
Platforme API enables any e-commerce website to support digital customisation, personalisation, dynamic pricing, product visualisation and production order managing.


Before start using Platforme API, there are some important concepts to be conscious of. If you are not familiarized, you recommend you to read the Dev Portal's Concepts section.


The API returns standard HTTP success or error status codes. For errors, the response includes extra information about what went wrong encoded in the response as JSON.

Status Code
200 The request was successful.
400 Bad request - Due to an apparent client error (ie: malformed request syntax, invalid input, etc)
401 Unauthorized - Similar to 403 Forbidden, but specifically for use when authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided.
403 Forbidden - The user might not have the necessary permissions for a resource.
404 Not Found - The requested resource could not be found.
500 Internal Server Error.


Platforme API supports cross-origin HTTP requests (aka CORS), meaning that one can call API resources using Javascript from any browser. A note of caution: it’s important to remember that one should never publicly expose API keys or credentials - CORS is mainly useful with unauthenticated endpoints, and there're an handful of endpoints intended for server-to-server scenarios.


There are two ways to include authentication in our API requests:

RIPE Session ID

RIPE Session ID will allow authenticated RIPE requests but to get a session id we need a Platforme token.

Obtaining a Platforme token

Getting a Platforme token can be done using the browser.

When using the browser, login into Platforme ID and click the tokens button and then "generate" at the top, a new page will load and display your generated Platforme token.

Redeeming a Platforme token (optional)

Optionally we can redeem the token with Platforme ID API to verify that the token is valid and obtain information about the token's account.

Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

    "acl": {
        "type": 3,
        "acl": [
        "tokens": [
    "account": {
        "username": "",
        "email": "",
        "meta": {
            "ripe-core-prod": {
                "brand_t": [
            "justification": "We need a dummy account for documentation purposes",
            "name": "Dummy",
            "requester": "",
            "list": true,
            "label": "Viewer (Sandbox)"

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
token yes text null The Platforme ID API token.

Now that we have our Platforme ID Token, we will be using it to obtain a RIPE session id.

Obtaining a RIPE Session ID

In order to obtain our session id we simply need to make a request to RIPE API.

Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

    "sid": "99e43a2cac0345e068854f9a7d3e4989491eaf2456dc3fd51736ece02b41ba66",
    "session_id": "99e43a2cac0345e068854f9a7d3e4989491eaf2456dc3fd51736ece02b41ba66",
    "username": "",
    "name": "",
    "email": "",
    "tokens": []

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
token yes text null The Platforme ID API token.

After obtaining the RIPE session_id, it should be included as a parameter, provided as the value of "sid" parameter.


The RIPE Key is only internally provided as an access key. It should not be used by everyone, thus, if you don't have one, please authenticate by RIPE Session ID.

The RIPE Key should be included in the request headers, provided as the value of X-Secret-Key.

Render Endpoints


Example Request

curl " \
brand=swear& \
model=vyner& \
frame=0& \
p=lining:calf_lining:white& \
p=front:nappa:grey& \
p=side:nappa:navy& \
p=sole:rubber:yellow& \
p=laces:nylon:burnt_orange& \
p=logo:metal:gold& \
p=hardware:metal:gold& \
p=shadow:default:default& \
format=png& \

Example Response

The above command returns a rasterized image

Example Request

curl " \
brand=swear& \
model=vyner& \
frame=top& \
p=lining:calf_lining:white& \
p=front:nappa:grey& \
p=side:nappa:navy& \
p=sole:rubber:yellow& \
p=laces:nylon:burnt_orange& \
p=logo:metal:gold& \
p=hardware:metal:gold& \
initials_profile=gold& \

Example Response

The above command returns a rasterized image

This endpoint is used to render a frame of a given customization.

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand no text null The brand's model.
model no text null The model to compose.
variant no text null The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model .
product_id no numeric null The product's unique identification (ID).
p no text null The configuration of the model, set this parameter for each triplet (part:material:color). If it is not defined then the default parts are used.
frame no text 0 The frame of the model to be presented.
cache no boolean true If a cached version of the frame should be used if available.
format no text png The format of the image. Many formats are supported, like png, jpeg, webp, or webpl.
size no numeric 1000 The size of the image in pixels. This value applies to both its width and height.
width no numeric 1000 The width of the image in pixels, overrides the size value.
height no numeric 1000 The height of the image in pixels, overrides the size value .
rotation no numeric null The angle in degrees of the rotation to apply on the model.
crop no boolean false If true then the outer blank parts of the image will be removed. This operation changes the size of the image.
bounding_box no numeric list null Two comma separated values for width and height to apply a resize operation on the image.
algorithm no text source_over The blending algorithm to be used. Supports source_over, multiplicative, disjoint_over and disjoint_under.
background no text #000000 The hex value of the background color to be used. If the format is png, webp or sgi then the default background is transparent.
initials_profile no list null The name of the profile to be used. A profile what what defines a premade configuration in a specific product. The configuration can set the values such as the font type, color and size, the initials position and rotation. This supports the use of namespacing.
initials_x no number null Overrides the initials_profile's position on the x axis.
initials_y no number null Overrides the initials_profile's position on the y axis.
initials_width no number null Overrides the initials_profile's width.
initials_height no number null Overrides the initials_profile's height.
initials_viewport no list null Overrides the initials_profile's viewport. Viewport is a window (specified by [x, y, width, height]) that defines a region to be shown with a zoom. It is used to showcase the initials.
initials_color no text 000000 Overrides the initials_profile's color to be applied to the initials.
initials_opacity no number null Overrides the initials_profile's opacity to be applied to the initials. This value ranges from 0 to 1.
initials_align no text null Overrides the initials_profile's orientation of the initials to be applied. This field can be left, right or center.
initials_vertical no text null Overrides the initials_profile's vertical alignment on the initials. This field can be top, bottom or middle.
initials_embossing no text null Overrides the initials_profile's embossing type of the initials. The available options vary with each model.
initials_rotation no number null Overrides the initials_profile's rotation angle, in degrees, to be applied to the initials.
initials_pattern no text null Overrides the initials_profile's initials pattern, that defines a regular expression to validate the initials.
initials_exclusion no text null Overrides the initials_profile's initials exclusion. This is a list that defines which parts are excluded from the custumization.
initials_image_rotation no number null Overrides the initials_profile's rotation angle, in degrees, to be applied to image.
font_family no text null Overrides the initials_profile's font to be applied on the initials.
font_weight no text null Overrides the initials_profile's font weight to be applied on the initials.
font_size no text null Overrides the initials_profile's font size to be applied on the initials.
font_spacing no text null Overrides the initials_profile's spacing between each letter.
font_trim no boolean null Overrides the initials_profile's font trim, which defines wether the extra spaces are ignored or not.
shadow no boolean true Overrides the initials_profile's shadow, which defines if the initials have a shadow.
shadow_color no text ffffff Overrides the initials_profile's color of the shadow to be used.
shadow_offset no text null Overrides the initials_profile's offset to be applied on the shadow.
options no text null The composition options, set this parameter for each tuplet (option:value). Supports quality, dpi, locale and country.


Example Request

curl " \
brand=swear& \
model=vyner& \
p=lining:calf_lining:white& \
p=front:nappa:grey& \
p=side:nappa:navy& \
p=sole:rubber:yellow& \
p=laces:nylon:burnt_orange& \
p=logo:metal:gold& \
p=hardware:metal:gold& \

Example Response

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand no text null The brand's model.
model no text null The model to compose.
version no numeric null The version of the specified model .
p no text null The configuration of the model, set this parameter for each triplet (part:material:color).
name no text null The name of the video of the model.

Video Thumbnail

Example Request

curl " \
brand=swear& \
model=vyner& \
p=lining:calf_lining:white& \
p=front:nappa:grey& \
p=side:nappa:navy& \
p=sole:rubber:yellow& \
p=laces:nylon:burnt_orange& \
p=logo:metal:gold& \
p=hardware:metal:gold& \

Example Response

The above command returns the thumbnail image of a video of a customization

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand no text null The brand's model.
model no text null The model to compose.
version no numeric null The version of the specified model .
p no text null The configuration of the model, set this parameter for each triplet (part:material:color).
name no text null The name of the video of the model.


Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

This endpoint returns a masked version of the model, where the parts have a black overlay. It can be used to highlight a specific part.

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
model yes text The model to compose.
brand no text null The brand's model.
part no text null The part to be masked. If not defined then all masks are shown.
frame no text 0 The frame of the model to be presented.
format no text png The format of the image, one of png, jpeg, or webp.
size no numeric model size The size of the image in pixels. This value applies to both its width and height. Defaults to the model size in its specification.


curl ""

The above command returns a rasterized image

This endpoint gets the swatch of a material on a particular color.

HTTP Request


Path Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The brand's name that the material belongs to.
material yes text The desired material to render the swatch.
color yes text The color of the material to render the swatch.

GET Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
model no text null The model's name that the material belongs to.
version no number latest The model's build's version.
part no text null The part the material belongs to.
retina no boolean false If true, will render the swatch on retina resolution (2x the source resolution).
variant no text null The model's variant.

Config Endpoints


The Info endpoint returns the customization information for the queryable context.

