1c115"
This endpoint returns the build's fonts.
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
vendor | yes | text | The vendor's name. |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | text | latest | Build's version. |
Example Request
curl ""\
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
curl ""\
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
The above command returns a font file.
This endpoint returns the font file with the requested or default format.
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
vendor | yes | text | The vendor's name. | |
font | yes | text | The font's name (must only contain letters and numbers). | |
format | no | text | font's format | The font's format (fnt , ttf ). |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
version | no | text | latest | Build's version. |
weight | no | text | null |
Font's weight (Regular , Bold ). |
Example Request
curl "\
Example Response
"brand": "swear",
"model": null,
"version": null,
"values": [
"values_l": [
"locale": "es_es"
This endpoint is used to get the resolve of one or more values defined on a locale within a specific build.
The values field have specific semantic: a value is composed by a group of tokens separated by :
The first and second tokens (scope and value respectively), define the section and value being translated and the remaining tokens are optional and are used to provide more specific contextual information.
denote the intent to resolve the valueside
when the scope ispart
denote the intent to resolve the valuegreen
when the scope iscolor
denote the intent to resolve thecolor
and thematerial
The most commonly used scopes are: part
, material
, color
, property
HTTP Request
GET /api/builds/<text:brand>/locale
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The vendor's name at which the locale is bounded to. |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
model | no | text | null |
The model's name at which the locale is bounded to. |
version | no | text | latest | Model's version. |
values | no | list of text | empty list | The values which one wants to get the locale of. |
locale | no | text | en-us |
The locale which one wants to get the value from. |
Locale CSV
Example Request
curl ",fr_fr"\
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
colors.black0_green,Black & Green,Noir & Vert
colors.black0_grey,Black & Grey,Noir & Gris
colors.black0_orange,Black & Orange,Noir & Orange
colors.black0_red,Black & Red,Noir & Rouge
colors.black0_white,Black & White,Noir & Blanc,Blue,Bleu
colors.blue0_blue0_white,Blue & White,Bleu & Blanc
colors.blue0_orange,Blue & Orange,Bleu & Orange
colors.blush,Blush,Rose Poudré
colors.burnt_orange,Burnt Orange,Orange
colors.clear_white,Clear White,Blanc
colors.copper_brown,Copper Brown,Camel
colors.dark_cherry,Dark Cherry,Rouge Foncé
colors.dark_grey,Dark Grey,Gris Foncé
colors.default,Default,Par DĂ©faut
colors.emerald,Emerald,Vert Émeraude
colors.forest_green,Forest Green,Vert Foncé
colors.golden_yellow,Golden Yellow,Jaune D'or,Green,Vert
colors.gum0_black,Gum & Black,Beige & Noir
colors.gum0_white,Gum & White,Beige & Blanc
colors.gunmetal,Gunmetal,Gris Acier
colors.light_grey,Light Grey,Gris Clair
colors.mustard,Mustard,Jaune Moutarde
colors.natural,Natural,Blanc Cassé,Navy,Marine
colors.neon_green0_black,Neon Green & Black,Vert Vif & Noir
colors.neon_orange,Neon Orange,Orange Vif
colors.neon_pink,Neon Pink,Rose Vif
colors.neon_white,Neon White,Blanc
colors.neon_yellow,Neon Yellow,Jaune Vif
colors.off_white,Off White,Blanc Cassé,Orange,Orange
colors.orange0_black,Orange & Black,Orange & Noir,Pink,Rose
colors.tan,Tan,Marron Clair
colors.teal_blue,Teal Blue,Bleu Sarcelle
colors.terracotta,Terracotta,Terre De Sienne
colors.transparent0_black,Transparent & Black,Transparent & Noir
colors.transparent0_white,Transparent & White,Transparent & Blanc
colors.white0_black,White & Black,Blanc & Noir
colors.white0_black0_white,White & Black,Blanc & Noir
colors.white0_grey,White & Grey,Blanc & Gris
colors.white0_red,White & Red,Blanc & Rouge
colors.yellow0_yellow0_white,Yellow & White,Jaune & Blanc
materials.airtech_mesh,Airtech Mesh,RĂ©sille Airtech
materials.calf_lining,Calf Lining,Doublure En Cuir De Veau
materials.calf_lining10_corso_como,Calf Lining,Doublure En Cuir De Veau
materials.default,Default,Par DĂ©faut
materials.gel_mesh,Gel Mesh,RĂ©sille Gel
materials.grain_metallic,Grain Metallic,Grainé Fini Métallisé
materials.grain_nappa,Grain Nappa,Nappa Grainé
materials.hairy_calf,Hairy Calf,Cuir De Veau Façon Poulain
materials.nappa_tag,Nappa Tag,Languette En Nappa
materials.no_fringe,No Fringe,Sans Franges
materials.no_fringe_hardware,No Fringe Hardware,Sans Ornements MĂ©talliques
materials.no_metal_toe_cap,No Metal Toe Cap,Sans Bout MĂ©tallique
materials.no_strap_tip,No Strap Tip,Sans Ornement Sur La Bride
materials.no_strap_tips,No Strap,Sans Bride
materials.no_tag_left,No Tag,Sans Languette
materials.no_tag_right,No Tag,Sans Languette
materials.nori_reflective_textile,Reflective Textile,Matière Réfléchissante
materials.nylon0_plastic,Plastic Nylon,Nylon Plastique
materials.nylon_tape,Nylon Tape,Bande Appliquée En Nylon
materials.ostrich,Ostrich,Cuir D'autruche
materials.reflective,Reflective,Matière Réfléchissante
materials.reflective0_grossgrain,Reflective & Grosgrain,Matière Réfléchissante & Grosgrain
materials.reflective_textile,Reflective Textile,Matière Réfléchissante
materials.rubber_heel,Rubber Heel,Talon En Caoutchouc
materials.rubber_strap,Rubber Strap,Bride En Caoutchouc
materials.rubber_wedge,Rubber Wedge,Semelle En Caoutchouc
materials.stretch_knit,Stretch Knit,Maille Stretch
materials.stretch_nappa,Stretch Nappa,Cuir Nappa Stretch
materials.veg_tan,Veg Tan,Cuir Tanné Végétal
materials.wax_nubuck,Wax Nubuck,Nubuck Ciré
parts.ankle_side,Ankle Side,Quartier
parts.back_stay,Back Stay,Arrière
parts.eye_stay,Eye Stay,Oeillets
parts.eyestay0_side,Eyestay & Side,Oeillets Et Côtés
parts.fringe_hardware,Fringe Hardware,Ornements MĂ©talliques
parts.front_panel,Front Panel,Empiècement Avant
parts.heel_puller,Heel Puller,Languette Arrière
parts.heel_tab,Heel Tab,Contrefort
parts.inside_panel,Inside Panel,Empiècement Intérieur
parts.metal_toe_cap,Metal Toe Cap,Bout MĂ©tallique
parts.outsole,Outsole,Semelle Externe
parts.rubber_strap,Rubber Strap,Bride En Caoutchouc
parts.side0_tongue_detail,Side & Tongue,Côtés Et Languette
parts.stay,Stay,Å’illets & DĂ©tails
parts.strap_tip,Strap Tip,Ornement De La Bride
parts.strap_tips,Strap Tips,Ornements De La Bride
parts.swear_tape,Swear Tape,Bande Swear Appliquée
parts.tag_left,Left Tag,Étiquette Gauche
parts.tag_right,Right Tag,Étiquette Droite
parts.toe0_tongue,Toe & Tongue,Bout & Languette
parts.toe_cap,Toe Cap,Bout
parts.tongue_detail,Tongue Detail,DĂ©tail Languette
parts.ugly_tape,Ugly Tape,Bande Ugly Appliquée
parts.upper1,Upper 1,Empeigne 1
parts.upper2,Upper 2,Empeigne 2,Zip,Fermeture Zippée
parts.zip_puller,Zip Puller,Tirette
properties.font.metal_copper,Metal Cooper,Cuivre Métallisé
properties.font.metal_gold,Metal Gold,Or Métallisé
properties.font.metal_gunmetal,Metal Gunmetal,Gris Acier Métallisé
properties.font.metal_silver,Metal Silver,Argent Métallisé
This endpoint is used to get the CSV containing all the key values of the locales requested.
For a key that does not have a matching value for the locale, a placeholder might appear by default, but this behaviour can be controlled with parameters.
HTTP Request
GET /api/builds/<text:brand>/locale.csv
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The vendor's name at which the locales are bounded to. |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
model | no | text | null |
The model's name at which the locale is bounded to. |
version | no | text | latest | Model's version. |
placeholder | no | text | "" |
The locale's placeholder that replaces the locale value for locales keys that do have a translation. |
key_placeholder | no | boolean | true |
Shows placeholder for values which don't have a translation for a given locale. |
locales | no | list of text | null |
The locales which one wants to export the CSV for. |
Locale Keys
Example Request
curl ""\
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
This endpoint is used to get all the locale keys.