Using this API one can resolve a customization by:

Example Request

curl "\

Example Response

    "brand": "swear",
    "model": "vyner",
    "version": "186",
    "product_id": null,
    "variant": null,
    "parts": {
        "lining": {
            "material": "calf_lining",
            "color": "white"
        "front": {
            "material": "nappa",
            "color": "grey"
        "side": {
            "material": "nappa",
            "color": "navy"
        "sole": {
            "material": "rubber",
            "color": "yellow"
        "laces": {
            "material": "nylon",
            "color": "burnt_orange"
        "logo": {
            "material": "metal",
            "color": "gold"
        "hardware": {
            "material": "metal",
            "color": "gold"
        "shadow": {
            "material": "default",
            "color": "default"
    "hash": "520683e3be7c71fbe71fba7116610b39",
    "dku": "swear.vyner.186.3:5.0:1.0:3.0:3.4:6.0:6.4:0:1.5:0:0",
    "query": "brand=swear&model=vyner&version=186&p=front:nappa:grey&p=hardware:metal:gold&p=laces:nylon:burnt_orange&p=lining:calf_lining:white&p=logo:metal:gold&p=shadow:default:default&p=side:nappa:navy&p=sole:rubber:yellow"

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand no text null The model's brand.
model no text null The model's name.
version no numeric latest The version for the specified model.
variant no text null The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model.
initials no text null The initials value used to personalize the model.
engraving no text null The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2.
initials_extra no dictionary null An object representing personalization (initials and engraving) for each personalization group.
p no list of text null The configuration of the model, described as a set of triplets in the form of part:material:color.
size no numeric null The model's size.
gender no text null The model's gender.
meta no text null The model's metadata.
product_id no numeric null The product's unique identification (ID) assigned to a particular configuration.
sku no text null The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) assigned to a particular configuration.
dku no text null The Dynamic Keeping Unit (DKU) that represents a particular configuration.
domain no text brand The SKU domain (falls back to brand value).
guess no boolean null A flag normally used to guess the brand and version if those parameters are not provided.
params no boolean null The extra meta information associated with the model.


Example Request

curl "\

Example Response

    "components": {
        "side": {
            "rule_id": 27168,
            "rule_count": 1,
            "price_taxes": 199.0,
            "vat": 33.17,
            "vat_rate": 20.0,
            "price": 165.83,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "hs_code": 6403999065,
            "notes": [
                "Nappa Leather"
            "hs_code_priority": 1,
            "price_original": 199.0,
            "vat_included": true,
            "ddp_included": false,
            "fixed_price": false,
            "round_price": false,
            "base_country": "EU",
            "base_currency": "EUR",
            "exchanged": "EU-EUR",
            "cites": false
        "hardware": {
            "rule_id": 27168,
            "rule_count": 1,
            "price_taxes": 199.0,
            "vat": 33.17,
            "vat_rate": 20.0,
            "price": 165.83,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "hs_code": 6403999065,
            "notes": [],
            "hs_code_priority": 1,
            "price_original": 199.0,
            "vat_included": true,
            "ddp_included": false,
            "fixed_price": false,
            "round_price": false,
            "base_country": "EU",
            "base_currency": "EUR",
            "exchanged": "EU-EUR",
            "cites": false
    "total": {
        "price_final": 358.01,
        "price_taxes": 331.67,
        "vat": 0.0,
        "ddp": 26.34,
        "ddp_percent": 7.9426272,
        "vat_rate": 0.0,
        "price": 331.67,
        "currency": "EUR",
        "country": "US",
        "hs_codes": [
        "hs_code_priority": 1,
        "shipping": 0.0,
        "notes": [
            "Nappa Leather"
        "diag": {
            "no_round": {
                "price_final": 358.01,
                "price_taxes": 331.67,
                "price": 331.67,
                "vat": 0.0,
                "ddp": 26.34
            "patch": true,
            "round_value": true,
            "is_vat": false,
            "is_ddp": true,
            "is_european": false,
            "is_rounded": false,
            "vat_included": true,
            "ddp_included": false,
            "fixed_price": false,
            "round_price": false,
            "base_country": "EU",
            "base_currency": "EUR",
            "exchanged": "EU-EUR"
        "cites": false

The price information of a customized model according to all provided parameters, such as the presence of initials, each part material or even the client's country code. Besides the total product price, each component's price is also calculated.

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand no text null The model's brand.
model no text null The model's name.
variant no text null The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model.
version no numeric latest The version for the specified model.
cites no boolean null The flag that specifies if the price should have the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species)
product_id no numeric null The product's unique identification (ID).
currency no text EUR The ISO 4217 currency code in which the price shall be calculated with.
country no text US The ISO 3166-2 code of the country to which the product is going to be purchased.
initials no text null The initials value used to personalize the model.
letters no text null The initials value used to personalize the model. Similar to the initials parameter.
engraving no text null The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2.
embossing no text null The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2. Similar to the engraving parameter.
p no list of text null The configuration of the model, described as a set of triplets in the form of part:material:color.


Example Request

curl "\

Example Response

        "components": {
            "side": {
                "rule_id": 27168,
                "rule_count": 1,
                "price_taxes": 199.0,
                "vat": 33.17,
                "vat_rate": 20.0,
                "price": 165.83,
                "currency": "EUR",
                "hs_code": 6403999065,
                "notes": [
                    "Nappa Leather"
                "hs_code_priority": 1,
                "price_original": 199.0,
                "vat_included": true,
                "ddp_included": false,
                "fixed_price": false,
                "round_price": false,
                "base_country": "EU",
                "base_currency": "EUR",
                "exchanged": "EU-EUR",
                "cites": false
            "engraving": {
                "rule_id": 27168,
                "rule_count": 1,
                "price_taxes": 199.0,
                "vat": 33.17,
                "vat_rate": 20.0,
                "price": 165.83,
                "currency": "EUR",
                "price_original": 199.0,
                "vat_included": true,
                "ddp_included": false,
                "fixed_price": false,
                "round_price": false,
                "base_country": "EU",
                "base_currency": "EUR",
                "exchanged": "EU-EUR"
        "total": {
            "price_final": 358.01,
            "price_taxes": 331.67,
            "vat": 0.0,
            "ddp": 26.34,
            "ddp_percent": 7.9426272,
            "vat_rate": 0.0,
            "price": 331.67,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "country": "US",
            "hs_codes": [
            "hs_code_priority": -1,
            "shipping": 0.0,
            "notes": [
                "Nappa Leather"
            "diag": {
                "no_round": {
                    "price_final": 358.01,
                    "price_taxes": 331.67,
                    "price": 331.67,
                    "vat": 0.0,
                    "ddp": 26.34
                "patch": true,
                "round_value": true,
                "is_vat": false,
                "is_ddp": true,
                "is_european": false,
                "is_rounded": false,
                "vat_included": true,
                "ddp_included": false,
                "fixed_price": false,
                "round_price": false,
                "base_country": "EU",
                "base_currency": "EUR",
                "exchanged": "EU-EUR"
            "cites": false
        "components": {
            "hardware": {
                "rule_id": 27168,
                "rule_count": 1,
                "price_taxes": 199.0,
                "vat": 33.17,
                "vat_rate": 20.0,
                "price": 165.83,
                "currency": "EUR",
                "hs_code": 6403999065,
                "notes": [],
                "hs_code_priority": 1,
                "price_original": 199.0,
                "vat_included": true,
                "ddp_included": false,
                "fixed_price": false,
                "round_price": false,
                "base_country": "EU",
                "base_currency": "EUR",
                "exchanged": "EU-EUR",
                "cites": false
        "total": {
            "price_final": 169.17,
            "price_taxes": 165.83,
            "vat": 0.0,
            "ddp": 3.34,
            "ddp_percent": 2.0128,
            "vat_rate": 0.0,
            "price": 165.83,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "country": "US",
            "hs_codes": [
            "hs_code_priority": 1,
            "shipping": 0.0,
            "notes": [],
            "diag": {
                "no_round": {
                    "price_final": 169.17,
                    "price_taxes": 165.83,
                    "price": 165.83,
                    "vat": 0.0,
                    "ddp": 3.34
                "patch": true,
                "round_value": true,
                "is_vat": false,
                "is_ddp": true,
                "is_european": false,
                "is_rounded": false,
                "vat_included": true,
                "ddp_included": false,
                "fixed_price": false,
                "round_price": false,
                "base_country": "EU",
                "base_currency": "EUR",
                "exchanged": "EU-EUR"
            "cites": false

The price information for each part of a customized model according to all provided parameters, such as the presence of initials, each part material or even the client's country code. The total product price is returned for each part of the model, instead of the total price of the product, as in the endpoint Price.

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand no text null The model's brand.
model no text null The model's name.
variant no text null The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model.
version no numeric latest The version for the specified model.
cites no boolean null The flag that specifies if the price should have the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species)
product_id no numeric null The product's unique identification (ID).
currency no text EUR The ISO 4217 currency code in which the price shall be calculated with.
country no text US The ISO 3166-2 code of the country to which the product is going to be purchased.
initials no text null The initials value used to personalize the model. There can be several initials parameters, each parameter must have an index, for example initials0, which will match with the respective engraving and p with the same index.
letters no text null The initials value used to personalize the model. Similar to the initials parameter.
engraving no text null The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2. There can be several engraving parameters, each parameter must have an index, for example engraving0, which will match with the respective initials and p with the same index.
embossing no text null The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2. Similar to the engraving parameter.
p no list of text null The configuration of the model, described as a set of triplets in the form of part:material:color. There can be several p parameters, each parameter must have an index, for example p0, which will match with the respective initials and engraving with the same index.