HTTP Request
GET /api/builds/<text:brand>/locale/keys
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The vendor's name at which the locale is bounded to. |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
model | no | text | null |
The model's name at which the locale is bounded to. |
version | no | text | latest | Model's version. |
Locale Template
Example Request
curl ""\
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"colors.beige": "",
"": "",
"colors.black0_green": "",
"colors.black0_grey": "",
"colors.black0_orange": "",
"colors.black0_red": "",
"colors.black0_white": "",
"": "",
"colors.blue0_blue0_white": "",
"colors.blue0_orange": "",
"colors.blue_grey": "",
"colors.blue_reflective": "",
"colors.blush": "",
"colors.burnt_orange": "",
"colors.camouflage": "",
"colors.chestnut": "",
"colors.chocolate": "",
"colors.clear_white": "",
"colors.cobalt": "",
"colors.copper": "",
"colors.copper_brown": "",
"colors.dark_cherry": "",
"colors.dark_grey": "",
"colors.default": "",
"colors.denim": "",
"colors.emerald": "",
"colors.forest_green": "",
"colors.fuchsia": "",
"": "",
"colors.golden_yellow": "",
"": "",
"colors.grey": "",
"colors.grey_reflective": "",
"colors.gum": "",
"colors.gum0_black": "",
"colors.gum0_white": "",
"colors.gunmetal": "",
"colors.khaki": "",
"colors.leopard": "",
"colors.light_grey": "",
"colors.multi": "",
"colors.mustard": "",
"colors.natural": "",
"": "",
"colors.neon_green0_black": "",
"colors.neon_orange": "",
"colors.neon_pink": "",
"colors.neon_white": "",
"colors.neon_yellow": "",
"colors.nude": "",
"colors.off_white": "",
"": "",
"colors.orange0_black": "",
"": "",
"colors.purple": "",
"colors.raw": "",
"": "",
"colors.rose": "",
"colors.silver": "",
"colors.tan": "",
"colors.taupe": "",
"colors.teal_blue": "",
"colors.terracotta": "",
"colors.transparent": "",
"colors.transparent0_black": "",
"colors.transparent0_white": "",
"colors.violet": "",
"colors.white": "",
"colors.white0_black": "",
"colors.white0_black0_white": "",
"colors.white0_grey": "",
"colors.white0_red": "",
"colors.yellow": "",
"colors.yellow0_yellow0_white": "",
"colors.yellow_pink": "",
"materials.airtech_mesh": "",
"materials.calf_lining": "",
"materials.calf_lining10_corso_como": "",
"materials.crocodile": "",
"materials.default": "",
"materials.elastic": "",
"materials.elastic10_corso_como": "",
"materials.gel_mesh": "",
"materials.grain_metallic": "",
"materials.grain_nappa": "",
"materials.hairy_calf": "",
"materials.hex_rubber": "",
"materials.leather": "",
"materials.mesh": "",
"materials.metal": "",
"materials.metallic": "",
"materials.nappa": "",
"materials.nappa10_corso_como": "",
"materials.nappa_tag": "",
"materials.no_fringe": "",
"materials.no_fringe_hardware": "",
"materials.no_metal_toe_cap": "",
"materials.no_strap_tip": "",
"materials.no_strap_tips": "",
"materials.no_tag_left": "",
"materials.no_tag_right": "",
"materials.nori_metal": "",
"materials.nori_nylon": "",
"materials.nori_nylon_upper": "",
"materials.nori_reflective_textile": "",
"materials.nori_rubber": "",
"materials.nori_rubber_upper": "",
"materials.nylon": "",
"materials.nylon0_plastic": "",
"materials.nylon_tape": "",
"materials.organic_cotton": "",
"materials.ostrich": "",
"materials.patent_leather": "",
"": "",
"materials.polyester": "",
"materials.python": "",
"materials.reflective": "",
"materials.reflective0_grossgrain": "",
"materials.reflective_textile": "",
"materials.rubber": "",
"materials.rubber_heel": "",
"materials.rubber_strap": "",
"materials.rubber_wedge": "",
"materials.stretch_knit": "",
"materials.stretch_nappa": "",
"materials.suede": "",
"materials.veg_tan": "",
"materials.wax_nubuck": "",
"materials.web_mesh": "",
"materials.wicker_nylon": "",
"parts.accents": "",
"parts.ankle_side": "",
"parts.back_stay": "",
"parts.body": "",
"parts.collar": "",
"parts.elastic": "",
"parts.eye_stay": "",
"parts.eyestay0_side": "",
"parts.fringe": "",
"parts.fringe_hardware": "",
"parts.front": "",
"parts.front_panel": "",
"parts.hardware": "",
"parts.heel": "",
"parts.heel0_trimmings": "",
"parts.heel_puller": "",
"parts.heel_tab": "",
"parts.inside": "",
"parts.inside_panel": "",
"parts.lace": "",
"parts.lace0_eyelet": "",
"parts.laces": "",
"parts.lining": "",
"parts.logo": "",
"parts.metal_toe_cap": "",
"parts.mudguard": "",
"parts.outside": "",
"parts.outsole": "",
"parts.piping": "",
"parts.rubber_strap": "",
"parts.shadow": "",
"parts.side": "",
"parts.side0_tongue_detail": "",
"parts.sole": "",
"parts.stay": "",
"parts.strap_tip": "",
"parts.strap_tips": "",
"parts.straps": "",
"parts.swear_tape": "",
"parts.tag_left": "",
"parts.tag_right": "",
"parts.toe0_tongue": "",
"parts.toe_cap": "",
"parts.tongue": "",
"parts.tongue_detail": "",
"parts.trimmings": "",
"parts.ugly_tape": "",
"parts.upper": "",
"parts.upper1": "",
"parts.upper2": "",
"": "",
"parts.zip_puller": "",
"properties.font.metal_copper": "",
"properties.font.metal_gold": "",
"properties.font.metal_gunmetal": "",
"properties.font.metal_silver": "",
"properties.position.left": "",
"properties.position.right": ""
This endpoint is used to get the locale template, which contains all the locale keys and an emptry string as its value, so that it can be completed.
HTTP Request
GET /api/builds/<text:brand>/locale/template
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The vendor's name at which the locale is bounded to. |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
model | no | text | null |
The model's name at which the locale is bounded to. |
version | no | text | latest | Model's version. |
placeholder | no | text | "" |
The placeholder value that will be used to set as the value of all the locale keys. |
Locale Model
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"colors.beige": "Beige",
"": "Black",
"colors.black0_green": "Black & Green",
"colors.black0_grey": "Black & Grey",
"colors.black0_orange": "Black & Orange",
"colors.black0_red": "Black & Red",
"colors.black0_white": "Black & White",
"colors.black_mesh": "Black Mesh",
"": "Blue",
"colors.blue0_blue0_white": "Blue & White",
"colors.blue0_orange": "Blue & Orange",
"colors.blush": "Blush",
"colors.burnt_orange": "Burnt Orange",
"colors.camouflage": "Camouflage",
"colors.chestnut": "Chestnut",
"colors.chocolate": "Chocolate",
"colors.clear_white": "Clear White",
"colors.cobalt": "Cobalt",
"colors.cobalt_mesh": "Cobalt Mesh",
"colors.copper": "Copper",
"colors.copper_brown": "Copper Brown",
"colors.dark_cherry": "Dark Cherry",
"colors.dark_grey": "Dark Grey",
"colors.default": "Default",
"colors.emerald": "Emerald",
"colors.forest_green": "Forest Green",
"colors.fuchsia": "Fuchsia",
"colors.fuchsia_mesh": "Fuchsia Mesh",
"": "Gold",
"colors.golden_yellow": "Golden Yellow",
"": "Green",
"colors.grey": "Grey",
"colors.gum": "Gum",
"colors.gum0_black": "Gum & Black",
"colors.gum0_white": "Gum & White",
"colors.gunmetal": "Gunmetal",
"colors.khaki": "Khaki",
"colors.leopard": "Leopard",
"colors.light_grey": "Light Grey",
"colors.mustard": "Mustard",
"colors.natural": "Natural",
"": "Navy",
"colors.neon_green0_black": "Neon Green & Black",
"colors.neon_mesh": "Neon Mesh",
"colors.neon_orange": "Neon Orange",
"colors.neon_pink": "Neon Pink",
"colors.neon_white": "Neon White",
"colors.neon_yellow": "Neon Yellow",
"colors.nude": "Nude",
"colors.off_white": "Off White",
"": "Orange",
"colors.orange0_black": "Orange & Black",
"colors.orange_mesh": "Orange Mesh",
"": "Pink",
"colors.prism": "Prism",
"colors.purple": "Purple",
"colors.raw": "Raw",
"": "Red",
"colors.rose": "Rose",
"colors.silver": "Silver",
"": "${}",
"colors.tan": "Tan",
"colors.taupe": "Taupe",
"colors.teal_blue": "Teal Blue",
"colors.terracotta": "Terracotta",
"colors.transparent": "Transparent",
"colors.transparent0_black": "Transparent & Black",
"colors.transparent0_white": "Transparent & White",
"colors.violet": "Violet",
"colors.white": "White",
"colors.white0_black": "White & Black",
"colors.white0_black0_white": "White & Black",
"colors.white0_grey": "White & Grey",
"colors.white0_red": "White & Red",
"colors.yellow": "Yellow",
"colors.yellow0_yellow0_white": "Yellow & White",
"materials.airtech_mesh": "Airtech Mesh",
"materials.calf_lining": "Calf Lining",
"materials.calf_lining10_corso_como": "Calf Lining",
"materials.crocodile": "Crocodile",
"materials.default": "Default",
"materials.elastic": "Elastic",
"materials.elastic10_corso_como": "Elastic",
"materials.gel_mesh": "Gel Mesh",
"materials.grain_metallic": "Grain Metallic",
"materials.grain_nappa": "Grain Nappa",
"materials.hairy_calf": "Hairy Calf",
"materials.hex_rubber": "Rubber",
"materials.leather": "Leather",
"materials.mesh": "Mesh",
"materials.metal": "Metal",
"materials.metallic": "Metallic",
"materials.nappa": "Nappa",
"materials.nappa10_corso_como": "Nappa",
"materials.nappa_tag": "Nappa Tag",
"materials.no_fringe": "No Fringe",
"materials.no_fringe_hardware": "No Fringe Hardware",
"materials.no_metal_toe_cap": "No Metal Toe Cap",
"materials.no_strap_tip": "No Strap Tip",
"materials.no_strap_tips": "No Strap",
"materials.no_tag_left": "No Tag",
"materials.no_tag_right": "No Tag",
"materials.nori_metal": "Metal",
"materials.nori_nylon": "Nylon",
"materials.nori_nylon_upper": "Nylon",
"materials.nori_reflective_textile": "Reflective Textile",
"materials.nori_rubber": "Rubber",
"materials.nori_rubber_upper": "Rubber",
"materials.novelty": "Novelty",
"materials.nylon": "Nylon",
"materials.nylon0_plastic": "Plastic Nylon",
"materials.nylon_tape": "Nylon Tape",
"materials.organic_cotton": "Organic_Cotton",
"materials.ostrich": "Ostrich",
"materials.patent_leather": "Patent",
"": "Photo",
"materials.polyester": "Polyester",
"materials.python": "Python",
"materials.reflective": "Reflective",
"materials.reflective0_grossgrain": "Reflective & Grosgrain",
"materials.reflective_textile": "Reflective Textile",
"materials.rubber": "Rubber",
"materials.rubberHeel": "${en_us.materials.rubberHeel}",
"materials.rubber_heel": "Rubber Heel",
"materials.rubber_strap": "Rubber Strap",
"materials.rubber_wedge": "Rubber Wedge",
"materials.stretch_knit": "Stretch Knit",
"materials.stretch_nappa": "Stretch Nappa",
"materials.suede": "Suede",
"materials.veg_tan": "Veg Tan",
"materials.wax_nubuck": "Wax Nubuck",
"materials.web_mesh": "Mesh",
"materials.wicker_nylon": "Nylon",
"parts.accents": "Accents",
"parts.ankle_side": "Ankle Side",
"parts.back_stay": "Back Stay",
"parts.body": "Body",
"parts.collar": "Collar",
"parts.elastic": "Elastic",
"parts.eye_stay": "Eye Stay",
"parts.eyestay0_side": "Eyestay & Side",
"parts.fringe": "Fringe",
"parts.fringe_hardware": "Fringe Hardware",
"parts.front": "Front",
"parts.front_panel": "Front Panel",
"parts.hardware": "Hardware",
"parts.heel": "Heel",
"parts.heel0_trimmings": "Trimmings",
"parts.heel_puller": "Heel Puller",
"parts.heel_tab": "Heel Tab",
"parts.inside": "Inside",
"parts.inside_panel": "Inside Panel",
"parts.lace": "Lace",
"parts.lace0_eyelet": "Laces",
"parts.laces": "Laces",
"parts.lining": "Lining",
"parts.logo": "Logo",
"parts.metal_caps": "Metal Caps",
"parts.metal_toe_cap": "Metal Toe Cap",
"parts.mudguard": "Mudgard",
"parts.outside": "Outside",
"parts.outsole": "Outsole",
"parts.piping": "Piping",
"parts.rubber_strap": "Rubber Strap",
"parts.shadow": "Shadow",
"parts.side": "Side",
"parts.side0_tongue_detail": "Side & Tongue",
"parts.sole": "Sole",
"parts.stay": "Stay",
"parts.strap_tip": "Strap Tip",
"parts.strap_tips": "Strap Tips",
"parts.straps": "Straps",
"parts.swear_tape": "Swear Tape",
"parts.tag_left": "Left Tag",
"parts.tag_right": "Right Tag",
"parts.toe0_tongue": "Toe & Tongue",
"parts.toe_cap": "Toe Cap",
"parts.tongue": "Tongue",
"parts.tongue_detail": "Tongue Detail",
"parts.trimmings": "Trimmings",
"parts.ugly_tape": "Ugly Tape",
"parts.upper": "Upper",
"parts.upper1": "Upper 1",
"parts.upper2": "Upper 2",
"": "Zip",
"parts.zip_puller": "Zip Puller",
"properties.font.metal_copper": "Metal Cooper",
"properties.font.metal_gold": "Metal Gold",
"properties.font.metal_gunmetal": "Metal Gunmetal",
"properties.font.metal_silver": "Metal Silver",
"properties.position.left": "Left",
"properties.position.right": "Right",
"builds.swear.colors.beige": "Beige",
"": "Black",
"builds.swear.colors.black0_green": "Black & Green",
"builds.swear.colors.black0_grey": "Black & Grey",
"builds.swear.colors.black0_orange": "Black & Orange",
"builds.swear.colors.black0_red": "Black & Red",
"builds.swear.colors.black0_white": "Black & White",
"builds.swear.colors.black_mesh": "Black Mesh",
"": "Blue",
"builds.swear.colors.blue0_blue0_white": "Blue & White",
"builds.swear.colors.blue0_orange": "Blue & Orange",
"builds.swear.colors.blush": "Blush",
"builds.swear.colors.burnt_orange": "Burnt Orange",
"builds.swear.colors.camouflage": "Camouflage",
"builds.swear.colors.chestnut": "Chestnut",
"builds.swear.colors.chocolate": "Chocolate",
"builds.swear.colors.clear_white": "Clear White",
"builds.swear.colors.cobalt": "Cobalt",
"builds.swear.colors.cobalt_mesh": "Cobalt Mesh",
"builds.swear.colors.copper": "Copper",
"builds.swear.colors.copper_brown": "Copper Brown",
"builds.swear.colors.dark_cherry": "Dark Cherry",
"builds.swear.colors.dark_grey": "Dark Grey",
"builds.swear.colors.default": "Default",
"builds.swear.colors.emerald": "Emerald",
"builds.swear.colors.forest_green": "Forest Green",
"builds.swear.colors.fuchsia": "Fuchsia",
"builds.swear.colors.fuchsia_mesh": "Fuchsia Mesh",
"": "Gold",
"builds.swear.colors.golden_yellow": "Golden Yellow",
"": "Green",
"builds.swear.colors.grey": "Grey",
"builds.swear.colors.gum": "Gum",
"builds.swear.colors.gum0_black": "Gum & Black",
"builds.swear.colors.gum0_white": "Gum & White",
"builds.swear.colors.gunmetal": "Gunmetal",
"builds.swear.colors.khaki": "Khaki",
"builds.swear.colors.leopard": "Leopard",
"builds.swear.colors.light_grey": "Light Grey",
"builds.swear.colors.mustard": "Mustard",
"builds.swear.colors.natural": "Natural",
"": "Navy",
"builds.swear.colors.neon_green0_black": "Neon Green & Black",
"builds.swear.colors.neon_mesh": "Neon Mesh",
"builds.swear.colors.neon_orange": "Neon Orange",
"builds.swear.colors.neon_pink": "Neon Pink",
"builds.swear.colors.neon_white": "Neon White",
"builds.swear.colors.neon_yellow": "Neon Yellow",
"builds.swear.colors.nude": "Nude",
"builds.swear.colors.off_white": "Off White",
"": "Orange",
"builds.swear.colors.orange0_black": "Orange & Black",
"builds.swear.colors.orange_mesh": "Orange Mesh",
"": "Pink",
"builds.swear.colors.prism": "Prism",
"builds.swear.colors.purple": "Purple",
"builds.swear.colors.raw": "Raw",
"": "Red",
"builds.swear.colors.rose": "Rose",
"builds.swear.colors.silver": "Silver",
"": "${}",
"builds.swear.colors.tan": "Tan",
"builds.swear.colors.taupe": "Taupe",
"builds.swear.colors.teal_blue": "Teal Blue",
"builds.swear.colors.terracotta": "Terracotta",
"builds.swear.colors.transparent": "Transparent",
"builds.swear.colors.transparent0_black": "Transparent & Black",
"builds.swear.colors.transparent0_white": "Transparent & White",
"builds.swear.colors.violet": "Violet",
"builds.swear.colors.white": "White",
"builds.swear.colors.white0_black": "White & Black",
"builds.swear.colors.white0_black0_white": "White & Black",
"builds.swear.colors.white0_grey": "White & Grey",
"builds.swear.colors.white0_red": "White & Red",
"builds.swear.colors.yellow": "Yellow",
"builds.swear.colors.yellow0_yellow0_white": "Yellow & White",
"builds.swear.materials.airtech_mesh": "Airtech Mesh",
"builds.swear.materials.calf_lining": "Calf Lining",
"builds.swear.materials.calf_lining10_corso_como": "Calf Lining",
"builds.swear.materials.crocodile": "Crocodile",
"builds.swear.materials.default": "Default",
"builds.swear.materials.elastic": "Elastic",
"builds.swear.materials.elastic10_corso_como": "Elastic",
"builds.swear.materials.gel_mesh": "Gel Mesh",
"builds.swear.materials.grain_metallic": "Grain Metallic",
"builds.swear.materials.grain_nappa": "Grain Nappa",
"builds.swear.materials.hairy_calf": "Hairy Calf",
"builds.swear.materials.hex_rubber": "Rubber",
"builds.swear.materials.leather": "Leather",
"builds.swear.materials.mesh": "Mesh",
"builds.swear.materials.metal": "Metal",
"builds.swear.materials.metallic": "Metallic",
"builds.swear.materials.nappa": "Nappa",
"builds.swear.materials.nappa10_corso_como": "Nappa",
"builds.swear.materials.nappa_tag": "Nappa Tag",
"builds.swear.materials.no_fringe": "No Fringe",
"builds.swear.materials.no_fringe_hardware": "No Fringe Hardware",
"builds.swear.materials.no_metal_toe_cap": "No Metal Toe Cap",
"builds.swear.materials.no_strap_tip": "No Strap Tip",
"builds.swear.materials.no_strap_tips": "No Strap",
"builds.swear.materials.no_tag_left": "No Tag",
"builds.swear.materials.no_tag_right": "No Tag",
"builds.swear.materials.nori_metal": "Metal",
"builds.swear.materials.nori_nylon": "Nylon",
"builds.swear.materials.nori_nylon_upper": "Nylon",
"builds.swear.materials.nori_reflective_textile": "Reflective Textile",
"builds.swear.materials.nori_rubber": "Rubber",
"builds.swear.materials.nori_rubber_upper": "Rubber",
"builds.swear.materials.novelty": "Novelty",
"builds.swear.materials.nylon": "Nylon",
"builds.swear.materials.nylon0_plastic": "Plastic Nylon",
"builds.swear.materials.nylon_tape": "Nylon Tape",
"builds.swear.materials.organic_cotton": "Organic_Cotton",
"builds.swear.materials.ostrich": "Ostrich",
"builds.swear.materials.patent_leather": "Patent",
"": "Photo",
"builds.swear.materials.polyester": "Polyester",
"builds.swear.materials.python": "Python",
"builds.swear.materials.reflective": "Reflective",
"builds.swear.materials.reflective0_grossgrain": "Reflective & Grosgrain",
"builds.swear.materials.reflective_textile": "Reflective Textile",
"builds.swear.materials.rubber": "Rubber",
"builds.swear.materials.rubberHeel": "${en_us.materials.rubberHeel}",
"builds.swear.materials.rubber_heel": "Rubber Heel",
"builds.swear.materials.rubber_strap": "Rubber Strap",
"builds.swear.materials.rubber_wedge": "Rubber Wedge",
"builds.swear.materials.stretch_knit": "Stretch Knit",
"builds.swear.materials.stretch_nappa": "Stretch Nappa",
"builds.swear.materials.suede": "Suede",
"builds.swear.materials.veg_tan": "Veg Tan",
"builds.swear.materials.wax_nubuck": "Wax Nubuck",
"builds.swear.materials.web_mesh": "Mesh",
"builds.swear.materials.wicker_nylon": "Nylon",
"": "Accents",
"": "Ankle Side",
"": "Back Stay",
"": "Body",
"": "Collar",
"": "Elastic",
"": "Eye Stay",
"": "Eyestay & Side",
"": "Fringe",
"": "Fringe Hardware",
"": "Front",
"": "Front Panel",
"": "Hardware",
"": "Heel",
"": "Trimmings",
"": "Heel Puller",
"": "Heel Tab",
"": "Inside",
"": "Inside Panel",
"": "Lace",
"": "Laces",
"": "Laces",
"": "Lining",
"": "Logo",
"": "Metal Caps",
"": "Metal Toe Cap",
"": "Mudgard",
"": "Outside",
"": "Outsole",
"": "Piping",
"": "Rubber Strap",
"": "Shadow",
"": "Side",
"": "Side & Tongue",
"": "Sole",
"": "Stay",
"": "Strap Tip",
"": "Strap Tips",
"": "Straps",
"": "Swear Tape",
"": "Left Tag",
"": "Right Tag",
"": "Toe & Tongue",
"": "Toe Cap",
"": "Tongue",
"": "Tongue Detail",
"": "Trimmings",
"": "Ugly Tape",
"": "Upper",
"": "Upper 1",
"": "Upper 2",
"": "Zip",
"": "Zip Puller",
"": "Metal Cooper",
"": "Metal Gold",
"": "Metal Gunmetal",
"": "Metal Silver",
"": "Left",
"": "Right"
This endpoint is used to get the resolve of one or more values defined on a locale within a specific build.