Example Request

curl "\

Example Response

    "components": {
        "front": {
            "delivery": 12,
            "quantity": 1,
            "rule_id": 27166,
            "rule_count": 5,
            "price_taxes": 199.0,
            "vat": 33.17,
            "vat_rate": 20.0,
            "price": 165.83,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "hs_code": 6403999065,
            "notes": [
                "Nappa Leather"
            "hs_code_priority": 1,
            "price_original": 199.0,
            "vat_included": true,
            "ddp_included": false,
            "fixed_price": false,
            "round_price": false,
            "base_country": "EU",
            "base_currency": "EUR",
            "exchanged": "EU-EUR",
            "cites": false
        "side": {
            "delivery": 12,
            "quantity": 1,
            "rule_id": 27168,
            "rule_count": 1,
            "price_taxes": 199.0,
            "vat": 33.17,
            "vat_rate": 20.0,
            "price": 165.83,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "hs_code": 6403999065,
            "notes": [
                "Nappa Leather"
            "hs_code_priority": 1,
            "price_original": 199.0,
            "vat_included": true,
            "ddp_included": false,
            "fixed_price": false,
            "round_price": false,
            "base_country": "EU",
            "base_currency": "EUR",
            "exchanged": "EU-EUR",
            "cites": false
        "hardware": {
            "delivery": 12,
            "quantity": 1,
            "rule_id": 27168,
            "rule_count": 1,
            "price_taxes": 199.0,
            "vat": 33.17,
            "vat_rate": 20.0,
            "price": 165.83,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "hs_code": 6403999065,
            "notes": [],
            "hs_code_priority": 1,
            "price_original": 199.0,
            "vat_included": true,
            "ddp_included": false,
            "fixed_price": false,
            "round_price": false,
            "base_country": "EU",
            "base_currency": "EUR",
            "exchanged": "EU-EUR",
            "cites": false
        "laces": {
            "delivery": 12,
            "quantity": 1,
            "rule_id": 27168,
            "rule_count": 1,
            "price_taxes": 199.0,
            "vat": 33.17,
            "vat_rate": 20.0,
            "price": 165.83,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "hs_code": 6403999065,
            "notes": [],
            "hs_code_priority": 1,
            "price_original": 199.0,
            "vat_included": true,
            "ddp_included": false,
            "fixed_price": false,
            "round_price": false,
            "base_country": "EU",
            "base_currency": "EUR",
            "exchanged": "EU-EUR",
            "cites": false
        "lining": {
            "delivery": 12,
            "quantity": 1,
            "rule_id": 27168,
            "rule_count": 1,
            "price_taxes": 199.0,
            "vat": 33.17,
            "vat_rate": 20.0,
            "price": 165.83,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "hs_code": 6403999065,
            "notes": [],
            "hs_code_priority": 1,
            "price_original": 199.0,
            "vat_included": true,
            "ddp_included": false,
            "fixed_price": false,
            "round_price": false,
            "base_country": "EU",
            "base_currency": "EUR",
            "exchanged": "EU-EUR",
            "cites": false
        "sole": {
            "delivery": 12,
            "quantity": 1,
            "rule_id": 27168,
            "rule_count": 1,
            "price_taxes": 199.0,
            "vat": 33.17,
            "vat_rate": 20.0,
            "price": 165.83,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "hs_code": 6403999065,
            "notes": [
            "hs_code_priority": 1,
            "price_original": 199.0,
            "vat_included": true,
            "ddp_included": false,
            "fixed_price": false,
            "round_price": false,
            "base_country": "EU",
            "base_currency": "EUR",
            "exchanged": "EU-EUR",
            "cites": false
        "shadow": {
            "delivery": 12,
            "quantity": 1,
            "rule_id": 27168,
            "rule_count": 1,
            "price_taxes": 199.0,
            "vat": 33.17,
            "vat_rate": 20.0,
            "price": 165.83,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "hs_code": 6403999065,
            "notes": [],
            "hs_code_priority": 1,
            "price_original": 199.0,
            "vat_included": true,
            "ddp_included": false,
            "fixed_price": false,
            "round_price": false,
            "base_country": "EU",
            "base_currency": "EUR",
            "exchanged": "EU-EUR",
            "cites": false
    "total": {
        "delivery": 12,
        "quantity": 1,
        "price_final": 1377.36,
        "price_taxes": 1160.83,
        "vat": 0.0,
        "ddp": 216.53,
        "ddp_percent": 18.6528544,
        "vat_rate": 0.0,
        "price": 1160.83,
        "currency": "EUR",
        "country": "US",
        "hs_codes": [
        "hs_code_priority": 1,
        "shipping": 0.0,
        "notes": [
            "Nappa Leather",
        "diag": {
            "no_round": {
                "price_final": 1377.36,
                "price_taxes": 1160.83,
                "price": 1160.83,
                "vat": 0.0,
                "ddp": 216.53
            "patch": true,
            "round_value": true,
            "is_vat": false,
            "is_ddp": true,
            "is_european": false,
            "is_rounded": false,
            "vat_included": true,
            "ddp_included": false,
            "fixed_price": false,
            "round_price": false,
            "base_country": "EU",
            "base_currency": "EUR",
            "exchanged": "EU-EUR"
        "cites": false
    "info": {
        "brand": "swear",
        "model": "vyner",
        "product_id": 12212972,
        "parts": {
            "front": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "white"
            "side": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "white"
            "hardware": {
                "material": "metal",
                "color": "silver"
            "laces": {
                "material": "nylon",
                "color": "white"
            "lining": {
                "material": "calf_lining",
                "color": "white"
            "sole": {
                "material": "rubber",
                "color": "white"
            "shadow": {
                "material": "default",
                "color": "default"
        "hash": "63477738dec39f87397f18b65df2f58f"

Get the stock availability of a given model according to its configuration and availability rules. For instance, check if a customized model is available for a given country/flag. Meaning if a country/flag is specified the availability will be calculated accordingly: for example, some exotic materials might not be allowed under a country's law or when the flag is set to an arbitrary value, ie vegan. The response also list the availability of each component passed as parameter, since there might be cases where some of them are not available.

The pricing parameter should be set to false whether it is not desirable to get any pricing information on the response.

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand no text null The model's brand.
model no text null The model's name.
variant no text null The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model.
version no numeric latest The version for the specified model.
product_id no numeric null The product's unique identification (ID).
country no text US The ISO 3166-2 code of the country to which the product is going to be purchased.
flag no text null The flag value, which is used to identify arbitrary contexts (ie: seasonal promo, special event, among others)
initials no text null The initials value used to personalize the model.
letters no text null The initials value used to personalize the model. Similar to the initials parameter.
engraving no text null The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2.
embossing no text null The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2. Similar to the engraving parameter.
pricing no boolean true Defines if the pricing information appears on the response.
validate no boolean false If the product configuration is to be validated.
p no list of text null The configuration of the model, described as a set of triplets in the form of part:material:color.


A SKU (Stock Keeping Unity) is a code assigned to a product to identify the price, product options and the manufacturer.

This endpoint resolves a customization defined by its query part to a mapped SKU string.

The mapping rules that define this mapping process are defined at the Platforme's back-end.

Example Request

curl "\

Example Response

    "brand": "swear",
    "model": "vyner",
    "product_id": null,
    "variant": null,
    "parts": {
        "front": {
            "material": "nappa",
            "color": "white"
        "hardware": {
            "material": "metal",
            "color": "silver"
        "laces": {
            "material": "nylon",
            "color": "white"
        "lining": {
            "material": "calf_lining",
            "color": "white"
        "logo": {
            "material": "metal",
            "color": "silver"
        "shadow": {
            "material": "default",
            "color": "default"
        "side": {
            "material": "nappa",
            "color": "white"
        "sole": {
            "material": "rubber",
            "color": "white"
    "initials": null,
    "engraving": null,
    "initials_extra": null,
    "size": null,
    "gender": null,
    "sku": "teste2"

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand no text null The model's brand.
model no text null The model's name.
variant no text null The variant (or sub-variant) of the specified model.
initials no text null The initials value used to personalize the model.
engraving no text null The properties of the personalization, with the format property_name1:property_type1.property_name2:property_type2 (recommended) or property_name1.property_name2.
initials_extra no text null The initials and properties of the personalization, with the format group_name1:initials_1:property_type1.group_name2:initials_2:property_type2.
product_id no numeric null The product's unique identification (ID).
size no numeric null The product's size.
gender no text null The model's gender.
domain no text brand The SKU domain (falls back to brand value).
p no list of text null The configuration of the model, described as a set of triplets in the form of part:material:color.


Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

    "brand": "swear",
    "model": "vyner",
    "variant": null,
    "description": "SWEAR Vyner",
    "observations": null,
    "gender": "male",
    "product_id": 271828,
    "parts": null,
    "extras_m": {},
    "meta": {}

Get the configuration of a product identified by its unique product ID.

HTTP Request


Path Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
product_id yes numeric The product's unique identification (ID).


Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

    "model": "vyner",
    "parts": {
        "lining": {
            "material": "calf_lining",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "top"
        "front": {
            "material": "nappa",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "side"
        "side": {
            "material": "nappa",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "side",
            "frame": 0
        "sole": {
            "material": "rubber",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "side"
        "laces": {
            "material": "nylon",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "top"
        "patch": {
            "hidden": true,
            "optional": true
        "eyelets": {
            "material": "metal",
            "color": "silver",
            "face": "side",
            "frame": 0
        "metal_toe_cap": {
            "optional": true,
            "face": "top"
        "shadow": {
            "hidden": true,
            "material": "default",
            "color": "default"

Get the default parts for the model give.

HTTP Request


Path Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
model yes text The model's name.



Field Type Description
brand text Product's brand.
name text Product's name.
variant text Product's variant.
parts dictionary Specific customization (part, material, color).
hash text Config's hash.


Field Type Description
total dictionary Total pricing information (see Price Total).
components dictionary Pricing information per customization component (see Price Component).

Price Total

Field Type Description
price number Base price result.
price_final number Base price + VAT + DDP.
price_taxes number Base price + VAT.
vat number VAT value.
vat_rate number VAT rate.
ddp number DDP value.
ddp_percent number DDP percentage.
currency text Currency used for pricing calculation (ISO 4217).
country text Country used for pricing calculation (ISO 3166-2).
shipping number Shipping value.
hs_codes list of numbers Complete set of HS codes.
hs_code_priority number The HS code priority.
diag dictionary Complementary diagnosis information.
notes dictionary Complementary information.