The values field have specific semantic: a value is composed by a group of tokens separated by :
The first and second tokens (scope and value respectively), define the section and value being translated and the remaining tokens are optional and are used to provide more specific contextual information.
denote the intent to resolve the valueside
when the scope ispart
denote the intent to resolve the valuegreen
when the scope iscolor
denote the intent to resolve thecolor
and thematerial
The most commonly used scopes are: part
, material
, color
, property
HTTP Request
GET /api/builds/<text:brand>/locale/<text:locale>
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The vendor's name at which the locale is bounded to. | |
locale | yes | text | The locale name. |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
model | yes | text | The model's name at which the locale is bounded to. | |
version | no | text | latest | Model's version. |
prefix | no | text | builds |
The prefix to apply to the brand's locale keys. |
compatibility | no | boolean | true |
Use both the global and the brand and model specific locales. |
scoped | no | boolean | false |
Uses only the locales of the given version. |
extended | no | boolean | false |
Extends the locale values with all the locales of the model. |
Locale Values
Example Request
curl ""\
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"colors.beige": "Beige",
"": "Black",
"colors.black0_green": "Black & Green",
"colors.black0_grey": "Black & Grey",
"colors.black0_orange": "Black & Orange",
"colors.black0_red": "Black & Red",
"colors.black0_white": "Black & White",
"": "Blue",
"colors.blue0_blue0_white": "Blue & White",
"colors.blue0_orange": "Blue & Orange",
"colors.blue_grey": "${en_us.colors.blue_grey}",
"colors.blue_reflective": "${en_us.colors.blue_reflective}",
"colors.blush": "Blush",
"colors.burnt_orange": "Burnt Orange",
"colors.camouflage": "Camouflage",
"colors.chestnut": "Chestnut",
"colors.chocolate": "Chocolate",
"colors.clear_white": "Clear White",
"colors.cobalt": "Cobalt",
"colors.copper": "Copper",
"colors.copper_brown": "Copper Brown",
"colors.dark_cherry": "Dark Cherry",
"colors.dark_grey": "Dark Grey",
"colors.default": "Default",
"colors.denim": "${en_us.colors.denim}",
"colors.emerald": "Emerald",
"colors.forest_green": "Forest Green",
"colors.fuchsia": "Fuchsia",
"": "Gold",
"colors.golden_yellow": "Golden Yellow",
"": "Green",
"colors.grey": "Grey",
"colors.grey_reflective": "${en_us.colors.grey_reflective}",
"colors.gum": "Gum",
"colors.gum0_black": "Gum & Black",
"colors.gum0_white": "Gum & White",
"colors.gunmetal": "Gunmetal",
"colors.khaki": "Khaki",
"colors.leopard": "Leopard",
"colors.light_grey": "Light Grey",
"colors.multi": "${en_us.colors.multi}",
"colors.mustard": "Mustard",
"colors.natural": "Natural",
"": "Navy",
"colors.neon_green0_black": "Neon Green & Black",
"colors.neon_orange": "Neon Orange",
"colors.neon_pink": "Neon Pink",
"colors.neon_white": "Neon White",
"colors.neon_yellow": "Neon Yellow",
"colors.nude": "Nude",
"colors.off_white": "Off White",
"": "Orange",
"colors.orange0_black": "Orange & Black",
"": "Pink",
"colors.purple": "Purple",
"colors.raw": "Raw",
"": "Red",
"colors.rose": "Rose",
"colors.silver": "Silver",
"colors.tan": "Tan",
"colors.taupe": "Taupe",
"colors.teal_blue": "Teal Blue",
"colors.terracotta": "Terracotta",
"colors.transparent": "Transparent",
"colors.transparent0_black": "Transparent & Black",
"colors.transparent0_white": "Transparent & White",
"colors.violet": "Violet",
"colors.white": "White",
"colors.white0_black": "White & Black",
"colors.white0_black0_white": "White & Black",
"colors.white0_grey": "White & Grey",
"colors.white0_red": "White & Red",
"colors.yellow": "Yellow",
"colors.yellow0_yellow0_white": "Yellow & White",
"colors.yellow_pink": "${en_us.colors.yellow_pink}",
"materials.airtech_mesh": "Airtech Mesh",
"materials.calf_lining": "Calf Lining",
"materials.calf_lining10_corso_como": "Calf Lining",
"materials.crocodile": "Crocodile",
"materials.default": "Default",
"materials.elastic": "Elastic",
"materials.elastic10_corso_como": "Elastic",
"materials.gel_mesh": "Gel Mesh",
"materials.grain_metallic": "Grain Metallic",
"materials.grain_nappa": "Grain Nappa",
"materials.hairy_calf": "Hairy Calf",
"materials.hex_rubber": "Rubber",
"materials.leather": "Leather",
"materials.mesh": "Mesh",
"materials.metal": "Metal",
"materials.metallic": "Metallic",
"materials.nappa": "Nappa",
"materials.nappa10_corso_como": "Nappa",
"materials.nappa_tag": "Nappa Tag",
"materials.no_fringe": "No Fringe",
"materials.no_fringe_hardware": "No Fringe Hardware",
"materials.no_metal_toe_cap": "No Metal Toe Cap",
"materials.no_strap_tip": "No Strap Tip",
"materials.no_strap_tips": "No Strap",
"materials.no_tag_left": "No Tag",
"materials.no_tag_right": "No Tag",
"materials.nori_metal": "Metal",
"materials.nori_nylon": "Nylon",
"materials.nori_nylon_upper": "Nylon",
"materials.nori_reflective_textile": "Reflective Textile",
"materials.nori_rubber": "Rubber",
"materials.nori_rubber_upper": "Rubber",
"materials.nylon": "Nylon",
"materials.nylon0_plastic": "Plastic Nylon",
"materials.nylon_tape": "Nylon Tape",
"materials.organic_cotton": "Organic_Cotton",
"materials.ostrich": "Ostrich",
"materials.patent_leather": "Patent",
"": "Photo",
"materials.polyester": "Polyester",
"materials.python": "Python",
"materials.reflective": "Reflective",
"materials.reflective0_grossgrain": "Reflective & Grosgrain",
"materials.reflective_textile": "Reflective Textile",
"materials.rubber": "Rubber",
"materials.rubber_heel": "Rubber Heel",
"materials.rubber_strap": "Rubber Strap",
"materials.rubber_wedge": "Rubber Wedge",
"materials.stretch_knit": "Stretch Knit",
"materials.stretch_nappa": "Stretch Nappa",
"materials.suede": "Suede",
"materials.veg_tan": "Veg Tan",
"materials.wax_nubuck": "Wax Nubuck",
"materials.web_mesh": "Mesh",
"materials.wicker_nylon": "Nylon",
"parts.accents": "Accents",
"parts.ankle_side": "Ankle Side",
"parts.back_stay": "Back Stay",
"parts.body": "Body",
"parts.collar": "Collar",
"parts.elastic": "Elastic",
"parts.eye_stay": "Eye Stay",
"parts.eyestay0_side": "Eyestay & Side",
"parts.fringe": "Fringe",
"parts.fringe_hardware": "Fringe Hardware",
"parts.front": "Front",
"parts.front_panel": "Front Panel",
"parts.hardware": "Hardware",
"parts.heel": "Heel",
"parts.heel0_trimmings": "Trimmings",
"parts.heel_puller": "Heel Puller",
"parts.heel_tab": "Heel Tab",
"parts.inside": "Inside",
"parts.inside_panel": "Inside Panel",
"parts.lace": "Lace",
"parts.lace0_eyelet": "Laces",
"parts.laces": "Laces",
"parts.lining": "Lining",
"parts.logo": "Logo",
"parts.metal_toe_cap": "Metal Toe Cap",
"parts.mudguard": "Mudgard",
"parts.outside": "Outside",
"parts.outsole": "Outsole",
"parts.piping": "Piping",
"parts.rubber_strap": "Rubber Strap",
"parts.shadow": "Shadow",
"parts.side": "Side",
"parts.side0_tongue_detail": "Side & Tongue",
"parts.sole": "Sole",
"parts.stay": "Stay",
"parts.strap_tip": "Strap Tip",
"parts.strap_tips": "Strap Tips",
"parts.straps": "Straps",
"parts.swear_tape": "Swear Tape",
"parts.tag_left": "Left Tag",
"parts.tag_right": "Right Tag",
"parts.toe0_tongue": "Toe & Tongue",
"parts.toe_cap": "Toe Cap",
"parts.tongue": "Tongue",
"parts.tongue_detail": "Tongue Detail",
"parts.trimmings": "Trimmings",
"parts.ugly_tape": "Ugly Tape",
"parts.upper": "Upper",
"parts.upper1": "Upper 1",
"parts.upper2": "Upper 2",
"": "Zip",
"parts.zip_puller": "Zip Puller",
"properties.font.metal_copper": "Metal Cooper",
"properties.font.metal_gold": "Metal Gold",
"properties.font.metal_gunmetal": "Metal Gunmetal",
"properties.font.metal_silver": "Metal Silver",
"properties.position.left": "Left",
"properties.position.right": "Right"
This endpoint returns all the key and values for a given locale.
HTTP Request
GET /api/builds/<text:brand>/locale/<text:locale>/values
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The vendor's name at which the locale is bounded to. | |
locale | yes | text | The locale name. |
GET Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
model | no | text | null |
The model's name at which the locale is bounded to. |
version | no | text | latest | Model's version. |
placeholder | no | text | locale value | The locale's placeholder that replaces the locale value for locales keys that do have a translation. |
Field | Type | Description |
brand | text | Vendor's name. |
model | text | Models's name. |
locale | text | The locale identifier following the format language-country , respectively in ISO 639-1 and ISO 3166-2 formats. |
values | list of text | The list of values requested to get the locale of. |
values_l | list of text | The list of localized values. |
Account Endpoints
This endpoint is used to get information about the account currently logged in and in session.
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"username": "tobias",
"name": "",
"email": "",
"type": "user",
"tokens": [
HTTP Request
This endpoint is used to get the tenancy of the account currently logged in and in session.
Example Request
curl ""
Example Response
"result": "success"
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": "swear",
"vendor_t": "swear"
HTTP Request
Justification Endpoints
The list endpoint returns the existing justifications according to the given parameters. If no parameters are given, it will be returned all the justifications the user has permissions to access. A user only has permission to access and modify data related to him, meaning that he can only access data from the brands he is responsible for.
Query support can be consulted here
Example Request
curl "[]=code:eq:client_request" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "5e175edcc4b8546c39d36634",
"id": 1,
"enabled": true,
"description": "",
"created": 1578589916,
"modified": 1578589916,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"context": "order.cancel",
"code": "client_request",
"code_full": "order.cancel:client_request",
"text": "Client requested to.",
"text_m": {}
HTTP Request
This request receives 2 parameters: filter_operator
and filters
. If filters
is defined but not filter_operator
, its default value will be $and
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
filter_operator | no | text | $and |
The logic operator that unites all the options given in filters . |
filters | no | text | null |
The filters that will be applied to the availability rules query. Must have the structure <parameter>:<operator>:<value> . More than one filter can be given to the query, and their application together is based on the filter_operator given. |
Filter Operator Values
Value | Description |
$and | The results given must comply with all the filters. |
$or | The results given must comply with at least on of the filters. |
Filters Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
available | no | boolean | null |
The availability of the combination specified. |
country | no | text | null |
The ISO 3166-2 code of the country to which the product is going to be purchased. |
flag | no | text | null |
The flag value, which is used to identify arbitrary contexts (ie: seasonal promo, special event, among others) . |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
part | no | text | null |
The part of the model to which the availability rule will be applied. |
material | no | text | null |
The material of the part to which the availability rule will be applied. |
color | no | text | null |
The color of the material of the part to which the availability rule will be applied. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the availability rule. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the availability rule. |
List by Context
Returns the justifications of a given context. If the user does not have permissions to access the justification's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
The context is normally the name of entity concatenated with the event that requires the justification (i.e. order.cancel
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "5e175edcc4b8546c39d36634",
"id": 1,
"enabled": true,
"description": "",
"created": 1578589916,
"modified": 1578589916,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"context": "order.cancel",
"code": "client_request",
"code_full": "order.cancel:client_request",
"text": "Client requested to.",
"text_m": {}
"_id": "5fa2a0a1b080aee841e106fd",
"id": 2,
"enabled": true,
"description": "",
"created": 1604493473,
"modified": 1604493473,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"context": "order.cancel",
"code": "payment_refused",
"code_full": "order.cancel:payment_refused",
"text": "Payment Refused",
"text_m": {}
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
context | yes | text | The context's name, normally comprised on an entity and an event. |
Availability Rule Endpoints
The list endpoint returns the existing availability rules according to the given parameters. If no parameters are given, it will be returned all the availability rules the user has permissions to access. A user only has permission to access and modify data related to him, meaning that he can only access data from the brands he is responsible for.
Query support can be consulted here.
Example Request
curl "[]=shoe:eq:vyner" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "63dd10e5f1ff6fef2fd91a1b",
"id": 2658,
"available": true,
"country": "US",
"size": 40,
"flag": "no_exotic",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1675432165,
"modified": 1675432165
"_id": "63dd10e5e4276e00fcd91dff",
"id": 2659,
"available": true,
"country": "US",
"size": 40,
"flag": "no_exotic",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1675432165,
"modified": 1675432165
"_id": "63dd10e63d3615c905d92825",
"id": 2660,
"available": false,
"country": "US",
"size": 40,
"flag": "no_exotic",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1675432166,
"modified": 1675432167
"_id": "63dd18bee4276e00fcd91efd",
"id": 2662,
"available": true,
"country": "US",
"size": 40,
"flag": "no_exotic",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1675434174,
"modified": 1675434174
"_id": "63dd18be3d3615c905d92a03",
"id": 2663,
"available": true,
"country": "US",
"size": 40,
"flag": "no_exotic",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1675434174,
"modified": 1675434174
"_id": "63dd18bf3d3615c905d92a05",
"id": 2664,
"available": false,
"country": "US",
"size": 40,
"flag": "no_exotic",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1675434175,
"modified": 1675434175
"_id": "63dd1d723d3615c905d92c58",
"id": 2666,
"available": true,
"country": "US",
"size": 40,
"flag": "no_exotic",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1675435378,
"modified": 1675435378
"_id": "63dd1d72c9fbf20c37d91952",
"id": 2667,
"available": true,
"country": "US",
"size": 40,
"flag": "no_exotic",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1675435378,
"modified": 1675435378
"_id": "63dd1d72a5955f4469d9259e",
"id": 2668,
"available": false,
"country": "US",
"size": 40,
"flag": "no_exotic",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1675435378,
"modified": 1675435378
"_id": "63dd1f63a5955f4469d92683",
"id": 2670,
"available": true,
"country": "US",
"size": 40,
"flag": "no_exotic",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1675435875,
"modified": 1675435875
HTTP Request
This request receives 2 parameters: filter_operator
and filters
. If filters
is defined but not filter_operator
, its default value will be $and
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
filter_operator | no | text | $and |
The logic operator that unites all the options given in filters . |
filters | no | text | null |
The filters that will be applied to the availability rules query. Must have the structure <parameter>:<operator>:<value> . More than one filter can be given to the query, and their application together is based on the filter_operator given. |
Filter Operator Values
Value | Description |
$and | The results given must comply with all the filters. |
$or | The results given must comply with at least on of the filters. |
Filters Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
available | no | boolean | null |
The availability of the combination specified. |
country | no | text | null |
The ISO 3166-2 code of the country to which the product is going to be purchased. |
size | no | numeric | null |
The model's native size. |
flag | no | text | null |
The flag value, which is used to identify arbitrary contexts (ie: seasonal promo, special event, among others) . |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
part | no | text | null |
The part of the model to which the availability rule will be applied. |
material | no | text | null |
The material of the part to which the availability rule will be applied. |
color | no | text | null |
The color of the material of the part to which the availability rule will be applied. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the availability rule. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the availability rule. |
Creates an availability rule for a specific combination of part, material and color of a model of a brand. If the user does not have permission for the given brand, an error is returned.
Example Request
curl -s -X POST \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"size": 40,
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fddc38a8501031ce205",
"id": 2909,
"available": true,
"country": "US",
"size": 40,
"flag": "no_exotic",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1737129949,
"modified": 1737129949
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
available | yes | boolean | The availability of the combination specified. | |
country | yes | text | The ISO 3166-2 code of the country to which the product is going to be purchased. |
size | no | numeric | null |
The model's native size. |
flag | no | text | null |
The flag value, which is used to identify arbitrary contexts (ie: seasonal promo, special event, among others) |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
part | no | text | null |
The part of the model to which the availability rule will be applied. |
material | no | text | null |
The material of the part to which the availability rule will be applied. |
color | no | text | null |
The color of the material of the part to which the availability rule will be applied. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the availability rule. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the availability rule. |
Returns the availability with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl "<id>" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fdd27cd5491221ce3cd",
"id": 2910,
"available": true,
"country": "US",
"size": 40,
"flag": "no_exotic",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1737129949,
"modified": 1737129949
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The availability rule's unique identification (ID). |
Updates the availability with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to update the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"size": 40,
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fde27cd5491221ce3ce",
"id": 2911,
"available": false,
"country": "US",
"size": 40,
"flag": "no_exotic",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1737129950,
"modified": 1737129950
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The availability rule's unique identification (ID). |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
available | yes | boolean | The availability of the combination specified. | |
country | yes | text | The ISO 3166-2 code of the country to which the product is going to be purchased. |
size | no | numeric | null |
The model's native size. |
flag | no | text | null |
The flag value, which is used to identify arbitrary contexts (ie: seasonal promo, special event, among others) |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
part | no | text | null |
The part of the model to which the availability rule will be applied. |
material | no | text | null |
The material of the part to which the availability rule will be applied. |
color | no | text | null |
The color of the material of the part to which the availability rule will be applied. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the availability rule. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the availability rule. |
Deletes the availability with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X DELETE "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"result": "success"
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The availability rule's unique identification (ID). |
Country Group Endpoints
The list endpoint returns the existing country groups rules according to the given parameters. If no parameters are given, it will return all the country groups the user has permissions to access. A user only has permission to access and modify data related to him, meaning that he can only access data from the brands he is responsible for.
Query support can be consulted here
Example Request
curl "[]=currency:eq:eur" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "5e3d96c1d273eb3309b5fb74",
"id": 36,
"name": "UK",
"currency": "eur",
"countries": [
"enabled": true,
"description": "123",
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "chanel",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"created": 1581094593,
"modified": 1621610113,
"brand": "chanel"
"_id": "5a144eeeeabf410033eabd46",
"description": "Europe",
"countries": [
"created": 1511280366,
"enabled": true,
"modified": 1622629675,
"currency": "eur",
"meta": {},
"id": 8,
"name": "fendi-eur",
"brand": "dummy",
"brand_t": "dummy",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null
"_id": "5dd2b7875a20c466ae6438be",
"id": 14,
"enabled": true,
"description": "N21 EUROPE",
"created": 1574090631,
"modified": 1620926851,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "n21",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": "n21-europee",
"currency": "eur",
"countries": [
"brand": "n21"
"_id": "5a04a275fe0902003a1a254a",
"description": "Europe 4",
"countries": [
"created": 1510253173,
"enabled": true,
"modified": 1510253173,
"currency": "eur",
"meta": {},
"id": 4,
"name": "sr-eur4",
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"brand": null
"_id": "5a8b101d32fd48003b2c3f85",
"description": "North Europe \u20ac",
"countries": [
"created": 1519063069,
"enabled": true,
"modified": 1519063069,
"currency": "eur",
"meta": {},
"id": 11,
"name": "ep-eur3",
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"brand": null
"_id": "5a04a275fe0902003a1a2548",
"description": "Europe 3",
"countries": [
"created": 1510253173,
"enabled": true,
"modified": 1510253173,
"currency": "eur",
"meta": {},
"id": 3,
"name": "sr-eur3",
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"brand": null
"_id": "5a8b101d32fd48003b2c3f81",
"description": "Italy \u20ac",
"countries": [
"created": 1519063069,
"enabled": true,
"modified": 1519063069,
"currency": "eur",
"meta": {},
"id": 9,
"name": "ep-eur",
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"brand": null
"_id": "5a8b101d32fd48003b2c3f83",
"description": "Russia & East Europe \u20ac",
"countries": [
"created": 1519063069,
"enabled": true,
"modified": 1519063069,
"currency": "eur",
"meta": {},
"id": 10,
"name": "ep-eur2",
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"brand": null
"_id": "5a04a275fe0902003a1a2546",
"description": "Europe 2",
"countries": [
"created": 1510253173,
"enabled": true,
"modified": 1510253173,
"currency": "eur",
"meta": {},
"id": 2,
"name": "sr-eur2",
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"brand": null
"_id": "5a8b101d32fd48003b2c3f87",
"description": "Asia \u20ac",
"countries": [
"created": 1519063069,
"enabled": true,
"modified": 1519063069,
"currency": "eur",
"meta": {},
"id": 12,
"name": "ep-eur4",
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"brand": null
HTTP Request
This request receives 2 parameters: filter_operator
and filters
. If filters
is defined but not filter_operator
, its default value will be $and
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
filter_operator | no | text | $and |
The logic operator that unites all the options given in filters . |
filters | no | text | null |
The filters that will be applied to the country group query. Must have the structure <parameter>:<operator>:<value> . More than one filter can be given to the query, and their application together is based on the filter_operator given. |
Filter Operator Values
Value | Description |
$and | The results given must comply with all the filters. |
$or | The results given must comply with at least on of the filters. |
Filters Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the country group. |
brand | no | text | null |
The country group's brand. |
countries | no | list of text | null |
A list of ISO 3166-1 codes of the countries the country group contains. |
currency | no | text | null |
The currency that is used by the country group. |
Creates a country group for a brand with a name, list of countries and a currency. If the user does not have permission for the given brand, an error is returned.
Example Request
curl -s -X POST \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"name": "test",
"countries": ["uk", "it", "fr"],
"currency": "eur"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fe038163071fb1cec28",
"id": 575,
"brand": "swear",
"name": "test",
"countries": [
"currency": "eur",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"created": 1737129952,
"modified": 1737129952
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
name | yes | text | The name of the country group. | |
brand | no | text | null |
The country group's brand. |
countries | yes | list of text | A list of ISO 3166-1 codes of the countries the country group contains. |
currency | no | text | null |
The currency that is used by the country group. |
Returns the country group with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the group's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "5a04a275fe0902003a1a2544",
"description": "Europe 1",
"countries": [
"created": 1510253173,
"enabled": true,
"modified": 1510253173,
"currency": "eur",
"meta": {},
"id": 1,
"name": "sr-eur1",
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"brand": null
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The country groups's unique identification (ID). |
Updates the country group with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to update the group's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"name": "test1"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fe027cd5491221ce3cf",
"id": 576,
"brand": "swear",
"name": "test1",
"countries": [
"currency": "eur",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"created": 1737129952,
"modified": 1737129953
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The country groups's unique identification (ID). |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the country group. |
brand | no | text | null |
The country group's brand. |
countries | no | list of text | null |
A list of ISO 3166-1 codes of the countries the country group contains. |
currency | no | text | null |
The currency that is used by the country group. |
Deletes the country group with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the group's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X DELETE "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"result": "success"
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The country groups's unique identification (ID). |
Factory Rule Endpoints
The list endpoint returns the existing factory rules according to the given parameters. If no parameters are given, it will be returned all the factory rules the user has permissions to access. A user only has permission to access and modify data related to him, meaning that he can only access data from the brands he is responsible for.