Price Component

Field Type Description
price number Price value (could be rounded).
price_original number Base price.
price_taxes number Base price + vat.
fixed_price boolean Is fixed price.
vat_included boolean Is vat included.
vat number VAT value.
vat_rate number VAT rate.
ddp_included boolean Is ddp included.
hs_code number HS code value.
hs_code_priority number HS code priority.
round_price boolean Is the price rounded.
currency text Currency used for pricing calculation (ISO 4217).
exchanged boolean Is the price exchanged.
notes dictionary Complementary information.


Field Type Description
brand text Product's brand.
name text Product's name.
variant text Product's variant.
product_id number Product's id.
parts dictionary Specific customization (part, material, color).
hash text Customization's hash.
total dictionary Total pricing information (see Availability Total).
components dictionary Pricing information per customization component (see Availability Component).

Availability Total

Field Type Description
price number Base price result.
price_final number Base price + vat + ddp.
price_taxes number Base price + vat.
vat number VAT value.
vat_rate number VAT rate.
ddp number DDP value.
ddp_percent number DDP percentage.
currency text Currency used for pricing calculation (ISO 4217).
country text Country used for pricing calculation (ISO 3166-2).
shipping number Shipping value.
hs_codes list of numbers Complete set of HS codes.
hs_code_priority number The HS code priority.
diag dictionary Complementary diagnosis information.
notes dictionary Complementary information.

Availability Component

Field Type Description
price number Price value (could be rounded).
price_original number Base price.
price_taxes number Base price + VAT.
fixed_price boolean Is fixed price.
vat_included boolean Is vat included.
vat number VAT value.
vat_rate number VAT rate.
ddp_included boolean Is DDP included.
hs_code number HS code value.
hs_code_priority number HS code priority.
round_price boolean Is the price rounded.
currency text Currency used for pricing calculation (ISO 4217).
exchanged boolean Is the price exchanged.
notes dictionary Complementary information.
quantity number Number of raw material in stock.


Field Type Description
brand text Product's brand.
name text Product's name.
variant text Product's variant.
product_id number Product's id.
parts dictionary Specific customization (part, material, color).
sku text SKU value.

SKU Endpoints


The list endpoint returns the existing SKUs according to the given parameters. If no parameters are given, a maximum of 10 SKUs will be returned.

Query support can be consulted here.

Example Request

curl "[]=domain:eq:dummy" \
  -H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"

Example Response

        "_id": "5e84bcfc85d32604ca51a363",
        "id": 153976,
        "identifier": "6d1a5bab-acc3-4f8c-a7c8-03cdb7ce152a",
        "domain": "dummy",
        "spec": {
            "brand": "dummy",
            "model": "dummy",
            "parts": {
                "piping": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "side": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "top0_bottom": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "shadow": {
                    "material": "default",
                    "color": "default"
        "enabled": false,
        "description": null,
        "meta": {},
        "brand_t": null,
        "retailer_t": null,
        "vendor_t": null,
        "hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
        "created": 1585757436,
        "modified": 1630670807
        "_id": "5dfcad058727f6df6545228f",
        "id": 114894,
        "identifier": "fd458150-2804-4a02-9840-26c9c1ba65b7",
        "domain": "dummy",
        "spec": {
            "brand": "dummy",
            "model": "dummy",
            "parts": {
                "piping": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "side": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "top0_bottom": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "shadow": {
                    "material": "default",
                    "color": "default"
        "enabled": false,
        "description": null,
        "meta": {},
        "brand_t": null,
        "retailer_t": null,
        "vendor_t": null,
        "hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
        "created": 1576840453,
        "modified": 1630670807
        "_id": "5dfba8783d01d2a1e545215f",
        "id": 114837,
        "identifier": "7529c424-2276-46dd-90a5-fb74efbe7554",
        "domain": "dummy",
        "spec": {
            "brand": "dummy",
            "model": "dummy",
            "parts": {
                "piping": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "side": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "top0_bottom": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "shadow": {
                    "material": "default",
                    "color": "default"
        "enabled": false,
        "description": null,
        "meta": {},
        "brand_t": null,
        "retailer_t": null,
        "vendor_t": null,
        "hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
        "created": 1576773752,
        "modified": 1630670807
        "_id": "5dfba88547a0976b21452398",
        "id": 114838,
        "identifier": "c030f298-69fa-4db2-abce-a51619e6240d",
        "domain": "dummy",
        "spec": {
            "brand": "dummy",
            "model": "dummy",
            "parts": {
                "piping": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "side": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "top0_bottom": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "shadow": {
                    "material": "default",
                    "color": "default"
        "enabled": false,
        "description": null,
        "meta": {},
        "brand_t": null,
        "retailer_t": null,
        "vendor_t": null,
        "hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
        "created": 1576773765,
        "modified": 1630670807
        "_id": "5dfca84a4e8056fcc1452446",
        "id": 114888,
        "identifier": "c968aaff-8505-437f-b290-2413e08ac528",
        "domain": "dummy",
        "spec": {
            "brand": "dummy",
            "model": "dummy",
            "parts": {
                "piping": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "side": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "top0_bottom": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "shadow": {
                    "material": "default",
                    "color": "default"
        "enabled": false,
        "description": null,
        "meta": {},
        "brand_t": null,
        "retailer_t": null,
        "vendor_t": null,
        "hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
        "created": 1576839242,
        "modified": 1630670807
        "_id": "5e84bcdb821e60837751a65c",
        "id": 153973,
        "identifier": "87d2e034-7a32-44cf-b8f6-0d6403c82d06",
        "domain": "dummy",
        "spec": {
            "brand": "dummy",
            "model": "dummy",
            "parts": {
                "piping": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "side": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "top0_bottom": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "shadow": {
                    "material": "default",
                    "color": "default"
        "enabled": false,
        "description": null,
        "meta": {},
        "brand_t": null,
        "retailer_t": null,
        "vendor_t": null,
        "hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
        "created": 1585757403,
        "modified": 1630670807
        "_id": "5dfbabc88727f6df654521fd",
        "id": 114842,
        "identifier": "e1c51305-439d-4395-b531-5e87c83d42ba",
        "domain": "dummy",
        "spec": {
            "brand": "dummy",
            "model": "dummy",
            "parts": {
                "piping": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "side": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "top0_bottom": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "shadow": {
                    "material": "default",
                    "color": "default"
        "enabled": false,
        "description": null,
        "meta": {},
        "brand_t": null,
        "retailer_t": null,
        "vendor_t": null,
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        "modified": 1630670807
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        "domain": "dummy",
        "spec": {
            "brand": "dummy",
            "model": "dummy",
            "parts": {
                "piping": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "side": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "top0_bottom": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "shadow": {
                    "material": "default",
                    "color": "default"
        "enabled": false,
        "description": null,
        "meta": {},
        "brand_t": null,
        "retailer_t": null,
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        "modified": 1630670807
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        "id": 153984,
        "identifier": "4879d988-b114-4a5f-995a-3a223b1af08b",
        "domain": "dummy",
        "spec": {
            "brand": "dummy",
            "model": "dummy",
            "parts": {
                "piping": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "side": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "top0_bottom": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "shadow": {
                    "material": "default",
                    "color": "default"
        "enabled": false,
        "description": null,
        "meta": {},
        "brand_t": null,
        "retailer_t": null,
        "vendor_t": null,
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        "created": 1585757714,
        "modified": 1630670807
        "_id": "5dfba8693d01d2a1e545215d",
        "id": 114834,
        "identifier": "625ae7d7-94f9-46d7-83d7-7d625b34cd67",
        "domain": "dummy",
        "spec": {
            "brand": "dummy",
            "model": "dummy",
            "parts": {
                "piping": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "side": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "top0_bottom": {
                    "material": "leather_dmy",
                    "color": "black"
                "shadow": {
                    "material": "default",
                    "color": "default"
        "enabled": false,
        "description": null,
        "meta": {},
        "brand_t": null,
        "retailer_t": null,
        "vendor_t": null,
        "hash": "5cd82b0b122e1678cf8994fda9b03659",
        "created": 1576773737,
        "modified": 1630670807

HTTP Request


Header Fields

Field Mandatory Type Default Description
X-Secret-Key yes text The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request.


This request receives 2 parameters: filter_operator and filters. If filters is defined but not filter_operator, its default value will be $and.

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
filter_operator no text $and The logic operator that unites all the options given in filters.
filters no text null The filters that will be applied to the SKUs query. Must have the structure <parameter>:<operator>:<value>. More than one filter can be given to the query, and their application together is based on the filter_operator given.
sid no text The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request.

Filter Operator Values

Value Description
$and The results given must comply with all the filters.
$or The results given must comply with at least on of the filters.

Filters Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
identifier no text null The SKU string that identifies an unique specification inside a certain domain.
hash no text null The hash value that is used to reverse resolve the SKU value.
domain no text null The string value used to separate resolution of SKUs so that no collisions occur between identifiers from different domains.


Creates a mapping between SKU within a domain to a customization.

This API functions on an upsert basis, meaning that either creates or on the basis of preceding existance updates.

Example Request

curl "" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
  -d '{
  "domain": "swear",
  "identifier": "1dd7ebfa-1262-4ad6-87c6-1f19df50e6ad",
  "spec": {
    "brand": "swear",
    "model": "vyner",
    "parts": {
      "lining": {
        "color": "white",
        "material": "calf_lining"
      "sole": {
        "color": "red",
        "material": "rubber"
      "hardware": {
        "color": "silver",
        "material": "metal"
      "laces": {
        "color": "white",
        "material": "nylon"
      "front": {
        "color": "white",
        "material": "nappa"
      "logo": {
        "color": "silver",
        "material": "metal"
      "shadow": {
        "color": "default",
        "material": "default"
      "side": {
        "color": "white",
        "material": "nappa"

Example Response

    "_id": "678a7f66c38a8501031ce125",
    "id": 273551,
    "domain": "swear",
    "identifier": "1dd7ebfa-1262-4ad6-87c6-1f19df50e6ad",
    "spec": {
        "brand": "swear",
        "model": "vyner",
        "parts": {
            "lining": {
                "color": "white",
                "material": "calf_lining"
            "sole": {
                "color": "red",
                "material": "rubber"
            "hardware": {
                "color": "silver",
                "material": "metal"
            "laces": {
                "color": "white",
                "material": "nylon"
            "front": {
                "color": "white",
                "material": "nappa"
            "logo": {
                "color": "silver",
                "material": "metal"
            "shadow": {
                "color": "default",
                "material": "default"
            "side": {
                "color": "white",
                "material": "nappa"
    "enabled": true,
    "description": null,
    "meta": {},
    "brand_t": null,
    "retailer_t": null,
    "vendor_t": null,
    "hash": "1251eade274c0d89e4410a7082d2766f",
    "created": 1737129830,
    "modified": 1737129830

HTTP Request


Header Fields

Field Mandatory Type Default Description
X-Secret-Key yes text The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request.


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
sid no text The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request.


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
identifier yes text The model's brand.
domain yes text The model's name.
spec yes text The object describing the product. See Specification.


Returns the SKU with the given ID. If the SKU does not exist, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.

Example Request

curl "" \
  -H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"

Example Response

    "_id": "678a7f6638163071fb1ce964",
    "id": 273552,
    "domain": "dummy",
    "identifier": "1dd7ebfa-1262-4ad6-87c6-1f19df50e6ad",
    "spec": {
        "brand": "dummy",
        "model": "cube",
        "parts": {
            "lining": {
                "color": "white",
                "material": "calf_lining"
            "sole": {
                "color": "red",
                "material": "rubber"
            "hardware": {
                "color": "silver",
                "material": "metal"
            "laces": {
                "color": "white",
                "material": "nylon"
            "front": {
                "color": "white",
                "material": "nappa"
            "logo": {
                "color": "silver",
                "material": "metal"
            "shadow": {
                "color": "default",
                "material": "default"
            "side": {
                "color": "white",
                "material": "nappa"
    "enabled": true,
    "description": null,
    "meta": {},
    "brand_t": null,
    "retailer_t": null,
    "vendor_t": null,
    "hash": "fd066f9810ad2817df83d0989ac817b6",
    "created": 1737129830,
    "modified": 1737129830

HTTP Request


Header Fields

Field Mandatory Type Default Description
X-Secret-Key yes text The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request.

PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
id yes numeric The SKU's ID.
sid no text The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request.


Updates the SKU with the given ID. If the SKU does not exist, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.

Example Request

curl -s -X PUT \
  "" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
  -d '{
    "domain": "dummy",
    "identifier": "1dd7ebfa-1262-4ad6-87c6-1f19df50e6ad_2",
    "spec": {
      "brand": "dummy",
      "model": "cube",
      "parts": {
        "lining": {
          "color": "white",
          "material": "calf_lining"
        "sole": {
          "color": "red",
          "material": "rubber"
        "hardware": {
          "color": "silver",
          "material": "metal"
        "laces": {
          "color": "white",
          "material": "nylon"
        "front": {
          "color": "white",
          "material": "nappa"
        "logo": {
          "color": "silver",
          "material": "metal"
        "shadow": {
          "color": "default",
          "material": "default"
        "side": {
          "color": "white",
          "material": "nappa"

Example Response

    "_id": "678a7f67b9cdc821521ce02c",
    "id": 273553,
    "domain": "dummy",
    "identifier": "1dd7ebfa-1262-4ad6-87c6-1f19df50e6ad_2",
    "spec": {
        "brand": "dummy",
        "model": "dummy",
        "parts": {}
    "enabled": true,
    "description": null,
    "meta": {},
    "brand_t": null,
    "retailer_t": null,
    "vendor_t": null,
    "hash": "e7590f921a2e22dfc049a8b0201d181b",
    "created": 1737129831,
    "modified": 1737129831

HTTP Request


Header Fields

Field Mandatory Type Default Description
X-Secret-Key yes text The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request.

PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
id yes numeric The SKU's ID.
sid no text The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request.


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
identifier yes text The model's brand.
domain yes text The model's name.
spec yes text The object describing the product (brand, model, variant, parts, initials, engraving, etc.)


Deletes the SKU with the given ID. If the SKU does not exist, returns a Not Found Exception (404) error.

Example Request

curl -s -X DELETE "" \
  -H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"

Example Response

    "result": "success"

HTTP Request


Header Fields

Field Mandatory Type Default Description
X-Secret-Key yes text The X-Secret-Key to authenticate the request.

PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
id yes numeric The SKU's ID.
sid no text The RIPE Session ID to authenticate the request.



Field Type Description
identifier text The SKU string that should identify an unique specification inside a certain domain.
domain text The string value used to separate resolution of SKUs so that no collisions occur between identifiers.
spec dictionary The object describing the product (brand, model, variant, parts, initials, engraving, etc.).

Locale Endpoints


This endpoint is used to get the corresponding text of one value defined on a locale.

Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

    "value": "calf_hair",
    "value_l": "calf_hair",
    "locale": "es_es"

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
value yes text The value which one wants to get the locale of.
locale no text en-us The locale which one wants to get the value from.
context no text null The context at which the locale is bounded to.

Locale Values

This endpoint is used to get the corresponding text of one or more values defined on a locale.

Example Request

curl " \ \

Example Response

    "values": [
    "values_l": [
    "locale": "it_it"

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
values yes list of text The values which one wants to get the locale of.
locale no text en-us The locale which one wants to get the value from.
context no text null The locale's context scope.

Locale Bundle

This endpoint is used to get the complete locale bundle of a specific context.

Example Request

curl " \
context=sandbox& \

Example Response

    "customise": "customize",
    "body": "Body",
    "lining": "Lining",
    "veau_epsom_hrm": "Veau Epsom",
    "veau_swift_hrm": "Veau Swift",
    "abricot": "Abricot",
    "bleu_indigo": "Bleu Indigo",
    "bleu_electrique": "Bleu Electrique",
    "rouge_grenat": "Rouge Grenat"

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
context no text null The context at which the locale is bounded to.
locale no text en-us The locale which one wants to get the bundle from.



Field Type Description
locale text The locale identifier following the format language-country, respectively in ISO 639-1 and ISO 3166-2 formats.
value text The value requested to get the locale of.
value_l text The localized value.

Locale values

Field Type Description
locale text The locale identifier following the format language-country, respectively in ISO 639-1 and ISO 3166-2 formats.
values text The list of values requested to get the locale of.
values_l text The list of localized values.

Brand Endpoints

A brand normally identifies the vendor of a given model. One brand may have many models associated with it. Platforme API allows access to the information of the already existing brands, such as their logo and models. The models information originates from their respective builds.

Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

The above command returns a rasterized image

This endpoint gets the brand's logo.

HTTP Request


Path Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The respective brand's name.
format yes text The format of the image, (e.g. png, jpg, svg, etc.)

GET Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
version no number latest Brand's version.
size no text medium Logo's size, one of small, medium or large.
variant no text medium Logo's variant, can be a size or something else (e.g. small, large, blue, etc.)


Example Request

curl ""\
    -H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"
curl ""\
    -H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"

The above command returns a font file.

This endpoint returns the font file with the requested or default format.

HTTP Request

GET<text:vendor>/fonts/<text:font> GET<text:vendor>/fonts/<text:font>.<text:format>

Path Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
vendor yes text The vendor's name.
font yes text The font's name (must only contain letters and numbers).
format no text font's format The font's format (fnt, ttf).

GET Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
version no text latest Build's version.
weight no text null Font's weight (Regular, Bold).


Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

The above command returns a image file

This endpoint returns the texture image file with the requested or default format.

HTTP Request


PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The brand's name.
map yes text The map type, (e.g. pattern, displacement, metallic, normal, roughness)
name yes text The texture's name.
format yes text png The format of the image, (e.g. png, jpg, etc.)


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
version no number latest Build's version.


Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

The above command returns a mesh file

This endpoint returns the model's mesh.

HTTP Request


PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The brand's name.
model yes text The models's name.


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
version no number latest Build's version.
variant no text medium Logo's variant, one of small, medium or large.