Query support can be consulted here.
Example Request
curl "[]=shoe:eq:vyner" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "62d13d94809ee9f9000e0dbe",
"id": 327,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"variant": "",
"part": "",
"material": "",
"color": "",
"factory": "flaj",
"production_time": 7,
"production_cost": null,
"locale": "",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"created": 1657879956,
"modified": 1657879956
"_id": "63345531abfc9aed5532a495",
"id": 344,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"factory": "factory",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"production_time": null,
"production_cost": null,
"locale": null,
"created": 1664374065,
"modified": 1664374065
"_id": "63345531abfc9aed5532a497",
"id": 345,
"factory": "factory",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"production_time": null,
"production_cost": null,
"locale": null,
"created": 1664374065,
"modified": 1664374065
"_id": "63345531d7cccd800b32a386",
"id": 346,
"factory": "factory",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"production_time": null,
"production_cost": null,
"locale": null,
"created": 1664374065,
"modified": 1664374065
"_id": "63345690f7ba63a14532a651",
"id": 348,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"factory": "factory",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"production_time": null,
"production_cost": null,
"locale": null,
"created": 1664374416,
"modified": 1664374416
"_id": "63345690f7ba63a14532a653",
"id": 349,
"factory": "factory",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"production_time": null,
"production_cost": null,
"locale": null,
"created": 1664374416,
"modified": 1664374416
"_id": "633456916736fbd55032a37a",
"id": 350,
"factory": "factory",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"production_time": null,
"production_cost": null,
"locale": null,
"created": 1664374417,
"modified": 1664374418
"_id": "633458f8158eae189f32a367",
"id": 352,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"factory": "factory",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"production_time": null,
"production_cost": null,
"locale": null,
"created": 1664375032,
"modified": 1664375032
"_id": "633458f831abfbb9b632a377",
"id": 353,
"factory": "factory",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"production_time": null,
"production_cost": null,
"locale": null,
"created": 1664375032,
"modified": 1664375032
"_id": "633458f95b347fa03232a368",
"id": 354,
"factory": "factory",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"production_time": null,
"production_cost": null,
"locale": null,
"created": 1664375033,
"modified": 1664375034
HTTP Request
This request receives 2 parameters: filter_operator
and filters
. If filters
is defined but not filter_operator
, its default value will be $and
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
filter_operator | no | text | $and |
The logic operator that unites all the options given in filters . |
filters | no | text | null |
The filters that will be applied to the factory rules query. Must have the structure <parameter>:<operator>:<value> . More than one filter can be given to the query, and their application together is based on the filter_operator given. |
Filter Operator Values
Value | Description |
$and | The results given must comply with all the filters. |
$or | The results given must comply with at least on of the filters. |
Filters Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
factory | no | text | null |
The factory name. |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
part | no | text | null |
The part of the model to which the factory rule will be applied. |
material | no | text | null |
The material of the part to which the factory rule will be applied. |
color | no | text | null |
The color of the material of the part to which the factory rule will be applied. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the factory rule. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the factory rule. |
production_time | no | text | null |
The amount of time (in days) for the item described in the rule to be produced. |
production_cost | no | text | null |
The cost of the production of the item in the rule in the local default currency. |
locale | no | text | en_us |
The locale to be used for assets related with the factory (eg: production order reports), if not defined the default locale will be used (en_us). |
Creates a factory rule order for a specific combination of part, material and color of a model of a brand. If the user does not have permission for the given brand, an error is returned.
Example Request
curl -s -X POST \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"factory": "factory",
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fe3662f8dbb321ce4dc",
"id": 850,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"factory": "factory",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"production_time": null,
"production_cost": null,
"locale": null,
"created": 1737129955,
"modified": 1737129955
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
factory | yes | text | The factory's name. | |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
part | no | text | null |
The part of the model to which the factory rule will be applied. |
material | no | text | null |
The material of the part to which the factory rule will be applied. |
color | no | text | null |
The color of the material of the part to which the factory rule will be applied. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the factory rule. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the factory rule. |
production_time | no | text | null |
The amount of time (in days) for the item described in the rule to be produced. |
production_cost | no | text | null |
The cost of the production of the item in the rule in the local default currency. |
locale | no | text | en_us |
The locale to be used for assets related with the factory (eg: production order reports), if not defined the default locale will be used (en_us). |
Returns the factory rule with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fe4662f8dbb321ce4dd",
"id": 851,
"factory": "factory",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"production_time": null,
"production_cost": null,
"locale": null,
"created": 1737129956,
"modified": 1737129956
HTTP Request
Updates the factory rule with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to update the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"factory": "factory",
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fe4662f8dbb321ce4de",
"id": 852,
"factory": "factory",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"production_time": null,
"production_cost": null,
"locale": null,
"created": 1737129956,
"modified": 1737129957
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The rule's id. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
factory | no | text | null |
The factory's name. |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
part | no | text | null |
The part of the model to which the factory rule will be applied. |
material | no | text | null |
The material of the part to which the factory rule will be applied. |
color | no | text | null |
The color of the material of the part to which the factory rule will be applied. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the factory rule. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the factory rule. |
Deletes the factory rule with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X DELETE "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fe538163071fb1cec2a",
"id": 853,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"factory": "factory",
"color": "white",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"production_time": null,
"production_cost": null,
"locale": null,
"created": 1737129957,
"modified": 1737129957
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The rule's id. |
Invoice Rule Endpoints
The list endpoint returns the existing invoice rules according to the given parameters. If no parameters are given, it will be returned all the invoice rules the user has permissions to access. A user only has permission to access and modify data related to him, meaning that he can only access data from the brands he is responsible for.
Query support can be consulted here.
Example Request
curl "[]=shoe:eq:vyner" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
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"meta": {},
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"name": "null",
"priority": null,
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"enabled": false,
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"meta": {},
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"name": "null",
"priority": null,
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"Any other remark you want",
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HTTP Request
This request receives 2 parameters: filter_operator
and filters
. If filters
is defined but not filter_operator
, its default value will be $and
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
filter_operator | no | text | $and |
The logic operator that unites all the options given in filters . |
filters | no | text | null |
The filters that will be applied to the invoice rules query. Must have the structure <parameter>:<operator>:<value> . More than one filter can be given to the query, and their application together is based on the filter_operator given. |
Filter Operator Values
Value | Description |
$and | The results given must comply with all the filters. |
$or | The results given must comply with at least on of the filters. |
Filters Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The brand's name. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the invoice rule. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the invoice rule. |
country | no | text | null |
The name of the country in wich this rule will be applied. |
size | no | numeric | null |
The model's native size. |
invoicer | no | text | null |
The identifier of the invoice software that is going to be used as the back-end for invoice generation. |
invoice_details | no | dictionary | null |
The details in a JSON like dictionary format that are going to be used to create the invoice this should include invoice specific information. |
Creates a invoice rule for a specific country for model of a brand. If the user does not have permission for the given brand, an error is returned.
Example Request
curl -s -X POST \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"country": "pt",
"size": 40,
"invoicer": "invoice_express",
"invoice_details": {}
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fe727cd5491221ce3d2",
"id": 516,
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"brand": null,
"shoe": null,
"country": null,
"invoicer": null,
"invoice_details": {},
"size": null,
"created": 1737129959,
"modified": 1737129959
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | yes | text | The brand's name. | |
shoe | yes | text | The model's name. | |
country | yes | text | The name of the country in which this rule will be applied. | |
size | no | numeric | null |
The model's native size. |
invoicer | yes | text | The identifier of the invoice software that is going to be used as the back-end for invoice generation. | |
invoice_details | no | dictionary | null |
The details in a JSON like dictionary format that are going to be used to create the invoice this should include invoice specific information. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the invoice rule. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the invoice rule. |
Returns the invoice with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fe7662f8dbb321ce4df",
"id": 517,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"country": "pt",
"size": 40,
"invoicer": "invoice_express",
"invoice_details": {},
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"created": 1737129959,
"modified": 1737129959
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The rule's id. |
Updates the invoice with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to update the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"courier": "dhl"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fe838163071fb1cec2b",
"id": 518,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"country": "pt",
"size": 40,
"invoicer": "sap",
"invoice_details": {},
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"created": 1737129960,
"modified": 1737129960
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The rule's id. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The brand's name. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
country | no | text | null |
The name of the country in which this rule will be applied. |
size | no | numeric | null |
The model's native size. |
invoicer | no | text | null |
The identifier of the invoice software that is going to be used as the back-end for invoice generation. |
invoice_details | no | dictionary | null |
The details in a JSON like dictionary format that are going to be used to create the invoice this should include invoice specific information. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the invoice rule. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the invoice rule. |
Deletes the invoice with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X DELETE "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fe8662f8dbb321ce4e0",
"id": 519,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"country": "pt",
"size": 40,
"invoicer": "invoice_express",
"invoice_details": {},
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"created": 1737129960,
"modified": 1737129960
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The rule's id. |
Letter Rule Endpoints
The list endpoint returns the existing letter rules according to the given parameters. If no parameters are given, it will be returned all the letter rules the user has permissions to access. A user only has permission to access and modify data related to him, meaning that he can only access data from the brands he is responsible for.
Query support can be consulted here.
Example Request
curl "[]=shoe:eq:vyner" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "59b7020695387c003b479bce",
"description": null,
"created": 1505165830,
"color": null,
"variant": null,
"brand": null,
"material": null,
"enabled": true,
"modified": 1505165830,
"priority": null,
"meta": {},
"shoe": "vyner",
"letter": "B",
"part": "side",
"id": 20,
"name": null,
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null
"_id": "59b7020695387c003b479bcd",
"description": null,
"created": 1505165830,
"color": null,
"variant": null,
"brand": null,
"material": null,
"enabled": true,
"modified": 1505165830,
"priority": null,
"meta": {},
"shoe": "vyner",
"letter": "A",
"part": "front",
"id": 19,
"name": null,
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null
"_id": "619e20a44eb9939f04e31fe3",
"id": 154,
"letter": "hi",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "nappa",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1637752996,
"modified": 1637752996
"_id": "619e20a50c63c1142fe32304",
"id": 155,
"letter": "hi",
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "nappa",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1637752997,
"modified": 1637752997
"_id": "61af554dde85c701c3c5dc43",
"id": 156,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"letter": "A",
"color": "white",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1638880589,
"modified": 1638880589
"_id": "61af554dc9dd5bcf1ec5f840",
"id": 157,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"letter": "A",
"color": "white",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1638880589,
"modified": 1638880589
"_id": "61af554df800c2513dc5d047",
"id": 158,
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"shoe": "vyner",
"letter": "A",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1638880589,
"modified": 1638880589
"_id": "61af556fc9dd5bcf1ec5f86f",
"id": 160,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"letter": "A",
"color": "white",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1638880623,
"modified": 1638880623
"_id": "61af556fde85c701c3c5dc51",
"id": 161,
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"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"letter": "A",
"color": "white",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1638880623,
"modified": 1638880623
"_id": "61af556fc9cf1d3c3fc5cbaf",
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"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
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"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1638880623,
"modified": 1638880623
HTTP Request
This request receives 2 parameters: filter_operator
and filters
. If filters
is defined but not filter_operator
, its default value will be $and
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
filter_operator | no | text | $and |
The logic operator that unites all the options given in filters . |
filters | no | text | null |
The filters that will be applied to the letter rules query. Must have the structure <parameter>:<operator>:<value> . More than one filter can be given to the query, and their application together is based on the filter_operator given. |
Filter Operator Values
Value | Description |
$and | The results given must comply with all the filters. |
$or | The results given must comply with at least on of the filters. |
Filters Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
letter | no | text | null |
The letters to which the rule is applied. Its size must be between 0 and 4 letters. |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
part | no | text | null |
The part of the model to which the letter rule will be applied. |
material | no | text | null |
The material of the part to which the letter rule will be applied. |
color | no | text | null |
The color of the material of the part to which the letter rule will be applied. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the letter rule. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the letter rule. |
Creates a letter rule for a specific combination of part, material and color of a model of a brand. If the user does not have permission for the given brand, an error is returned.