Config and Spec

Example Request

curl ""
curl ""

Example Response

    "name": "vyner",
    "brand": "swear",
    "version": "186",
    "parts": [
            "name": "front",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "nappa",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "suede",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "hairy_calf",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "python",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "crocodile",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "grain_metallic",
                    "colors": [
            "name": "side",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "nappa",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "suede",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "metallic",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "hairy_calf",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "python",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "crocodile",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "grain_metallic",
                    "colors": [
            "name": "lining",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "calf_lining",
                    "colors": [
            "name": "laces",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "nylon",
                    "colors": [
            "name": "sole",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "rubber",
                    "colors": [
            "name": "hardware",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "metal",
                    "colors": [
            "name": "logo",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "metal",
                    "colors": [
            "name": "shadow",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "default",
                    "colors": [
    "description": "vyner",
    "title": "lace up round toe",
    "style": "low",
    "scale": {
        "male": "it",
        "female": "it",
        "other": "it",
        "all": "it"
    "gender": "both",
    "observations": "A contemporary take on the classic lace-up sneaker, the fully-customisable Vyner is all about comfort with its cushioned piping and padded collar. The low-top comes complete with a round toe and rubber sole, in addition to flat laces.",
    "toe": "round",
    "type": "very-large",
    "size": [
    "tags": [
    "sizes": {
        "it:female": [
        "it:male": [
    "frames": 24,
    "faces": [
    "faces_m": {
        "side": {
            "frames": 24,
            "thumbnail": true
        "top": {
            "frames": 1,
            "thumbnail": true
    "thumbnails": [
            "name": "side-0",
            "face": "side",
            "frame": 0
            "name": "top-0",
            "face": "top",
            "frame": 0
    "hidden": [
    "blacklist": {
        "rules": [
        "materials": {
            "front": [
    "sync": {
        "hardware": [
    "defaults": {
        "lining": {
            "material": "calf_lining",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "top"
        "front": {
            "material": "nappa",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "side"
        "side": {
            "material": "nappa",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "side",
            "frame": 0
        "sole": {
            "material": "rubber",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "side"
        "laces": {
            "material": "nylon",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "top"
        "logo": {
            "hidden": true,
            "material": "metal",
            "color": "silver"
        "hardware": {
            "material": "metal",
            "color": "silver",
            "face": "side",
            "frame": 0
        "shadow": {
            "hidden": true,
            "material": "default",
            "color": "default"
    "initials": {
        "profile": "base",
        "z_index": 4,
        "properties": [
                "name": "metal_copper",
                "type": "font"
                "name": "metal_gold",
                "type": "font"
                "name": "metal_silver",
                "type": "font"
        "$profiles": {
            "base": {
                "frame": "top",
                "align": "center",
                "image_rotation": 270,
                "font_family": "SwearGold",
                "font_weight": "Regular",
                "font_spacing": -10,
                "exclusion": [
                "position": [
                "rotation": 0
            "style::metal_copper": {
                "font_family": "SwearCopper"
            "style::metal_gold": {
                "font_family": "SwearGold"
            "style::metal_silver": {
                "font_family": "SwearSilver"
            "viewport::large": {
                "viewport": [
            "viewport::medium": {
                "viewport": [
            "viewport::small": {
                "viewport": [
            "metal_copper": {
                "font_family": "SwearCopper"
            "metal_gold": {
                "font_family": "SwearGold"
            "metal_silver": {
                "font_family": "SwearSilver"
            "large": {
                "viewport": [
            "medium": {
                "viewport": [
            "small": {
                "viewport": [
        "$alias": {
            "report": [
            "step::personalization": [
            "step::size": [
    "initials_frame": {
        "default": "top"
    "z_index": {
        "shadow": 1,
        "lining": 2,
        "front": 3,
        "side": 5,
        "sole": 6,
        "laces": 7,
        "logo": 8,
        "hardware": 9,
        "overlay": 30000
    "version_s": "186",
    "version_i": 186,
    "branch": "master",
    "compatibility": 1,
    "order": {
        "models": [
        "parts": [
        "materials": {
            "front": [
            "side": [
            "inside": [
            "inside_panel": [
            "front_panel": [
            "outside": [
            "ankle_side": [
            "back_stay": [
            "stay": [
            "eye_stay": [
            "heel": [
            "elastic": [
            "hardware": [
            "fringe_hardware": [
            "fringe": [
            "straps": [
            "strap_tip": [
            "strap_tips": [
            "laces": [
            "metal_caps": [
            "toe_cap": [
            "lining": [
            "sole": [
            "metal_toe_cap": [
            "collar": [
            "logo": [
            "tongue": [
            "upper": [
            "upper1": [
            "upper2": [
            "heel_puller": [
            "swear_tape": [
            "outsole": [
            "rubber_strap": [
            "zip_puller": [
            "zip": [
            "body": [
            "trimmings": [
            "ugly_tape": [
            "accents": [
            "eyestay0_side": [
            "heel0_trimmings": [
            "heel_tab": [
            "lace0_eyelet": [
            "mudguard": [
            "side0_tongue_detail": [
            "toe0_tongue": [
            "tongue_detail": [
            "tag_left": [
            "tag_right": [
        "colors": {
            "nappa": [
            "nappa10_corso_como": [
            "grain_nappa": [
            "suede": [
            "metallic": [
            "hairy_calf": [
            "ostrich": [
            "gel_mesh": [
            "python": [
            "crocodile": [
            "elastic": [
            "elastic10_corso_como": [
            "metal": [
            "nylon": [
            "nylon_tape": [
            "rubber": [
            "rubber_wedge": [
            "calf_lining": [
            "calf_lining10_corso_como": [
            "novelty": [
            "leather": [
            "airtech_mesh": [
            "patent_leather": [
            "reflective0_grossgrain": [
            "veg_tan": [
            "photo": [
            "nori_metal": [
            "nori_reflective_textile": [
            "nori_nylon": [
            "nori_rubber": [
            "nori_nylon_upper": [
            "nori_rubber_upper": [
            "reflective": [
            "stretch_knit": [
            "polyester": [
            "reflective_textile": [
            "rubber_strap": [
            "rubber_heel": [
            "stretch_nappa": [
            "mesh": [
            "rubberHeel": [
            "web_mesh": [
            "wax_nubuck": [
            "wicker_nylon": [
            "nylon0_plastic": [
            "hex_rubber": [
            "nappa_tag": [
            "grain_metallic": [
    "initials_patch": {
        "suede": {
            "white": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "white"
            "black": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "black"
            "navy": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "navy"
            "cobalt": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "cobalt"
            "red": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "red"
            "fuchsia": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "fuchsia"
            "chocolate": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "chocolate"
            "terracotta": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "terracotta"
            "beige": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "beige"
            "forest_green": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "forest_green"
        "hairy_calf": {
            "white": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "white"
            "black": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "black"
            "navy": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "navy"
            "cobalt": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "cobalt"
            "red": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "red"
            "fuchsia": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "fuchsia"
            "terracotta": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "terracotta"
            "tan": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "beige"
            "mustard": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "mustard"
            "burnt_orange": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "burnt_orange"
            "leopard": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "beige"
            "camouflage": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "forest_green"
        "ostrich": {
            "white": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "white"
            "black": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "black"
            "tan": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "terracotta"
            "neon_yellow": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "neon_yellow"
            "grey": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "grey"
        "python": {
            "white": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "white"
            "black": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "black"
            "natural": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "off_white"
            "silver": {
                "material": "metallic",
                "color": "silver"
            "gold": {
                "material": "metallic",
                "color": "gold"
            "neon_white": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "off_white"
        "crocodile": {
            "white": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "white"
            "black": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "black"
            "navy": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "navy"
            "red": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "red"
            "tan": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "terracotta"
            "nude": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "beige"
            "silver": {
                "material": "metallic",
                "color": "silver"
            "antique_gold": {
                "material": "metallic",
                "color": "gold"
    "initials_patch_materials": [
    "initials_dot_materials": [
    "initials_pivot_part": "front",
    "always_patch": false,
    "alias": {},
    "restrictions": [],
    "meta": {},
    "locales": [

Both endpoints return a configuration based on a specific brand and model. If a country/flag is specified then only the materials available to that country will be provided. For example, some exotic materials might not be allowed under a country's law or when the flag is set to an arbitrary value, ie vegan.

HTTP Request

GET<text:brand>/models/<text:model>/config GET<text:brand>/models/<text:model>/spec

PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The brand's name.
model yes text The model's name.


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
version no number latest The build's version.
country no text null The ISO 3166-2 code of the country.
flag no text null The flag value.
safe no text true If the safe (sanitized) version of the model configuration should be retrieved (shows no confidential information).
logic no text true If the custom build logic should be run to manipulate the resulting model config according to specific domain rules.
filter no text true If the configuration should be filtered by the country and/or flag.


Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

    "model": "vyner",
    "parts": {
        "lining": {
            "material": "calf_lining",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "top"
        "front": {
            "material": "nappa",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "side"
        "side": {
            "material": "nappa",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "side",
            "frame": 0
        "sole": {
            "material": "rubber",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "side"
        "laces": {
            "material": "nylon",
            "color": "white",
            "face": "top"
        "logo": {
            "hidden": true,
            "material": "metal",
            "color": "silver"
        "hardware": {
            "material": "metal",
            "color": "silver",
            "face": "side",
            "frame": 0
        "shadow": {
            "hidden": true,
            "material": "default",
            "color": "default"

This endpoint gets a the default customization of a specific brand and model. The default customization is the suggested customization to be used on the base product.

HTTP Request


PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The brand's name.
model yes text The model's name.


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
version no number latest The build's version.


Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

    "brand": "swear",
    "model": "vyner",
    "combinations": [

This endpoint returns all the possible combinations of material and color for each part of a specific brand and model. The combinations returned can take into account the availability rules for the specific model.

HTTP Request


PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The brand's name.
model yes text The model's name.


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
version no number latest The build's version.
resolve no boolean true Resolves the alias mapping.
sort no boolean true Sorts the combinations.
use_name no boolean true Adds the model's name to each combination tuple.
filter no boolean true If the combinations should be filtered by the country and/or flag.
country no text null The availability rules country.
flag no text null The availability rules flag.


Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

    "brand": "swear",
    "model": "vyner",
    "factory": "flaj",
    "production_time": 7

Gets the factory information where a specific model is made, specifically its name and the estimated production time in days.

HTTP Request

GET /api/brands/<text:brand>/models/<text:model>/factory

PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The brand's name.
model yes text The model's name.


Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

    "valid": false,
    "issues": [
        "Mandatory part 'lining' not defined",
        "Mandatory part 'front' not defined",
        "Mandatory part 'side' not defined",
        "Mandatory part 'sole' not defined",
        "Mandatory part 'logo' not defined",
        "Mandatory part 'hardware' not defined",
        "Mandatory part 'shadow' not defined"

This endpoint verifies a configuration based on a specific brand and model and returns a JSON with a key valid set as true. If a required part is missing or if the part:material:color combination has invalid values, the request will return a JSON with the key valid as false and an array of issues specifying what is wrong.

HTTP Request


PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The brand's name.
model yes text The model's name.


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
version no number latest The build's version.
variant no text null The model's variant.
p no text null The configuration of the model, described as a sequence of triplets in the form of part:material:color.
initials no text null The personalization initials text.
engraving no text null The personalization engraving properties.
initials_extra no dictionary null The personalization initials object, containing the initials text and engraving for each group.
gender no text null The gender of the customization, used to resolve the scale.
size no number null The size of the customization.


Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

<Logic module for (dummy, cube) version unknown>

This endpoint returns the logic script of a specific brand and model. If a method name and its arguments are provided as parameters, the result of the method calling will be returned.

HTTP Request


PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The brand's name.
model yes text The model's name.


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
version no number latest The build's version.
format no text py The script extension, either py or js.
method no text null The name of the method present in the logic script.

Logic Method

Example Request

curl -s -X POST ""

Example Response


This endpoint returns the result of executing the method provided from the logic script. The arguments for the method can be passed through parameters or through the request body.

HTTP Request


PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The brand's name.
model yes text The model's name.

POST Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
version no number latest The build's version.

On Config

Example Request

curl -s -X POST \
    "" \
    -d '{
        "ctx": {
            "parts": {}

Example Response

    "parts": {},
    "messages": [],
    "initials": {
        "main": {
            "initials": "",
            "engraving": null

This endpoint returns the result of executing the method on_config from the logic script. The arguments for the method are passed through the request body.

HTTP Request


PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The brand's name.
model yes text The model's name.

POST Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
version no number latest The build's version.


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
ctx no dictionary null The context of the request.
brand no text null The brand value used as the method argument.
model no text null The model value used as the method argument.

On Part

Example Request

curl -s -X POST \
    "" \
    -d '{
        "ctx": {
            "parts": {
                "top0_bottom": {
                    "material": "leather_cbe",
                    "color": "black"
                "side": {
                    "material": "leather_cbe",
                    "color": "black"
        "value": {
            "material": "leather_cbe",
            "color": "black"

Example Response

    "parts": {
        "top0_bottom": {
            "material": "leather_cbe",
            "color": "black"
        "side": {
            "material": "leather_cbe",
            "color": "black"
    "initials": {
        "main": {
            "initials": "",
            "engraving": null
    "messages": [
            "top0_bottom - material forced to `leather_cbe`"
    "choices": {}

This endpoint returns the result of executing the method on_part from the logic script. The arguments for the method are passed through the request body.

HTTP Request


PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The brand's name.
model yes text The model's name.


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
version no number latest The build's version.


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
ctx no dictionary null The context of the request.
name no text null The part's name.
value no dictionary null The part's value (material and color).

On Initials

Example Request

curl -s -X POST \
    "" \
    -d '{
        "ctx": {
            "initials": {
                "main": {
                    "initials": "DOG",
                    "engraving": "grey:style"
        "initials": "DOG",
        "engraving": "grey:style"

Example Response

    "initials": {
        "main": {
            "initials": "",
            "engraving": null
    "messages": [
            "Blacklisted word detected"
    "choices": {}

This endpoint returns the result of executing the method on_initials from the logic script. The arguments for the method are passed through the request body.

HTTP Request


PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The brand's name.
model yes text The model's name.


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
version no number latest The build's version.


Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
ctx no dictionary null The context of the request.
group no text null The initials' group.
initials no text null The initials' text.
engraving no text null The initials' engraving.



Field Type Description
brand text Build's brand.
name text Model's name.
description text Model description text.
title text Model marketing name.
style text Style (as an open string) of the model.
scale text Scale available for the product.
gender text The gender of the product, it can be "male", "female" or "both".
observations text Complementary description text.
tags list List of tags that define certain behaviors for the model.
sizes dictionary The start, end, and step for each scale of each available gender.
frames number The number of side frames, all other views are considered to have only one frame.
faces list of text The available perspective of the model.
faces_m dictionary The number of frames of each face and a boolean to define if there is a thumbnail or not.
parts dictionary Describes all customization models part and correspondent materials and colors.
defaults dictionary Default material and color for every part.
hidden list of text The parts that can't be customized by the end user.
order dictionary Defines the order in which the original parts, materials and colors should be presented in the layout.
alias dictionary Defines visual alias for part, materials or colors, note that a fully qualified name may be used to reduce ambiguity.
blacklist dictionary Prevent combinations of appearing.
restrictions list of dictionary Prevents parts or pairs of material-color from appearing together, meaning that when one is present on the customization, the other won't appear in the UI for selection, special cases exist for a single element item where that combination is always excluded from the UI (hard restriction).
sync dictionary The parts that must have the same material and color, when one is changed the others should also change to the same combination.
z_index list of text Defines the part's priorities for drawing, this should ensure proper layering of the model (no hidden parts).


Field Type Description
model text Build's name.
parts dictionary Default material and color for every part.

Product Endpoints


Example Request

curl -s -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY" \
  -d '{
    "price_eur": 10.0,
    "price_usd": 11.0,
    "price_gbp": 12.0

Example Response

    "_id": "678a7f6dc38a8501031ce130",
    "id": 272118,
    "brand": "swear",
    "name": "vyner",
    "gender": "Male",
    "price_eur": 10.0,
    "price_usd": 11.0,
    "price_gbp": 12.0,
    "enabled": true,
    "description": null,
    "meta": {},
    "brand_t": null,
    "retailer_t": null,
    "vendor_t": null,
    "variant": null,
    "observations": null,
    "default_scale": null,
    "ff_id": null,
    "created": 1737129837,
    "modified": 1737129837

This endpoint returns the created Product.

HTTP Request



Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text The brand associated with the product.
name yes text The product's identifier.
variant no text null The variant (or sub-variant) of the product that serves to specialize the type of the product.
observations no text null Description of the product.
gender yes text The gender of the product (one of Male, Female, Kids and Unknown).
price_eur no float null The product's price, in euros EUR.
price_usd no float null The product's price, in dollars USD.
price_gbp no float null The product's price, in british pound GBP.
default_scale no text null The default scale to be used when processing the product's size.
ff_id no number null Identifier of the product.


Example Request

curl ""