Example Request
curl -s -X POST \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fe9662f8dbb321ce4e1",
"id": 659,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"letter": "A",
"color": "white",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1737129961,
"modified": 1737129961
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
letter | yes | text | The letters to which the rule is applied. Its size must be between 0 and 4 letters. | |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
part | no | text | null |
The part of the model to which the letter rule will be applied. |
material | no | text | null |
The material of the part to which the letter rule will be applied. |
color | no | text | null |
The color of the material of the part to which the letter rule will be applied. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the letter rule. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the letter rule. |
Returns the letter rule with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fea86dc8036731ce029",
"id": 660,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"letter": "A",
"color": "white",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1737129962,
"modified": 1737129962
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | no | numeric | The rule's id. |
Updates the letter rule with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to update the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
Example Response
"_id": "678a7feb662f8dbb321ce4e2",
"id": 661,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"letter": "A",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1737129963,
"modified": 1737129963
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The rule's id. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
letter | no | text | null |
The letters to which the rule is applied. Its size must be between 0 and 4 letters. |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
part | no | text | null |
The part of the model to which the letter rule will be applied. |
material | no | text | null |
The material of the part to which the letter rule will be applied. |
color | no | text | null |
The color of the material of the part to which the letter rule will be applied. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the letter rule. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the letter rule. |
Deletes the letter rule with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X DELETE "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7feb20e13d4f111ce10e",
"id": 662,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"letter": "A",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "black",
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"created": 1737129963,
"modified": 1737129963
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The rule's id. |
Price Rule Endpoints
The list endpoint returns the existing price rules according to the given parameters. If no parameters are given, it will be returned all the price rules the user has permissions to access. A user only has permission to access and modify data related to him, meaning that he can only access data from the brands he is responsible for.
Query support can be consulted here.
Example Request
curl "[]=shoe:eq:vyner" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "634c0feac0555f16cfd0c604",
"id": 27166,
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"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"vat_included": true,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": false,
"pivot": "",
"price_eur": 199.0,
"price_usd": 199.0,
"enabled": true,
"description": "",
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": "",
"priority": null,
"variant": "",
"price_gbp": null,
"price_geo": {},
"size": null,
"created": 1665929194,
"modified": 1672656880
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"color": "white",
"size": 40,
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"price_gbp": 300.0,
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"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
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"created": 1737128853,
"modified": 1737128853
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"id": 31387,
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"material": "nappa",
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"size": 40,
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HTTP Request
This request receives 2 parameters: filter_operator
and filters
. If filters
is defined but not filter_operator
, its default value will be $and
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
filter_operator | no | text | $and |
The logic operator that unites all the options given in filters . |
filters | no | text | null |
The filters that will be applied to the price rules query. Must have the structure <parameter>:<operator>:<value> . More than one filter can be given to the query, and their application together is based on the filter_operator given. |
Filter Operator Values
Value | Description |
$and | The results given must comply with all the filters. |
$or | The results given must comply with at least on of the filters. |
Filters Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
part | no | text | null |
The part of the model to which the price rule will be applied. |
material | no | text | null |
The material of the part to which the price rule will be applied. |
color | no | text | null |
The color of the material of the part to which the price rule will be applied. |
size | no | numeric | null |
The model's native size. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the price rule. |
pivot | no | text | null |
The location and currency tuple that defines the base price to be used for the exchanged prices. |
price_eur | no | numeric | null |
The price in eur. |
price_usd | no | numeric | null |
The price in us dollars. |
price_gbp | no | numeric | null |
The price in british pounds. |
price_geo | no | dictionary | null |
The dictionary that contains the multiple Geo-Priced currencies in a country and currency based. strategy. |
vat_included | no | boolean | false | If the price has VAT tax included. |
ddp_included | no | boolean | false | If the DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) value is already incuded. |
fixed_price | no | boolean | false | If the provided price value should be considered fixed and final meaning that it should be guaranteed to be presented like that to the final user. |
round_price | no | boolean | false | If the provided price value should be rounded for a proper presentation for the end-user, the algorithm itself is not defined by this boolean. |
Creates a price rule for a specific combination of part, material and color of a model of a brand. If the user does not have permission for the given brand, an error is returned.
Example Request
curl -s -X POST \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"size": 40,
"price_eur": 300,
"price_usd": 300,
"price_gbp": 300
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fed38163071fb1cec2c",
"id": 31393,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"size": 40,
"price_eur": 300.0,
"price_usd": 300.0,
"price_gbp": 300.0,
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"vat_included": false,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": true,
"pivot": null,
"price_geo": {},
"created": 1737129965,
"modified": 1737129965
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
part | no | text | null |
The part of the model to which the price rule will be applied. |
material | no | text | null |
The material of the part to which the price rule will be applied. |
color | no | text | null |
The color of the material of the part to which the price rule will be applied. |
size | no | numeric | null |
The model's native size. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the price rule. |
pivot | no | text | null |
The location and currency tuple that defines the base price to be used for the exchanged prices. |
price_eur | no | numeric | null |
The price in eur. |
price_usd | no | numeric | null |
The price in us dollars. |
price_gbp | no | numeric | null |
The price in british pounds. |
price_geo | no | dictionary | null |
The dictionary that contains the multiple Geo-Priced currencies in a country and currency based strategy. |
vat_included | no | boolean | false | If the price has VAT tax included. |
ddp_included | no | boolean | false | If the DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) value is already incuded. |
fixed_price | no | boolean | false | If the provided price value should be considered fixed and final meaning that it should be guaranteed to be presented like that to the final user. |
round_price | no | boolean | false | If the provided price value should be rounded for a proper presentation for the end-user, the algorithm itself is not defined by this boolean. |
Returns the availability with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl "<id>" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fed38163071fb1cec2d",
"id": 31394,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"size": 40,
"price_eur": 300.0,
"price_usd": 300.0,
"price_gbp": 300.0,
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"color": null,
"vat_included": false,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": true,
"pivot": null,
"price_geo": {},
"created": 1737129965,
"modified": 1737129965
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The rule's id. |
Updates the price rule with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to update the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"price_eur": 100,
"price_usd": 100,
"price_gbp": 100
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fee38163071fb1cec2e",
"id": 31395,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"part": "front",
"material": "nappa",
"color": "white",
"size": 40,
"price_eur": 100.0,
"price_usd": 100.0,
"price_gbp": 100.0,
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"variant": null,
"vat_included": false,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": true,
"pivot": null,
"price_geo": {},
"created": 1737129966,
"modified": 1737129967
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The rule's id. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The model's brand. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
variant | no | text | null |
The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model. |
part | no | text | null |
The part of the model to which the price rule will be applied. |
material | no | text | null |
The material of the part to which the price rule will be applied. |
color | no | text | null |
The color of the material of the part to which the price rule will be applied. |
size | no | numeric | null |
The model's native size. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the price rule. |
pivot | no | text | null |
The location and currency tuple that defines the base price to be used for the exchanged prices. |
price_eur | no | numeric | null |
The price in eur. |
price_usd | no | numeric | null |
The price in us dollars. |
price_gbp | no | numeric | null |
The price in british pounds. |
price_geo | no | dictionary | null |
The dictionary that contains the multiple Geo-Priced currencies in a country and currency based strategy. |
vat_included | no | boolean | false | If the price has VAT tax included. |
ddp_included | no | boolean | false | If the DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) value is already incuded. |
fixed_price | no | boolean | false | If the provided price value should be considered fixed and final meaning that it should be guaranteed to be presented like that to the final user. |
round_price | no | boolean | false | If the provided price value should be rounded for a proper presentation for the end-user, the algorithm itself is not defined by this boolean. |
Deletes the availability with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X DELETE "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7fef38163071fb1cec2f",
"id": 31396,
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": null,
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"brand": null,
"shoe": null,
"variant": null,
"part": null,
"material": null,
"color": null,
"vat_included": false,
"ddp_included": false,
"fixed_price": false,
"round_price": true,
"pivot": null,
"price_eur": null,
"price_usd": null,
"price_gbp": null,
"price_geo": {},
"size": null,
"created": 1737129967,
"modified": 1737129967
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The rule's id. |
Transport Rule Endpoints
The list endpoint returns the existing transport rules according to the given parameters. If no parameters are given, it will be returned all the transport rules the user has permissions to access. A user only has permission to access and modify data related to him, meaning that he can only access data from the brands he is responsible for.
Query support can be consulted here.