Example Response

    "name": "vyner",
    "brand": "swear",
    "version": "186",
    "path": "/data/builds/swear/models/vyner",
    "parts": [
            "name": "front",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "nappa",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "suede",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "veg_tan",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "hairy_calf",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "ostrich",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "python",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "crocodile",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "grain_metallic",
                    "colors": [
            "name": "side",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "nappa",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "suede",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "metallic",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "veg_tan",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "hairy_calf",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "ostrich",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "python",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "crocodile",
                    "colors": [
                    "name": "grain_metallic",
                    "colors": [
            "name": "lining",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "calf_lining",
                    "colors": [
            "name": "laces",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "nylon",
                    "colors": [
            "name": "sole",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "rubber",
                    "colors": [
            "name": "hardware",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "metal",
                    "colors": [
            "name": "logo",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "metal",
                    "colors": [
            "name": "shadow",
            "materials": [
                    "name": "default",
                    "colors": [
    "description": "vyner",
    "title": "lace up round toe",
    "style": "low",
    "scale": {
        "male": "it",
        "female": "it",
        "other": "it",
        "all": "it"
    "gender": "both",
    "observations": "A contemporary take on the classic lace-up sneaker, the fully-customisable Vyner is all about comfort with its cushioned piping and padded collar. The low-top comes complete with a round toe and rubber sole, in addition to flat laces.",
    "toe": "round",
    "type": "very-large",
    "size": [
    "tags": [
    "sizes": {
        "it:female": [
        "it:male": [
    "frames": 24,
    "faces": [
    "faces_m": {
        "side": {
            "frames": 24,
            "thumbnail": true
        "top": {
            "frames": 1,
            "thumbnail": true
    "thumbnails": [
            "name": "side-0",
            "face": "side",
            "frame": 0
            "name": "top-0",
            "face": "top",
            "frame": 0
    "hidden": [
    "blacklist": null,
    "sync": null,
    "defaults": null,
    "initials": {
        "profile": "base",
        "z_index": 4,
        "properties": [
                "name": "metal_copper",
                "type": "font"
                "name": "metal_gold",
                "type": "font"
                "name": "metal_silver",
                "type": "font"
        "$profiles": {
            "base": {
                "frame": "top",
                "align": "center",
                "image_rotation": 270,
                "font_family": "SwearGold",
                "font_weight": "Regular",
                "font_spacing": -10,
                "exclusion": [
                "position": [
                "rotation": 0
            "style::metal_copper": {
                "font_family": "SwearCopper"
            "style::metal_gold": {
                "font_family": "SwearGold"
            "style::metal_silver": {
                "font_family": "SwearSilver"
            "viewport::large": {
                "viewport": [
            "viewport::medium": {
                "viewport": [
            "viewport::small": {
                "viewport": [
            "metal_copper": {
                "font_family": "SwearCopper"
            "metal_gold": {
                "font_family": "SwearGold"
            "metal_silver": {
                "font_family": "SwearSilver"
            "large": {
                "viewport": [
            "medium": {
                "viewport": [
            "small": {
                "viewport": [
        "$alias": {
            "report": [
            "step::personalization": [
            "step::size": [
    "initials_frame": null,
    "z_index": {
        "shadow": 1,
        "lining": 2,
        "front": 3,
        "side": 5,
        "sole": 6,
        "laces": 7,
        "logo": 8,
        "hardware": 9,
        "overlay": 30000
    "$info": {
        "branch": "master",
        "build": 186,
        "build_fqn": "186",
        "build_s": "186",
        "config": {
            "blend_shadow": {
                "maltby": {
                    "fringe_shadow": "fringe"
            "no_alpha_composite": [
            "opacity_shadow": {
                "default": {
                    "alpha_divisor": 1,
                    "blur_radius": 1
                "fringe_shadow": {
                    "alpha_divisor": 2,
                    "blur_radius": 3.5
            "priorities": {
                "accents": 3,
                "collar": 8,
                "elastic": 6,
                "eyestay0_side": 9,
                "fringe": 10000,
                "fringe_hardware": 10001,
                "front": 3,
                "hardware": 7,
                "heel0_trimmings": 5,
                "heel_tab": 10,
                "lace0_eyelet": 11,
                "laces": 6,
                "metal_caps": 10000,
                "metal_toe_cap": 10000,
                "mudguard": 7,
                "outsole": 10002,
                "overlay": 30000,
                "rubber_strap": 10000,
                "shadow": 1,
                "side": 4,
                "side0_tongue_detail": 4,
                "sole": 12,
                "strap_tip": 10000,
                "strap_tips": 10000,
                "tag_left": 13,
                "tag_right": 13,
                "toe0_tongue": 6,
                "toe_cap": 20000,
                "trimmings": 4,
                "upper": 2,
                "upper1": 2,
                "upper2": 3,
                "zip": 3
            "repositions": {
                "air_rev_nitro": "auto",
                "air_rev_trigger": "auto",
                "air_rev_xtra": "auto",
                "air_revive": "auto",
                "bond": 164,
                "carnaby": 78,
                "crosby": "auto",
                "crosby_p": "auto",
                "crosby_v2": "auto",
                "element_black": "auto",
                "element_blue_grey": "auto",
                "element_blue_reflective": "auto",
                "element_green": "auto",
                "element_grey_reflective": "auto",
                "element_neon_pink": "auto",
                "element_red": "auto",
                "element_yellow_pink": "auto",
                "gypsy_denim": "auto",
                "gypsy_multi": "auto",
                "maltby": 78,
                "redchurch": 78,
                "regent": 140
            "shadows": [
            "skip_colorize": [
            "skip_repositions": [
            "skip_verify_defaults": [
            "specific_colorize": {
                "air_rev_nitro": {
                    "collar": "nappa",
                    "eyestay0_side": "nappa",
                    "heel0_trimmings": "nappa",
                    "heel_tab": "nappa",
                    "mudguard": "nappa",
                    "side0_tongue_detail": "nappa",
                    "toe0_tongue": "nappa"
                "bond": {
                    "front": "nappa",
                    "heel": "nappa",
                    "side": "nappa",
                    "straps": "nappa"
                "conduit": {
                    "front": "nappa",
                    "side": "nappa"
                "dean2": {
                    "collar": "nappa",
                    "front": "nappa",
                    "side": "nappa"
                "dean54": {
                    "front": "nappa",
                    "piping": "nappa",
                    "side": "nappa",
                    "toe_cap": "nappa"
                "hoxton": {
                    "back_stay": "nappa",
                    "front": "nappa",
                    "side": "nappa"
                "kingsland": {
                    "collar": "nappa",
                    "front": "nappa",
                    "side": "nappa"
                "maddox": {
                    "front": "nappa",
                    "side": "nappa"
                "maltby": {
                    "fringe": "nappa",
                    "front": "nappa",
                    "side": "nappa"
                "marshall": {
                    "eye_stay": "nappa",
                    "front": "nappa",
                    "front_panel": "nappa",
                    "inside": "nappa",
                    "inside_panel": "nappa",
                    "outside": "nappa",
                    "tongue": "nappa"
                "redchurch": {
                    "front": "nappa"
                "regent": {
                    "ankle_side": "nappa",
                    "front": "nappa",
                    "heel": "nappa",
                    "side": "nappa",
                    "stay": "nappa"
                "vyner": {
                    "front": "nappa",
                    "side": "nappa"
            "static_dirs": [
            "vendor": "swear"
        "description": "Adding monogram beige and block parts in all colors",
        "details": {
            "aliyun_bucket": "",
            "alpha_composite": true,
            "collect": true,
            "colorize": true,
            "compress": true,
            "description": "Adding monogram beige and block parts in all colors",
            "dropbox_folder": "/deploy",
            "models": [
            "publish": true,
            "reposition": true,
            "resave": true,
            "source_commit": "53cbd06780a53ea8623dd5d00a200797c0a7867b",
            "source_url": "",
            "start_time": 1659606810.297122,
            "strict": true,
            "uid": "a1fbc3673666fc24a4f6b192b2da1be1dfcee001",
            "upload": true,
            "upload_branch": "master",
            "upload_branch_n": "master",
            "user": "da",
            "user_email": "",
            "user_full": "da <>"
        "duration": 1721.8983755111694,
        "extension": "zip",
        "file_id": "id:P-yUG8Qxd2AAAAAAAAAX3g",
        "file_name": "",
        "file_size": 6455908544,
        "file_url": "",
        "files": [
        "installed": 1670411958,
        "packager": 2,
        "sources": [
        "tags": [
        "timestamp": 1659608532,
        "user": "da <>",
        "vendor": "swear"
    "$mtime": 1670411912.7246819,
    "version_s": "186",
    "version_i": 186,
    "branch": "master",
    "compatibility": 1,
    "order": null,
    "initials_patch": {
        "suede": {
            "white": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "white"
            "black": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "black"
            "navy": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "navy"
            "cobalt": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "cobalt"
            "red": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "red"
            "fuchsia": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "fuchsia"
            "chocolate": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "chocolate"
            "terracotta": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "terracotta"
            "beige": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "beige"
            "forest_green": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "forest_green"
        "hairy_calf": {
            "white": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "white"
            "black": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "black"
            "navy": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "navy"
            "cobalt": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "cobalt"
            "red": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "red"
            "fuchsia": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "fuchsia"
            "terracotta": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "terracotta"
            "tan": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "beige"
            "mustard": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "mustard"
            "burnt_orange": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "burnt_orange"
            "leopard": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "beige"
            "camouflage": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "forest_green"
        "ostrich": {
            "white": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "white"
            "black": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "black"
            "tan": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "terracotta"
            "neon_yellow": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "neon_yellow"
            "grey": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "grey"
        "python": {
            "white": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "white"
            "black": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "black"
            "natural": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "off_white"
            "silver": {
                "material": "metallic",
                "color": "silver"
            "gold": {
                "material": "metallic",
                "color": "gold"
            "neon_white": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "off_white"
        "crocodile": {
            "white": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "white"
            "black": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "black"
            "navy": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "navy"
            "red": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "red"
            "tan": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "terracotta"
            "nude": {
                "material": "nappa",
                "color": "beige"
            "silver": {
                "material": "metallic",
                "color": "silver"
            "antique_gold": {
                "material": "metallic",
                "color": "gold"
    "initials_patch_materials": [
    "initials_dot_materials": [
    "initials_pivot_part": "front",
    "always_patch": false,
    "alias": null,
    "restrictions": [],
    "meta": {},
    "locales": [
    "variant": null

This endpoint returns the configuration of a product with the given brand, model and variant.

HTTP Request


PATH Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
brand yes text Brand's name.
model yes text Model's name.

GET Parameters

Parameter Mandatory Type Default Description
variant no number null The product's variant.



Field Type Description
brand text Build's brand.
name text Build's name.
description text Product description text.
title text Product marketing name.
style text Style (as an open string) of the model.
scale text Scale available for the product.
gender text The gender of the product, it can be "male", "female" or "both".
observations text Complementary description text.
tags list List of tags that define certain behaviours for the product.
sizes dictionary The start, end, and step for each scale of each available gender.
frames number The number of side frames, all other views are considered to have only one frame.
faces list of text The available perspective of the product.
faces_m dictionary The number of frames of each face and a boolean to define if there is a thumbnail or not.
parts dictionary Describes all customization products part and correspondent materials and colors.
defaults dictionary Default material and color for every part.
hidden list of text The parts that can't be customized by the end user.
order dictionary Defines the order in which the original parts, materials and colors should be presented in the layout.
alias dictionary Defines visual alias for part, materials or colors, note that a fully qualified name may be used to reduce ambiguity.
blacklist dictionary Prevent combinations of appearing.
restrictions list of dictionary Prevents parts or pairs of material-color from appearing together, meaning that when one is present on the customization, the other won't appear in the UI for selection, special cases exist for a single element item where that combination is always excluded from the UI (hard restriction).
sync dictionary the parts that must have the same material and color, when one is changed the others should also change to the same combination.
z_index list of text Defines the part's priorities for drawing, this should ensure proper layering of the model (no hidden parts).

Order Endpoints

An order includes general information about a product's transaction entry and processing. Platforme API allows access to that information from the already existing orders but also to import new orders to the system. Furthermore, production order reports may be generated.


The list endpoint returns the existing orders according to the given parameters. If no parameters are given, it will 10 orders the user has permissions to access. A user only has permission to access and modify data related to him, meaning that he can only access data from the brands he is responsible for.

Query support can be consulted here

Example Request

curl "[]=shoe:eq:vyner" \
  -H "X-Secret-Key: $RIPE_KEY"

Example Response

        "_id": "5c7fe48e4ce4e700625c7213",
        "id": 4692,
        "number": 4692,
        "enabled": true,
        "description": null,
        "created": 1551885454,
        "modified": 1670425697,
        "meta": {
            "sku": "654a29e7-8cf9-4446-98f4-f7dff2f4dc54",
            "notified": 1670425696
        "key": "51ee733a131bc68d2112aca82626879ceda76de9",
        "status": "production",
        "production_status": "unset",
        "production": "produce",
        "gender": "female",
        "currency": "USD",
        "country": "US",
        "price": 400.0,
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