Example Request
curl "[]=shoe:eq:vyner" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "65647370fa05e4db991b52a1",
"id": 1501,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"size": 40,
"weight": 90.0,
"weight_units": "kilograms",
"package": "envelope",
"courier": "ups",
"shipping_details": {
"service": "standard",
"description": "sneakers",
"shipper": {
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"address": {
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"country_code": "PT"
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"country": null,
"factory": null,
"documents": [],
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"modified": 1701081968
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"weight_units": "kilograms",
"package": "envelope",
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"name": null,
"priority": null,
"country": null,
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"name": null,
"priority": null,
"country": null,
"factory": null,
"documents": [],
"created": 1737126637,
"modified": 1737126637
"_id": "678a7958c38a8501031ce038",
"id": 1538,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"size": 40,
"weight": 90.0,
"weight_units": "kilograms",
"package": "envelope",
"courier": "ups",
"shipping_details": {
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"description": "sneakers",
"shipper": {
"name": "Coolstuffz Porto",
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"address": {
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"postal_code": "4000542",
"country_code": "PT"
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
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"name": null,
"priority": null,
"country": null,
"factory": null,
"documents": [],
"created": 1737128280,
"modified": 1737128280
"_id": "678a7959c38a8501031ce039",
"id": 1539,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"size": 40,
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"weight_units": "kilograms",
"package": "envelope",
"courier": "ups",
"shipping_details": {
"service": "standard",
"description": "sneakers",
"shipper": {
"name": "Coolstuffz Porto",
"phone": "222333444",
"address": {
"line": "Rua de Santa Catarina 4",
"city": "Porto",
"postal_code": "4000542",
"country_code": "PT"
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"country": null,
"factory": null,
"documents": [],
"created": 1737128281,
"modified": 1737128281
"_id": "678a7959c38a8501031ce03a",
"id": 1540,
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"size": 40,
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"package": "envelope",
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"shipping_details": {
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"description": "sneakers",
"shipper": {
"name": "Coolstuffz Porto",
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"country": null,
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"documents": [],
"created": 1737128281,
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"size": 40,
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"courier": "ups",
"shipping_details": {
"service": "standard",
"description": "sneakers",
"shipper": {
"name": "Coolstuffz Porto",
"phone": "222333444",
"address": {
"line": "Rua de Santa Catarina 4",
"city": "Porto",
"postal_code": "4000542",
"country_code": "PT"
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"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
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"name": null,
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"country": null,
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"_id": "678a7b99662f8dbb321ce251",
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"service": "standard",
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"shipper": {
"name": "Coolstuffz Porto",
"phone": "222333444",
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"line": "Rua de Santa Catarina 4",
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"service": "standard",
"description": "sneakers",
"shipper": {
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"shipper": {
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"documents": [],
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"shipping_details": {
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"shipper": {
"name": "Coolstuffz Porto",
"phone": "222333444",
"address": {
"line": "Rua de Santa Catarina 4",
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"postal_code": "4000542",
"country_code": "PT"
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
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"documents": [],
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HTTP Request
This request receives 2 parameters: filter_operator
and filters
. If filters
is defined but not filter_operator
, its default value will be $and
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
filter_operator | no | text | $and |
The logic operator that unites all the options given in filters . |
filters | no | text | null |
The filters that will be applied to the transport rules query. Must have the structure <parameter>:<operator>:<value> . More than one filter can be given to the query, and their application together is based on the filter_operator given. |
Filter Operator Values
Value | Description |
$and | The results given must comply with all the filters. |
$or | The results given must comply with at least on of the filters. |
Filters Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The brand's name. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the transport rule. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the transport rule. |
country | no | text | null |
The name of the country in which this rule will be applied. |
size | no | numeric | null |
The model's native size. |
factory | no | text | null |
The name of the factory rule. |
courier | no | text | null |
The identifier of the courier that is going to be used for the transport. |
package | no | text | null |
The kind of package (size and style) to be used for the transport. |
courier | no | text | null |
TThe identifier of the courier that is going to be used for the transport. |
weight | no | numeric | null |
The weight in kilograms of the payload of the transport associated with the rule. |
weight_units | no | enum | kilograms |
The weight units associated with the weight of the transport associated with the rule. Possible values are kilograms and pounds . |
documents | no | list | null |
The sequence of document description strings for the documents that are considered required for the processing of the transport operation and the generation of the associated documents and operations. |
shipping_details | no | dictionary | null |
The details in a JSON like dictionary format that are going to be used to process the shipping this should include courier specific information and information about the shipper entity and the receiver entity. |
Creates a transport rule for a specific combination of part, material and color of a model of a brand. If the user does not have permission for the given brand, an error is returned.
Example Request
curl -s -X POST \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"size": 40,
"weight": 90,
"weight_units": "kilograms",
"courier": "ups",
"shipping_details": {
"service": "standard",
"description": "sneakers",
"shipper": {
"name": "Coolstuffz Porto",
"phone": "222333444",
"address": {
"line": "Rua de Santa Catarina 4",
"city": "Porto",
"postal_code": "4000542",
"country_code": "PT"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7ff138163071fb1cec30",
"id": 1550,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"size": 40,
"weight": 90.0,
"weight_units": "kilograms",
"package": "envelope",
"courier": "ups",
"shipping_details": {
"service": "standard",
"description": "sneakers",
"shipper": {
"name": "Coolstuffz Porto",
"phone": "222333444",
"address": {
"line": "Rua de Santa Catarina 4",
"city": "Porto",
"postal_code": "4000542",
"country_code": "PT"
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"country": null,
"factory": null,
"documents": [],
"created": 1737129969,
"modified": 1737129969
HTTP Request
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The brand's name. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
country | no | text | null |
The name of the country in which this rule will be applied. |
size | no | numeric | null |
The model's native size. |
factory | no | text | null |
The name of the factory rule. |
courier | no | text | null |
The identifier of the courier that is going to be used for the transport. |
package | no | text | null |
The kind of package (size and style) to be used for the transport. |
weight | no | float | null |
The weight in kilograms of the payload of the transport associated with the rule. |
weight_units | no | enum | kilograms |
The weight units associated with the weight of the transport associated with the rule. Possible values are kilograms and pounds . |
documents | no | list | null |
The sequence of document description strings for the documents that are considered required for the processing of the transport operation and the generation of the associated documents and operations. |
shipping_details | no | dictionary | null |
The details in a JSON like dictionary format that are going to be used to process the shipping this should include courier specific information and information about the shipper entity and the receiver entity. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the transport rule. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the transport rule. |
Returns the transport with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7ff138163071fb1cec31",
"id": 1551,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"size": 40,
"weight": 90.0,
"weight_units": "kilograms",
"package": "envelope",
"courier": "ups",
"shipping_details": {
"service": "standard",
"description": "sneakers",
"shipper": {
"name": "Coolstuffz Porto",
"phone": "222333444",
"address": {
"line": "Rua de Santa Catarina 4",
"city": "Porto",
"postal_code": "4000542",
"country_code": "PT"
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"country": null,
"factory": null,
"documents": [],
"created": 1737129969,
"modified": 1737129969
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The rule's id. |
Updates the transport with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to update the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X PUT \
"" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"courier": "dhl",
Example Response
"_id": "678a7ff238163071fb1cec32",
"id": 1552,
"brand": "swear",
"shoe": "vyner",
"size": 40,
"weight": 90.0,
"weight_units": "kilograms",
"package": "envelope",
"courier": "dhl",
"shipping_details": {
"service": "standard",
"description": "sneakers",
"shipper": {
"name": "Coolstuffz Porto",
"phone": "222333444",
"address": {
"line": "Rua de Santa Catarina 4",
"city": "Porto",
"postal_code": "4000542",
"country_code": "PT"
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"country": null,
"factory": null,
"documents": [],
"created": 1737129970,
"modified": 1737129970
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The rule's id. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
brand | no | text | null |
The brand's name. |
shoe | no | text | null |
The model's name. |
country | no | text | null |
The name of the country in which this rule will be applied. |
size | no | numeric | null |
The model's native size. |
factory | no | text | null |
The name of the factory rule. |
courier | no | text | null |
TThe identifier of the courier that is going to be used for the transport. |
package | no | text | null |
The kind of package (size and style) to be used for the transport. |
weight | no | float | null |
The weight in kilograms of the payload of the transport associated with the rule. |
weight_units | no | enum | kilograms |
The weight units associated with the weight of the transport associated with the rule. Possible values are kilograms and pounds . |
shipping_details | no | dictionary | null |
The details in a JSON like dictionary format that are going to be used to process the shipping this should include courier specific information and information about the shipper entity and the receiver entity. |
documents | no | list | null |
The sequence of document description strings for the documents that are considered required for the processing of the transport operation and the generation of the associated documents and operations. |
priority | no | numeric | null |
The priority of the transport rule. |
name | no | text | null |
The name of the transport rule. |
Deletes the transport with the given ID. If the user does not have permissions to access the rule's brand, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.
Example Request
curl -s -X DELETE "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"_id": "678a7ff2662f8dbb321ce4e3",
"id": 1553,
"brand": "swear",
"size": 40,
"weight": 90.0,
"weight_units": "kilograms",
"package": "envelope",
"courier": "ups",
"shipping_details": {
"service": "standard",
"description": "sneakers",
"shipper": {
"name": "Coolstuffz Porto",
"phone": "222333444",
"address": {
"line": "Rua de Santa Catarina 4",
"city": "Porto",
"postal_code": "4000542",
"country_code": "PT"
"enabled": true,
"description": null,
"meta": {},
"brand_t": "swear",
"retailer_t": null,
"vendor_t": null,
"name": null,
"priority": null,
"shoe": null,
"country": null,
"factory": null,
"documents": [],
"created": 1737129970,
"modified": 1737129970
HTTP Request
Path Parameters
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
id | yes | numeric | The rule's id. |
Webhooks Endpoints
Lists all webhooks that one has subscribed to, displaying webhooks subscription data such as the url
and arguments
For a complete list of names for the webhooks available use this reference.
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"id": 101,
"event": "order.created",
"username": "docs",
"url": "https://domain.tld/path101",
"arguments": {}
"id": 102,
"event": "order.ready",
"username": "docs",
"url": "https://domain.tld/path102",
"arguments": {}
"id": 103,
"event": "order.send",
"username": "docs",
"url": "https://domain.tld/path103",
"arguments": {}
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
sid | no | text | The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request. |
Shows the subscription data of registered webhook, identified by its id
For a complete list of names for the webhooks available use this reference.
Example Request
curl "" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"id": 101,
"event": "order.created",
"username": "docs",
"url": "https://domain.tld/path101",
"arguments": {}
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
sid | no | text | The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request. |
Subscribes a webhook to an event. Every time there's a new occurrence the webhook will be triggered with the event's payload.
For a complete list of names for the webhooks available use this reference.
Example Request
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
-d '{
"event": "order.created",
"url": "https://domain.tld/path"
Example Response
"event": "order.created",
"url": "https://domain.tld/path",
"id": 1,
"username": "docs",
"arguments": {}
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
event | yes | text | The event name. | |
url | yes | text | The webhook url. | |
arguments | no | dictionary | A pair (key, value) of arguments to the specific event. | |
sid | no | text | The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request. |
Unsubscribes an webhook from the system.
For a complete list of names for the webhooks available use this reference.
Example Request
curl -X DELETE \
"" \
-H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
Example Response
"id": 101,
"event": "order.created",
"username": "docs",
"url": "https://domain.tld/path101",
"arguments": {}
HTTP Request
Header Fields
Field | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
X-Secret-Key | yes | text | The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Default | Description |
sid | no | text | The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request. |
Filters Operators
Operator | Description |
eq / equals | Matches values that are equal to a specified value. |
ne / not_equals | Matches all values that are not equal to a specified value. |
in | Matches any of the values specified in an array. |
nin / not_in | Matches none of the values specified in an array. |
like | Selects results using a case sensitive regular expression where its values contain the value given. |
likei | Selects results using a case insensitive regular expression where its values contain the value given. |
llike | Selects results using a case sensitive regular expression where its values end with the value given. |
llikei | Selects results using a case insensitive regular expression where its values end with the value given. |
rlike | Selects results using a case sensitive regular expression where its values start with the value given. |
rlikei | Selects results using a case insensitive regular expression where its values start with the value given. |
gt / greater | Matches values that are greater than a specified value. |
gte / greater_equal | Matches values that are greater than or equal to a specified value. |
lt / lesser | Matches values that are less than a specified value. |
lte / lesser_equal | Matches values that are less than or equal to a specified value. |
null / is_null | Matches values that are null. |
not_null / is_not_null | Matches values that are not null. |
contains | Matches arrays that contain all elements specified in the filter. |
Specification (spec)
Field | Type | Description |
brand | text | The brand name. |
model | text | The brand's model name. |
version | numeric | The version of the model. |
variant | text | The variant (or sub-variant) of the model. |
parts | dictionary | The customization (part, material, color). |
initials | text | The personalization initials (letters and/or symbols). |
engraving | text | The personalization properties, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2 . |
initials_extra | dictionary | An object representing personalization (initials and engraving) for each personalization group. |
description | text | The description of the specification. |
gender | text | The model's gender. |
size | numeric | The model's size. |
meta | dictionary | The metadata of the specification. |